Los Advice?

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  • taketwoaspirin
    • Jan 2009
    • 18

    Los Advice?

    Alright, so I'm ready to try some los! (I think...)

    So far my favourite portions have been:

    General Original (White not quite as good but nearly)
    Skruf Original (Ditto)
    Skruf Cranberry
    Goat Rape No2.

    My absolute favourite being the General. All those swedes can't be wrong!

    I'm just about to put in an order for a roll of General Original portions, and I've got room for one extra can withing the shipping limit, so I think i'll order a can of Los and a prismaster to see if I like it.

    Question is: which Los? My obvious choice is General, but am I right in thinking this is the one I'd be most likely to enjoy because General portions are my favourite?

    Any other ideas?

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    General's a good choice for you. You'll be able to compare it with the portions to see how they differ. It's also easy to handle, so you won't have problems baking it.


    • outsidelinebacker20
      • Aug 2008
      • 187

      General, Ettan, Skruf.....



      • cocsp2002
        • Jul 2008
        • 509

        I've snused General los for nearly a year now almost exclusively. You will love it if you like the portions.

        Once you get used to holding your pris for several minutes, try an unbaned hilbilly pinch. The flavor and nicotine rush are pretty incomparable.


        • spirit72
          • Apr 2008
          • 1013

          Re: Los Advice?

          If you like Rape' #2, you might like Rape' lös. I love the stuff.

          Same with Skruf, you might like Skruf lös too. It's just a bit stronger than the portions, though.

          If you like General, you might like Gotlandssnus Yellow too. A bit harder to keep together than the Swedish Match brands, but rather yummy.


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            Get the General. You'll love it.


            • Starcadia
              • May 2008
              • 646

              Yah, General was my first, and I liked it. It led to other things; the "gateway", as it were, to loose snus.


              • Kerprodo
                • Apr 2008
                • 138

                Best choice for lös trial, the buysnus mix roll, cheap and I've always gotten a good mix.


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  General was my first as well, although I quit using it early on. I would recommend some Roda Lacket, myself.....it's a good los starter snus since it bakes great and holds together well under the lip.


                  • jamesstew
                    • May 2008
                    • 1440

                    My faves are General, Gotlands Gul, and (thought I'd never say it) Phantom Blue.


                    • ShaulWolf
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 495

                      I think it's about damn time I try some los now. Going to throw in a tin of Ettan los with my next order. Depending on how I like the feel of it I'll get some Grov los in the order after that. From what I hear the flavor in both changes a bit from the portions I'm used to.


                      • sychodelix
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 280

                        Ettan los is terrific. It's easy to bake and tastes great.


                        • taketwoaspirin
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 18

                          Ok, that seems like enough of a consensus to me! Order placed today for a roll of General portions and a can of General Los and a prismaster (from Buysnus)

                          I'm worried now that I'll love the taste of the Los so much that I'll be wanting to do it all the time, but I might not be able to do it without getting my teeth all covered in bits! (nice look, eh?!)

                          Thanks everyone for the advice


                          • jamesstew
                            • May 2008
                            • 1440

                            BTW, if you find the pris size too big and unwieldy with the prismaster you can do what I do. I form the pris with the Prismaster and pop it out into my hand, then slightly work it into a nicer, more comfortable cylinder shape.


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