What flavor do you like?

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  • jimbo
    New Member
    • Feb 2007
    • 9

    What flavor do you like?

    :?: i have been snusing Gotlandssnus for a couple of years! they have elderberry, anis and classic. My favorit flavor is the anis! whats yours?
    for you who dont know Gotlandssnus.. they have it on northerner and info on www.gotlandssnus.com
    :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
  • mwood72

    Re: What flavor do you like?

    Originally posted by jimbo
    :?: i have been snusing Gotlandssnus for a couple of years! they have elderberry, anis and classic. My favorit flavor is the anis! whats yours?
    for you who dont know Gotlandssnus.. they have it on northerner and info on www.gotlandssnus.com
    :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
    Did like their JuleSnus back in December...Wish they did more varieties..


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      All jimbo seems to do is advertise for Gotlandssnus... you're not on the payroll, are you, jimbo, mate? :lol:

      Not a big fan of Gotlands, myself. It's not bad snus, but it's not great either...only portions too. :?


      • jimbo
        New Member
        • Feb 2007
        • 9

        Originally posted by Zero
        All jimbo seems to do is advertise for Gotlandssnus... you're not on the payroll, are you, jimbo, mate? :lol:

        Not a big fan of Gotlands, myself. It's not bad snus, but it's not great either...only portions too. :?
        Just an islander from Gotland! whom reely like Gotlandssnus verry much.
        and is interestd of others experiencis of Gotlandssnus!
        i know they sell most of there snus on The butiful island of Gotland. and only a small amount outboards! :wink: "they have loose snus too" :idea:


        • nzkiwi
          • Jan 2007
          • 141

          My favorites are(not necessarily in this order): Gotesborg rape(no 1), Lucky Strike, kronan, L.D original(red), skruf tranbar.

          Still haven't tasted them all, but working on it.


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Hey Jimbo,

            until now, I haven't tried any Gotlandssnus. The last time I ordered, Northerner stated "available within 6-8 days" for the Elderberry Portions. This is 'deadly', if you are just about to run out of snus. My next order will be a little earlier and I think I'll certainly try this brand.

            Another brand, that I'm interested in, is the Yellow loose variety. Could you please give any description on how it tastes? The description on The Northerner's website is kinda poor and I have not found any other review.



            • Craig de Tering
              • Nov 2006
              • 525

              I never knew Gotlandssnus had 4 flavors!?
              The description for yellow says "A popular snus with classic taste. Full and tasteful of tobacco...." as per my poor translation.

              Heh, I overlooked the small english flag elsewhere on the site:


              • jimbo
                New Member
                • Feb 2007
                • 9

                Originally posted by chainsnuser
                Hey Jimbo,

                until now, I haven't tried any Gotlandssnus. The last time I ordered, Northerner stated "available within 6-8 days" for the Elderberry Portions. This is 'deadly', if you are just about to run out of snus. My next order will be a little earlier and I think I'll certainly try this brand.

                Another brand, that I'm interested in, is the Yellow loose variety. Could you please give any description on how it tastes? The description on The Northerner's website is kinda poor and I have not found any other review.

                The yellow flavor is an small reminder to General/ettan. but gotlandssnus does not have any smokeflavor in any brand. so its a lot milder then general! "rose, bergamotte and so on"

                And for my knowlege they sell elderportion al year round!

                And as i said before Gotlandssnus is problably the smallest producer of snus on the market! thats why i like it so much.. lokalpatrioism :wink:


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Thanks, Jimbo! Looks like I will try the Gul- and the Grönsnus with my next order. I too guess, that the Elderberry Portions are available the whole year, but last time, I ordered, they weren't in stock at Northerner's webshop and I haven't had the time to wait, because I had not enough snus left.

                  Thanks, Craig! I already knew the site, but "A popular snus with classic taste. Full-bodied with tobacco taste, a feeling of Gotland" was no good description to me about the actual taste.

                  Yeah, think I'll simply try the stuff! A snus without smokeflavor sounds very interesting.



                  • anweis
                    • Aug 2006
                    • 70

                    In order of preference (all pouches)
                    1. Gotlandsnus green, but only if it is flavored with elderberry flowers and not some cheap artificial flavor
                    2. General Onyx
                    3. Kronan
                    3. Goteborgs Rape no. 2

                    i do like to try anis flavor from time to time (Wise dry pouches or Romeo y Julieta) or licorice/apricot (Roda), but not to use them regularly.

                    The General is the one that i never get tired of.


                    • LaZeR
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 3994

                      SOrry for bumping this I was searching for the "flavor" requests thread and this is the closest one I found.

                      I would like to see a Blueberry Flavored snus.


                      • danielan
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1514

                        Join the SnusX dark-side



                        • LaZeR
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 3994

                          Originally posted by danielan
                          OMG! Anyone made any home-made blueberry snoose with this shit? Any good?

                          Oh, Thanks!


                          • danielan
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1514

                            No, I'll add it to the list though, I'm going to do a purchase from there this weekend.


                            • SnusGuy
                              • May 2010
                              • 83

                              I really like the tobacco flavor of Lucky Strike Bold portions. Its so strong!!

                              Roda Lacket is also nice as an occasional Snus, I find it tastes fruity!


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