It was horrible, horrible!!!
Never again, never again!
Actually Condor, you are going about it exactly right. I always say it tastes like a**. As long as you approach Elyxr KNOWING it won't taste great, you are expecting it, and can better appreciate and notice what it DOES for you.
And DO, Elyxr does better than anything I have ever tried.
It is when folks try Elyxr expecting it to taste like any other snus, that problems happen. It really does taste off, as caffeine and taurine just doesn't taste very good. But get as addicted to the effects as I am, you come to almost appreciate the funky taste.
Almost. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And jamesstew, YOU should know better!! :wink:
Originally posted by jamesstewI know, and I'm willing to give it another try as I did like the caffeine buzz. Maybe three in three hours was a bit too much. Funny thing is it didn't taste too bad at first but I couldn't shake the taste for the rest of the day. I'll be brave and give it another shot.
As I have always had major sleep issues, and on any given night, may only end up with 4 or 5 hours sleep, these things really have been the most amazing discovery I have ever made. No matter how little sleep I have had, put these things in, and I feel GOOD within 30 minutes, feel REALLY good.
I can put up with the taste to get that good feeling. Folks who don't understand the functional role Elyxr plays will just not ever get it. But folks who DO get it, they GET it!! :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by JBeanOriginally posted by sagedilAh, but for me, Redbull and absolute is MY drink. Nothing better ;->
not me ...i have to watch my intake when at parties...or anywhere that i can potentially do something stupid and not have to worry about consequences