Reason to quit snus?

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  • anweis
    • Aug 2006
    • 70

    Reason to quit snus?

    I am 38 and have been snusing since last year. After 20 years of smoking, i quit thanks to snus.
    Mine quitting smoking is my greatest accomplishment, and believe me, i did things such as hike 500 miles across mountains. I am also hyper-educated (PhD, post-doc, and all that crap) and quitting smoking still feels like one the the toughest things i ever did.

    Now, i wonder if there is any reason to quit snus? I use about 12-14 pouches per day, and i hate to admit it, there is a pouch of Kronan or General under my lip almost constantly. Is the increased blood pressure going to kill me, or some chemical?

    Cheers. Good Bless the Swedes. And all of you.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    I would think that if you were otherwise out of shape, eating poorly, or whatever that may have some sort of knock-on, synergetic effects of badness, but I think if you're a person of good health and activity, eat a proper healthy diet, etc, it can't possibly do that much harm. I consider it on equal footing with something like a cup of coffee. I'm not a medical expert, mind you, but I've read a number of the publications out there on snus...for what it's worth


    • nicotinedream
      • Oct 2006
      • 66

      anweis.....notice that no one posts for you to give up Snus?


      • littlesilverboxfromwales
        • Mar 2007
        • 118

        Should you give up Snus?
        Will high blood pressure kill you?
        As far as giving up Snus, well it's not good to be dependent on something, but if it gives you tremendous pleasure and won't shorten your life considerably or destroy your quality of life, does it really matter?
        High blood pressure can be monitored and treated no problem
        My father in laws pressure looked like a cricket score :shock: , but with his medication is perfect now, He might live another 20 years! :cry: :wink:


        • Craig de Tering
          • Nov 2006
          • 525

          Seriously Anweis, this is akin to asking guys at a frat party for a reason to quit drinking....or something like that. (Considering snus is much healthier than booze, that is) Or asking the pope for a reason to convert to islam.

          Anyhow, maybe Googling for all the bad things in tobacco, printing those out in big fat letters a couple of times and plastering your surroundings in those until you're convinced might help. :wink:

          My only incentive *could* be perhaps the money spent on snus and the occasional black teeth rims that go unnoticed all day until you hit the toilet.


          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Hi Anweis,

            I recommend StarWing's links:


            and also some others:


            for the best informations on that issue.

            If you want some anti-tobacco-websites, yeah, just google a minute. They are not hard to find. Just compare the few harm-reduction websites with the huge number of childish-bogus-propaganda-websites, claiming that tobacco is the work of the devil and your face will corrode after some pinches of dip or snus...

            BTW, why aren't there any anti-tobacco-websites (exspecially when talking about anti-smokeless-tobacco), that not seem to be only aimed at children or, so to say, idiots? So much public money is obviously wasted to pay anti-tobacco-activists, who seem to be idiots themselves rather than scientists.

            Just make your own decision!



            • littlesilverboxfromwales
              • Mar 2007
              • 118

              The people who run these anti sites are probably skimming a nice fat salary of some government.


              • anweis
                • Aug 2006
                • 70

                Originally posted by littlesilverboxfromwales
                The people who run these anti sites are probably skimming a nice fat salary of some government.
                Actually, you are right, but not directly from the government. The Tobacco industry pays money to the government for anti- tobacco campaigns, the governments use 90% for things not related to tobacco (including subsidies to tobacco farmers), and the remaining 10% pays fat salaries and conferences in Hawaii to a bunch of dishonest morons.

                Long live snus.


                • Zero
                  • May 2006
                  • 1522

                  Tobacco or no tobacco, everything is run by dishonest morons. This will change in our lifetime, though, I can almost guarantee that. Big things are afoot in this world of ours...


                  • littlesilverboxfromwales
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 118

                    I think the world is getting worse by the day. My generation is making a right cock-up of things.


                    • carotevi
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 64

                      Originally posted by Zero
                      Tobacco or no tobacco, everything is run by dishonest morons. This will change in our lifetime, though, I can almost guarantee that.
                      It's a good thing you included "almost" ;-)


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