I just saw this on Facebook Pages too while randomly looking over snus. Any word on where to find it?
Færch snus
I was trying to find it with køb løssnus (I'm improvising my Danish here, forgive me if I massacre anybody's mother language), and I didn't see it. However, I came across one guy posting to ask where you can buy portions in Copenhagen (or København, as I becoming more used to seeing). Half the posts where people going "What the hell's this portion snus? Never heard of it." I laughed.
The tin alone would make me buy that snus! The name is awesome too, I have no idea how to pronounce it so I'll call it "Farck" snus...makes me giggle every time I say it. hehehe...I just took my sleepy time pill, so I am getting goofy. What is it called when somebody passes gas during sex? Farck. Okay, I'll stop, I'm retarded I know...
nope its still made in assens denmark by orlik
Originally posted by smeden
I had the CWO and the Goteborg from them, and it was pretty good snus. I like Orlik's Goteborg better than SM's. The juniper flavor's toned down a bit. Their snus is different from Swedish made snus. I guess the Danes just have a unique take on the style. There's some similarity between Orlik and V2, kind of like SM has with other Swedish brands.