several freshness questions (newbie)

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  • RealmofOpeth
    • May 2007
    • 407

    several freshness questions (newbie)

    totally new snus user here...
    been doing american dip for several years. sick of it.

    now onto snus but confused about 'freshness' on several angles, hence the massive post.

    I realize you have to keep them cool to prevent them from going bad.
    I ordered from Northerner last wednesday, shipped on thursday, got it today (monday). to New Jersey that is.
    Pretty sweet delivery time

    Anyway the weather is still relatively cool but warm in the midday...not sure if it has been 'heated' on it's way over here.
    Since this is my first batch of snus, I'm not sure if it's the right freshness that is to be expected or not.
    Doesn't seem to be 'bad', but I'm not sure if it's 'too subtle' either, as far as flavor. I can definitely taste it, but get little to no flavor unless I get it nice and saliva-soaked and swish the flavoring through my mouth..(something that American dip doesn't require, it's so potent it requires no form of manipulation to get the flavor out of)..which leads to needing to spit of course. I'm aware snus isn't anywhere near as potent as dip but if I can't or barely taste it without using saliva, and spit is supposed to be very low or nonexistent with snus...I'm having a hard time understanding how to get the flavor without the spit basically, unless it is bad.

    Also about on wondering if they've lost any bit of original quality...I've got several brands here and they seem to be rather similar in their overall taste/smell. Maybe it is just the character of snus tobacco? The same way that american dip tobacco has a common underlying smell/taste to it beyond the distinct flavors? It seems snus 'common' taste overpowers their respective flavors they come in so far.
    Since I have to rely on ordering, how do I tell if my snus is as fresh as it is intended to be?

    Onto the next inquiry...

    Anyways, I have 10 cans and not decided on if I want to use them sequentially (1 can at a time), a couple cans at a time, or all of them at a time (not portions from them all at one usage of course, but having opened them all and trying a different one every time I put one in)
    Obviously doing 1 can and onto the next is the best way to keep them fresh. But I also want to do it in a variety and compare them to each other so I don't forget what a certain brand taste like in comparison to the others. Is this a bad idea?

    How does one go about keeping it fresh if they're all opened and being sampled from? Is it okay to put back in the refrigerator after it has reached room temp?
    I know with beer, recooling it repeatedly can make it lose it's flavor pretty fast. Is it the same with snus?
    How long can snus stay room temp before it goes bad? If I have snus in my pocket, it will get warm since it's against my body...will this ruin it or severely shorten it's freshness so I have to use it rapidly?
  • carotevi
    • Mar 2007
    • 64


    i grew up playing with dip but i was never a real fan but i know a little about American dip. to me the flavor of snus is not as pungent as dip. being a snus fan to me dip is "fake" tasting. maybe that makes sense and maybe it don't but the best way i can think to put it right now.

    also it matters what kind of snus your using and what form (loose/portions) and how much. if your used to dip snus will take some getting used to i expect.

    here's one thought that comes to mind with snus vers dip. snus is normally used under the upper lip and not lower. i have tried it both ways and lower just ain't the same as upper. remember you don't spit with snus also.

    about freshness, considering where you live chances are your snus is just fine.

    when i was starting out i would open several different cans up and once so i could try them out. so i know what you mean about that. someone else may have something better but this is what i learned to do.... this applies to when your trying a bunch of cans out at once. it don't work out all that well on a normal basis. open a can and put the contents in a sandwich bag, you know the kind without a ziplock. Then put that bag and all back in the can it came out of. then put the can back in the refrigerator. if you do a bunch of cans that way i found they last a long long time. i would just get a can out, use it and put it back in the refrigerator. it wont hurt it to keep it out a while. it will normally be ok out for a week or two but if you carry it in your pocket it may not last as long. but even if it goes "bad" it's not gonna kill you but it may start tasting bad enough you don't want to use it but it takes a while to do that. to give you a ball park idea, you could leave snus out in a room for 2-3 weeks before it went bad. more heat will make it go bad faster. more heat = goes bad faster. oh another thing i have done is find something to split the can up in. so you have most of it in the frig and a little in your pocket (small bottle or the sorts).

    about taste, to me a lot of the brands do taste a lot a like. after your learn more about brands you can find something that better suits you. if you are used to using cope my advice is get some loose nick and johnny.

    my 2 cents is try putting it under the upper front/side lip (not on the side, more front), dont spit, keep it there without drinking or moving it. see how that works.

    well i know a rambled here and there but i know what it's like to be new but i am in a rush for time right now. so forgive the ramble ;-)


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Snus is definitely very much more subtle in flavour than dip. It's more just aroma in snus rather than a flavour which engages your tongue - snus is just a bit salty, so it's not like there's a candy-sweet flavour to be rolling your tongue through. The taste comes mostly from the smell, which is usually quite lightly added. You may like Probe, which is probably the "sweetest" snus with a nice whiskey flavour. Definitely check out Nick & Johhny, as said, it's nice and potent 8)


      • moisty
        • Jun 2006
        • 38

        Think of it this way, for instance a cranberry snus will taste of tobacco and cranberry, it's not cranberry flavoured tobacco! The fruit or herb flavours are there to compliment the quality tobaccos, not to cover them up. Allow your tastebuds to become accustomed to the delicious subtle flavours and you'll soon be a connoisseur!!


        • carotevi
          • Mar 2007
          • 64

          Originally posted by moisty
          Think of it this way, for instance a cranberry snus will taste of tobacco and cranberry, it's not cranberry flavoured tobacco! The fruit or herb flavours are there to compliment the quality tobaccos, not to cover them up. Allow your tastebuds to become accustomed to the delicious subtle flavours and you'll soon be a connoisseur!!

          I agree with you there..... one reason i never liked dip is because it taste like bad tasting candy. sugar and some fake flavors thrown in yuk. i would take a dip user some getting used to snus.

          oh yea, one thing i thought of after my first post is a new user needs to put the snus in and make sure they leave it along and wait wait wait. the taste is not instant like most dips.


          • Dave***t
            • Aug 2006
            • 104

            Originally posted by carotevi
            you could leave snus out in a room for 2-3 weeks before it went bad.
            Not wanting to pooh-pooh anyone, but I'd have to say in my experience it'd be a lot shorter than that. Otherwise it wouldn't really need to be kept in the fridge after it was opened - most cans don't last that long before you finish them. I've read in a few places that if you want your snus to be fresh, then a couple of weeks in the fridge or about 3 days without refrigeration is about your lot.

            When I first got into snus I kept it in my pocket for a few (hot) days and just figured the weird smell when I opened the can was normal ops:


            • carotevi
              • Mar 2007
              • 64

              Originally posted by Dave***t
              Originally posted by carotevi
              you could leave snus out in a room for 2-3 weeks before it went bad.
              Not wanting to pooh-pooh anyone, but I'd have to say in my experience it'd be a lot shorter than that. Otherwise it wouldn't really need to be kept in the fridge after it was opened - most cans don't last that long before you finish them. I've read in a few places that if you want your snus to be fresh, then a couple of weeks in the fridge or about 3 days without refrigeration is about your lot.

              When I first got into snus I kept it in my pocket for a few (hot) days and just figured the weird smell when I opened the can was normal ops:
              ive used snus thats been in the fridge for four months a lot of times and it be fine. out of the fridge at room temp 2-3 weeks. Ive got a can I keep in another room thats been open and out at room temp for about 8 days and i am using some right now. maybe your temps or humidity are some how different from mine. now carrying it in pocket will cut that way down. for me a week to ten days at room temp don't have any effect to speak of. What I am calling room temp is roughly 70 F.


              • RealmofOpeth
                • May 2007
                • 407

                Originally posted by moisty
                Think of it this way, for instance a cranberry snus will taste of tobacco and cranberry, it's not cranberry flavoured tobacco!
                Well I realize that.. I mean skoal flavors all taste like tobacco regardless of flavor but the flavors are very distinct and unmistakeable. With snus I taste the tobacco much more than any of the flavoring...which seems to be only in 'hints' even when I get it salivated and treat it like regular dip to pull out the flavor. I guess my tastebuds have been so desensitized with the onslought of american dips.
                Originally posted by moisty
                Allow your tastebuds to become accustomed to the delicious subtle flavours and you'll soon be a connoisseur!!
                I'm having a hard time getting my tastebuds to really get any flavor without treating it like dip (putting it in the lower lip and sucking salivation through it, through the teeth onto the tongue).
                When I use it the standard snus way, I can get the 'hints', but only if I really pay attention, or if the snus has managed to get rather wet and starts to seep small amounts down onto my tongue. Otherwise I forget I even have one in beyond the feeling of an object under my lip.


                • carotevi
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 64

                  Hi RealmofOpeth

                  What brands/types have you tried so far?


                  • RealmofOpeth
                    • May 2007
                    • 407

                    by the way I thought I might add the flavors of Skoal dip I was most into:

                    cope black

                    regular cope, and especially wintergreen wasn't my thing. regular cope was ok sometimes but only when i didn't have others to choose from.

                    I think I'm gonna try some of the more 'fruity' snus for my next order.

                    What are the most potent yet non-fake flavors of snus besides the 'natural/straight/cope' type?


                    • RealmofOpeth
                      • May 2007
                      • 407

                      Originally posted by carotevi
                      Hi RealmofOpeth

                      What brands/types have you tried so far?
                      Roots loose (licorice lime), N&J portion, Goteborgs Rape no2 portion, Probe Whisky portion.

                      The others I have left to try are Knox loose, General mini portion, Landstroms loose, Roots pilsner loose, Catch Eucalyptus portion, Granit maxi portion (which I just put in now as of this writing)


                      • carotevi
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 64

                        Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                        Originally posted by carotevi
                        Hi RealmofOpeth

                        What brands/types have you tried so far?
                        Roots loose (licorice lime), N&J portion, Goteborgs Rape no2 portion, Probe Whisky portion.

                        The others I have left to try are Knox loose, General mini portion, Landstroms loose, Roots pilsner loose, Catch Eucalyptus portion, Granit maxi portion (which I just put in now as of this writing)
                        Now I am sure others will think different but heres my take...

                        I have never used roots but I have never read in a forum anyone say they liked it.

                        I used a whole roll of N&J "portions" and liked them fine. Then I bought a roll of N&J "loose" and was almost instantly hooked. N&J portions are ok but loose is almost too good. I have done my share of cope and cant say that I am a fan but I have told others that if i was gonna clone cope into a snus it would be N&J loose. Don't get me wrong I am not saying it taste just like cope. It's hard to explain what I mean so I will leave it at that.

                        I like Catch Eucalyptus portion fine and I even have a roll or so on hand. I would also say that I doubt Catch Eucalyptus portion would go over very well for an ex-dip user. Put it this way, from my understanding in Sweden they consider Catch Eucalyptus portion for woman. Thank goodness no one local knows that when I pull it out in public haha.

                        Granit maxi portion: I have never used the maxi's before but I have used granit reg portions. I considered them ok but not great. I bought a roll, used them up and never ordered them again.

                        You owe it to yourself to try some other brands before you give up. Everyone on this board will have different brands they say is best but one i bet you wont find anyone saying is bad is General. It's kind of like the marlboro of snus, maybe everyone don't love marlboro cigs but almost anyone will smoke them. Personally it is my third fav snus.

                        Here are some brands that I think you "might" like as an ex-dipper.
                        General loose.
                        Nick and Johnny Loose. It's just GOOD ha. Good nic kick
                        Offroad - Cranberry Loose (lot of fruit flavor)
                        Probe loose - I don't drink so i never tried it but read a lot about it.
                        Röda Lacket loose - Sweet but not "syrupy". Good nic kick
                        Skruf Strong Loose - More of a natural tobacco and STRONG nic.

                        The Swedes don't know how to make a wintergreen snus and it may not be possible. Try them if you want, I have and I think they are almost ok but I hardly ever reorder.

                        After you get used to snus you may like some of the more natural taste later. For now if I was you I would stay away from plain old tobacco taste. Later after you get over dip you will like them more. If the description says something like "pure taste of tobacco" but it don't say a flavor or don't say something like "an element of citrus" or don't list something like bergamot right now I don't think its gonna come close to what you may be looking for.

                        That's my $1 worth. It took me forever when I first started to find what I wanted because I had no help. So I hope this helps some.


                        • Zero
                          • May 2006
                          • 1522

                          Originally posted by RealmofOpeth
                          I'm having a hard time getting my tastebuds to really get any flavor without treating it like dip (putting it in the lower lip and sucking salivation through it, through the teeth onto the tongue).
                          When I use it the standard snus way, I can get the 'hints', but only if I really pay attention, or if the snus has managed to get rather wet and starts to seep small amounts down onto my tongue. Otherwise I forget I even have one in beyond the feeling of an object under my lip.
                          Yeah, this is because snus really doesn't have any "flavour", so to speak. Dip is made with a sweetened sort of stuff soaked into the tobacco so that when you flush it with saliva there is a taste that comes out which your tongue can do something with. But with snus the only things added are a touch of salt and soda, which is about all your tongue will taste, and then aromas, which you only smell. I'm sure if you plugged your nose, you wouldn't taste any difference between snus brands, or very little. A bit like drinking tea without sugar all of a sudden - telling earl grey from orange pekoe may seem like telling hot water from hot water if you know what I mean.


                          • Dave***t
                            • Aug 2006
                            • 104

                            Maybe try some LD Liquorice? That's got a pretty strong flavour and it's also very good IMO.


                            • chainsnuser
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2007
                              • 1388


                              yes, LD Black (Licorice) is nice, but it hasn't any tobacco flavor and you have to like licorice.

                              Skruf Tranbär (Cranberry) tastes somewhat artificial, but overall it really is a high quality snus.

                              Offroad Cranberry Strong Portions has a unique flavor, which reminds me more of chewing tobacco, than of snus, but it is very enjoyable.

                              Probe Whiskey loose has also much flavor, a certain sweetness and still enough tobacco taste left. I've never tried the portions of that brand, but portions mostly taste different.

                              You also shouldn't miss the Ettan Lös, that's what I call natural tobacco flavor at it's best.

                              It just takes some time to find personal favorites.


