Los: Fine, medium, coarse... differences?

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  • btrip
    • Feb 2009
    • 96

    Los: Fine, medium, coarse... differences?

    I'm new to snus but I am loving my Grov los. I think I'm going to be one of those pouch by day, los by night kind of snusers.

    I was at Northerner browsing some of the los and saw different types of cuts. I saw "Fine" and thought that must be what Grov is, because man that stuff is fine. I scroll up to Grov and it says that Grov is "coarse".

    So is fine like, powder? I mean, how much finer can it get? I thought Grov was pretty darn fine. The texture of Grov reminds me a lot of dirt (though it tastes a lot better!)

    Could someone explain the differences in cuts for me?

    Much appreciated,
  • Condor
    • Sep 2008
    • 752

    "Grov" means "coarse"...it is a coarse cut snus, but if you buys some Goat Prima Fint, and compare them, you will see a very clear difference, and feel a very clear difference when its under your lip.....try it out and experiment!


    • bakerbarber
      • Jun 2008
      • 1947

      The fine cut snus like Roda Lacket have the consistency of Play Dough or clay.


      • btrip
        • Feb 2009
        • 96

        Originally posted by bakerbarber
        The fine cut snus like Roda Lacket have the consistency of Play Dough or clay.
        Good to know.

        I'm guessing medium is going to be like Snuff and long is going to be similar to something like Skoal?


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          Coarse grind snus resemble Play-Dough and fine grind snus is similar to fine cut dip tobacco. I prefer coarse snus because it's easier to bake and retains its shape better. If you want a challenge, trying something loose by Gotlandssnus (in my opinion, its the hardest snus to bake).


          • cocsp2002
            • Jul 2008
            • 509

            Fine grind are supposedly easier to bake, whereas coarse is supposed to have more texture under the lip.

            In my opinion, coarse grind snus tends to stick together better under the lip and needs less baking to stay put, whereas fine grind does bake very easily, but it falls apart more easily and has a "fluffier" feel in your mouth.

            The coarse grinds also seem to have a bit more flavor sooner, but that's probably because I bake them less, if at all.


            • jamesstew
              • May 2008
              • 1440

              Fine ground snus seems to move under my lip, slip out of place. It also doesn't retain it's shape.

