I find Goteborg Rape bland

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  • Raddleman

    I find Goteborg Rape bland

    Hi folks, been a while since my last post,

    I have now tried Goteborg Rape #2 (which I gathered has the most added flavour of the two) and well, found it rather bland. Yes, the juniper and wild berries do 'flirt' with your tastebuds, but I am used to Offroad Wintergreen, which doesn't exactly boast a subtle flavour. Not that keen on white portions either, which didn't help. Of course, OR WR is not to everyone's tastes, but I have a penchant for my proverbial socks being knocked off by superimposed flavours (Philistine!) :wink:

    :idea: I do accept that other snusers' opinions may wildly differ from mine, given my relative lack of experience.
  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    I can't really say that I find it bland, but the taste doesn't seem to last as long as I remember. Taste buds adjusting, I guess. G. Rape was one of my favorites when I first started, but it's actually been a long while since I last ordered it.

    Other than General, I've noticed that I have been buying less and less SM brands lately....weird.


    • Maximus
      • Jan 2009
      • 222

      I find that the Got Rape No 2 is much better in the flavor department after I have been spending time with the more basic tobacco flavors. Then the juniper and berries seem to come out more than if I have been using a flavored snus and then go to the No 2. I would maybe put it aside for the moment until you have been using less of the flavored and maybe try it again at the end of a day where you have been using the more traditional tobacco flavored.


      • luckysealy
        • Dec 2008
        • 281

        i wouldn't worry about it. maybe this is why so many snus flavors are available. if we all liked the same thing it would be so boring. myself after using american style dip for most of my life i'm finding i enjoy the subtle flavors. the longer i snus the better it gets.


        • rsuelzer
          • Feb 2009
          • 135

          I personally can't stand any goteberg. I don't know why, just doesn't have any tobacco taste to me, just salt.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            I've yet to try any Goteborg Rape snus. Reason being, I'm not a big fan of flavored snus or white portions.


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              I like G.R.

              My brain doesn't. I get a headache almost every time I have it. Something unique that I don't experience with other snus.

              Wish it agreed with me. I'm referring to the loose btw.

              The portions suck. Are much different flavor, to me.


              • AZSnus
                • Feb 2009
                • 29

                I also seem to get a headache when using these. I do like the taste at first but it seems to run out quickly.


                • PassedPawn
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 319

                  I think that's the reason I like them. GR#2 doesn't try to hit you over the head with it's concoction of flavor and to my taste buds they seem to last a long time. Not something I'd want to chain snus with but definitely something I like when I want a little break from straight tobacco flavor.


                  • Ainkor
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 1144

                    GR #2 is my current favorite by a long shot. What I personally love about it is the subtle tickling of the taste buds as time goes on. I find that I can nurse one for about an hour and a half easy, sometimes more.

                    I do agree with the person that the flavor comes out even more if I alternate between it and a plain snus.

                    The one thing I love the most about snus is that everyone has a different taste and different likes and dislikes! It's fun to hear others opinions, thanks for sharing!


                    • Xakz
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 79

                      Göteborgs Rapé Lössnus is the BEST favourite snus of all.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        I came into this thread swinging, ready to start a fight. Some people just need a little RAPE in their lives...

