Public perception of snus, ignorance...

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  • Raddleman

    Public perception of snus, ignorance...

    This post has been long overdue, and has been at the back of my mind for a while. Here in the UK snus is rather obscure; most people that surround me have never heard of it, and to be honest the unrefined scare-tactics of the government and the nhs has clearly gotten through to them. My doctor thinks I will get oral cancer, my boss says to my colleagues, "We're ok guys, we're not on any tobacco". The only people I know personally that are supportive are my immediate close friends and family, who have had the benefit of 'education' regarding snus . I am utterly fed up of this ignorance inherent in the public, echoed by the reverberating phrase "quit or die". The only real educated support I get on a daily basis is from snuson, so thank you. If it wasn't for you guys, I've have given in to the machine of public ignorance.

  • TripEMT
    • Oct 2008
    • 100

    I know exactly what you are talking about. Everything you said, along with people seeing the can, and making a snide comment about dip, and giving me a face of disgust.

    I feel the same way about the forum. even if I'm not posting. Just reading the threads, and seeing all the support (especially among recent smoking quitters) helps.


    • ShaulWolf
      • Jan 2009
      • 495

      +1 on everything here. It's really bad in the northern part of the US, where everything seems to be going anti-tobacco. I'll agree that cigarettes and other forms of smoking aren't healthy, cigarettes in particular. However, dipping is still better, and snus isn't anywhere near cigarettes or dip. The only people who get it are some close friends and my sister. Jackie isn't too keen on it, but only because it reminds her too much of dipping, which involves spitting. I can understand that, and respect it because she respects the fact that I snus. I can't stand the people that just have to make a snide comment if they notice the tin, or start preaching about how dangerous that is. Whole other rant on that, though.

      I'll stop myself now, I think I'll just be preaching to the choir at this point. Thanks, guys, for giving a welcome and friendly place that's really informative. Guys like sagedil, Xobe, Condor, PP, and others make this forum rock out.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        I don't even try to explain the benefits and relatively small health risks of snus anymore; it simply goes through one ear and out the other for most people. If they want to know, I will inform them about snus. It just seems easier to ignore people rather than try to convince them otherwise.


        • ShaulWolf
          • Jan 2009
          • 495

          I think my campus is one of the few places I don't get off looks. It's a military college in South Carolina. Tons of people dip and it's not uncommon for the professors to see a student pull out a spitter. A few guys were curious and I told 'em about snus, and they seemed to like the sound of it. The thing they didn't like is having to order it online and wait for it. Can't win 'em all. :roll:


          • cocsp2002
            • Jul 2008
            • 509

            Tell 'em to order from getsnus. I know sage hates the site, but you can't beat 3 day shipping (4 days on my "slow" order) to Georgia. Southern GA at that.

            Limited selection aside, fascist competition-bashing aside, all hatred aside, you can't beat their shipping. Plus 10% discount on 5 can orders (same brand) and 20% discount on rolls.


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              **** 'em...

              Be your own man...

              Snus On!


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Yeah! Snus On. I tell my close friends about it, and my fiance is completely cool with it. But yeah I live and work in Seattle proper, where even dipping would be met with serious looks of disdain. But there are plenty of smokers here, around whom I don't feel weird at all. I'm happy to tell them how much better I'm breathing, smelling, and how much easier it is for me to go run a few miles. As far as coworkers and family, I don't even mention it. But if someone sees me put a portion in, or when I get my shipment sent to work from, I just say "it's a tobacco product" and leave it at that. Let them think what they may think...


                • woof
                  New Member
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 8

                  Some friends who I used to smoke with and haven't seen in some time recently witnessed me not smoking and snusing instead. Tried to explain what it was, but ended up just getting a bunch of scrunched up, confused, and disgusted faces staring back at me, as if to say "you put this shit in your mouth?" my only thought was "i can't believe you still suck this down into your lungs..."


                  • Raddleman

                    Originally posted by woof
                    Tried to explain what it was, but ended up just getting a bunch of scrunched up, confused, and disgusted faces staring back at me, as if to say "you put this shit in your mouth?"
                    Yeah, I've had that one. Sucks.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      My bandmate smokes regularly, he doesn't have any interest in it, and I don't know if he'd even try it. He just likes to smoke and doesn't want to stop, same with my father. My other friend, he was interested, and I gave him my can of Camel Mellow, he said his 1st try made him a bit "sick", but then he went and bought a Camel Frost himself. Next time I see him, I'll let him have some Swedish of a flavor I think is ok. I think he'd like this Grand Prix Wintergreen I am using today. I did mention it to a co-worker, who doesn't smoke at all, and was more a joke, as he was saying one morning he needed coffee, and I said I had some Swedish smokless tobacco if he wanted, and he said caffine is enough of a drug for him.



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