New Snus user looking for some reccomendations

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  • exexpat93
    • Jul 2008
    • 76

    Sort of...

    The portion size is about the same as Camel Snus.

    It is a dry, white colored (not sure if it actually classifies as a white SNUS - something totally different I think makes a Snus white) bag.

    The taste is less sweet than CAMEL but more mild than a standard Swedish Tobacco or Pepper or Citrus or Fruity SNUS.

    I would call them more neutral in flavor.

    Camel Snus has been described by some to taste like an artificially flavored ice tea in it's sweetness (not a knock on that as I actually like sweetened ice tea and sweetened hot teas).

    WISE (I THINK IT IS RENAMED Ooomph Brand SNUS now...) is very close to Camel. It is neither too sweet or offensive in any way.

    WISE or Ooomph has about the same amount of nicotine as the Camel too (4mg) while most Swedish Snus has (8mg) and the strong Snus' have anywhere from (11mg to 17mg) of nicotine.

    17mg of nicotine is the MEGATON doseage of Snus and I quite like it being an EX "Edward R. Murrow" type chain smoker.

    Bottom line.

    Use SNUS to stop smoking! You'll love it! Experiment with brands and have fun.


    • snusX
      • Feb 2009
      • 21

      Re: Sort of...

      Originally posted by exexpat93
      WISE (I THINK IT IS RENAMED Ooomph Brand SNUS now...) is very close to Camel. It is neither too sweet or offensive in any way.

      WISE or Ooomph has about the same amount of nicotine as the Camel too (4mg) while most Swedish Snus has (8mg) and the strong Snus' have anywhere from (11mg to 17mg) of nicotine.
      Where can I order the Wise?
      Has anyone tried the GeneralDRY Mini Mint portions? Those sound pretty good.


      • fugitiveinkblot
        • Feb 2009
        • 93

        Oomph (formerly Wise) is readily available at both (hehe) and


        • Gowrie
          • Nov 2008
          • 26

          I just took a 5 day trip with a tin each of Oomph, and General Mint. They were discrete, didn't smell, and I never craved more nicotine or more flavor.
          I had a tin of Skruf Stark for backup but I only used a couple.

          Of course now I'm home and snussing like a hog.

