Lucky Strike white mini
What's in your mouth?
Right now, I'm coming up on my last few minutes of a Rape No.2 portion, but im about to pop in a Roda portion as soon as i tire of this one (chain snusing FTW)
And to me Goteborgs Rape is full of flavor! slight hint of tobacco, with some fresh herbiness in there. the Rape No.2 is so much better. all the good of Rape, with some berriness to it!
Originally posted by TripEMTthe Rape No.2 is so much better. all the good of Rape, with some berriness to it!
Cowboy 1: Next!
Cowboy 2 : What's your favorite snus?
Snushead: Rape, general and rape
Cowboy 1: Why did you say rape twice?
Snushead: Cause I like rape, both kinds!
Ok, so it sounded much funnier in my head :P
Lump o' Cope. I've been a bit short on cash lately (double visit from the parents followed by the in-laws...) so I've been enjoying the flavor of barrel aged Virginia tobacco. It's only 2.99 a can at my local NEX.
Spitting sucks, but you really can't beat the flavor.
(P.S. - I know I've trashed Copenhagen on this site in the past; I guess I turned the corner on it. Sorry, Copenhagen...I love you!)
A pris of Ettan loose. 2.5 notches on my 3ml Icetool. In for an hour and still going strong.
There is some sadness in it though. I only have about 2 pris worth of Ettan left. A new roll is on it's way, but it never gets here quick enough when you're out of the good stuff.
There is also happiness, however, as I've got an almost full can of Grov on standby.
And now for something completely different...
1st time use of Offroad Hot Honey Portion.
Whew! I don't know what to think about this. Initial entry had a bit of juice explosion, kinda strong and stinging, but didn't last long. Definately has a strong flavor of honey... not sure what the hot is.
And it seems to have given me a hacking fit, not a gut nausea, but a lung expectorant. I was also drinking som hot tea, which may have aided with that as well.
Bit of a runny nose too. That's all clearing up now though. This is very different. Anyone esle tried this? I like honey, but it seems an odd snus flavor. What's in this stuff? It kinda reminded me of American chewing tobacco when I 1st put it in.
It has all mellowed out now, and not much juice or flavor now at all. It's been almost a half an hour.
Interesting, I'll do another after lunch. I do like this more than Gotesborg Rape though.
Originally posted by tom502And now for something completely different...
1st time use of Offroad Hot Honey Portion.
Right now I'm enjoying my first Claq Qui. Tastes a lot like Skruf but with a tad bit of sweetness. Yummmmm.
Well, I dont taste liquorice(sp?) but it does have an odd flavor, be it honey, just seems an odd flavor, and that's what I taste mainly. But also, the juice burst only lasted about 10 mins, then it was rather tasteless. I'll try another after lunch, as my plan is to try one certain type a day. I am curious also if it will have the expectorant affect it seemed to this morning.
OK, Offroad Hot Honey Portion, 2nd try...
Nope, don't like it. It's rather nasty. Still gave me an expectorant affect, and slight runny nose. I guess it's the ingrediants, like a hot toddy.
But yeah, the flavor is rather yucky. I did it twice now, but I don't think I can do a 3rd try.
So far, the best remains, General Dry Mini Mint.
I still have a few more to sample.
Ettan portion at the moment.
Picked up a can of Grov Lös, Göteborgs Rapé, Ettan Portion and General Portion today. I think I'll have a go at Grov Lös tomorrow when this can of Ettan is empty.
Turned my assistant on to snus today. Got him some Catch Dry Mini Portion (which he seems to like a lot) and a can of General Mini White Portion. It looks like he's going to trade in the cigs for snus like I am. Snus power.
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