I just wondered this, because I am thinking of trying los for the first time, and I keep hearing people say that los is totally different. I'd just assumed that the los snus was the portion snus minus the bag.
How does the tobacco in portions differ from los?
Paul JolleyTags: None
The portion tobacco is less dense and I believe it contains less moisture. I also think there is an additional binding agent added to los which helps in the baking process (i'm not positive about that).
Honestly, though, Sage is mopst likely the guy for this one. I know about as much about portions as I do about how women think :lol:
Why would y'all think I would know anything about this. I use portions, I rarely even read the los threads, let alone know how los is made.
I do know they ARE made a bit differently, but never really paid any attention to the details. But if you rip open portion bags, I know from other experience that the snus is NOT the same as the los.
I will say that it is time soon for my yearly attempt to like los. Someone we all know thinks I don't like it cause I don't "try hard enough". :lol: :lol: :lol:
But so much good new los out, I need to try some. Plus, for the first time ever, Phantom blue los. Who knows, maybe I will finally be enticed over to the dark side. :wink:
In V2 portions, the difference is immediately noticable, most others like Swedish Match, not so much. One main difference is that portions use all parts of the tobacco leaf and not just the nonstem higher quality parts that most los does. Loose must also have something extra added to hold it together better, because the portion tobacco usually will not (most swedish match does stick together within white portions though.
Portion snus is more finely ground, just like pouch dip is more finely cut, and the tobacco is more basic to aid in absorption of nicotine through the portion material. Also, since it is ground finer, it retains less moisture due to more surface area exposed to air.
Plus, los just tastes better.