hey guys, i'm back from the dead. i thought i'd ask about oden's... i'm a general man myself(sterk varieties) and i enjoy lots of other kinds but I usually rotate it between general onyx, extra sterk, general sterk, and skruf stark. i'm fairly low on money and i was thinking about getting a roll of either knox or kronan(my two favorite cheap snuses) but i wanted to try something new. i primarily use portions and loose on occasion. How is the taste in contrast to something like general? cinnamon sounds good but i'm not sure if i could handle using it every day, so i was thinking maybe the original extra stark. I know it's weird but I really prefer to order rolls... I have a problem ordering cans of random stuff if i don't order a roll of SOMETHING. I may just take a chance and get a roll of it but I wanted to know the taste of original(and cinnamon, for that matter). BTW, since i started snusing about 2 years ago i somehow started an underground snusing community in my area, which is pretty cool.
Oden's compared to General