Adding stuff to snus

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  • btrip
    • Feb 2009
    • 96

    Adding stuff to snus

    In the Probe Whiskey thread I mentioned I might just throw a shot of whiskey in to make it actually taste like whiskey... I was very let down by Probe Whiskey's taste because I am a whiskey fanatic.

    I want to experiment with this.

    Alcohol evaporates pretty quickly... but whiskey is mostly water (60% in most cases). I think I would have to soak it and then wait for it to dry... but snus has to stay refrigerated. I was always under the assumption that refrigerators were low humidity environments... but obviously not, because snus keeps in the fridge for a long time.

    On Northerner's site their dude demonstrates how to make cola snus. He pretty much throws snus and coke into a blender for about 3 minutes and then strains it. This might be plausible.

    Has anyone ever experimented with this before? I really want a good tasting whiskey snus darnit!
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I add whiskey to my loose snus when it dries out.

    I add whiskey to my copenhagen longcut too.

    I'd say about 1/2 oz. or so.

    I wouldn't bother with the blender - straining method. I would worry about losing nicotine in the process. I'd also cringe at the waste of booze.


    • btrip
      • Feb 2009
      • 96

      So I guess the question now is, how can I force it to dry a little without growing all sorts of bacteria on it.

      Maybe toss it in the oven for a few minutes?


      • captncaveman
        • Jul 2008
        • 924

        Just open a tin and let it dry out a bit.


        • DarrylR
          • Jan 2009
          • 29

          I'm not a fan of whiskey in general, but of Islay single malt whiskey (Laphroaig, Lagavulin etc), absolutely. Probe is too sweet, and too bourbony, but I've heard that this years Kardus ltd edn was a Scotch tasting los that got it right.

          I'm curious, as a person who still uses portions exclusively, whether I could soak a mild tobacco tasting white portion (Tre Ankare, for example) with an Islay malt and get something worthwhile. Would the scotch flavor components disolve away in the first moments, or linger. How much is neccessary. Should the alcohol be boiled away first.

          Am I wasting my time doing this with a portion snus, rather than just learning pros and cons of los?


          • Ainkor
            • Sep 2008
            • 1144

            The only time I mixed things up was with Jacobsons Ice Fruit. I thought it was too bitter so I put about a teaspoon of vanilla syrup in the tin. I let it sit for a few days and tried it. It was very good! it didn't get too sweet and the vanilla flavor really hung around.

            All you can do is try!


            • btrip
              • Feb 2009
              • 96

              I saw we experiment Darryl.

              I'll take my Probe Not-Whiskey Los and see what I find.

              You see what you can do with your portions.

              The best thing is, snus is pretty cheap, so if it doesn't work we're out about 3 bucks and a little alcohol.

              All I have is the 8 Year Black Velvet, which isn't a bourbon, but is an ok inexpensive whiskey. I'm going to dry out my los a bit and put a bit of whiskey in there, let it sit, and I'll post my findings as to whether it improved the taste or if it ruined the snus.


              • btrip
                • Feb 2009
                • 96

                Originally posted by btrip
                I saw we experiment Darryl.

                I'll take my Probe Not-Whiskey Los and see what I find.

                You see what you can do with your portions.

                The best thing is, snus is pretty cheap, so if it doesn't work we're out about 3 bucks and a little alcohol.

                All I have is the 8 Year Black Velvet, which isn't a bourbon, but is an ok inexpensive whiskey. I'm going to dry out my los a bit and put a bit of whiskey in there, let it sit, and I'll post my findings as to whether it improved the taste or if it ruined the snus.
                Ok, I opened the can and let it sit for awhile and dropped in maybe 1/3 or 1/2 a shot of whiskey. I put the top back on and gave the can a very vigorous shaking and am going to leave it open so some of the alcohol can breathe out.

                I'll make a pris tonight and share my findings :P


                • DarrylR
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 29

                  Looking forward to the results of your experiment, Btrip.

                  All of the portions in my freezer are flavored (even the Skruf has strong bergamot/rose-oil), so I'll hold off on my part of the experiment till I have some pure tobacco low-salt portions on hand. I'm guessing that the ideal would be to try a tin of Tre Ankare, as that was the most neutral snus I've encountered, but I'm open to alternative suggestions.

                  I haven't tried Grov yet, but from descriptions here it would also seem pretty ideal.


                  • btrip
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 96

                    Still really soggy. I really didn't put that much in.

                    Probably going to have to wait until tomorrow to test it out.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      And fwiw, there is no rule that snus needs to be refrigerated. Will keep longer perhaps that way, but all my daily snus is never refrigerated, only the one's I have one or two a day of.


                      • btrip
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 96

                        Well, after putting enough whiskey in it to make it one solid mass and letting it air for a bit and separating it, here is what I have found:

                        a) It smells more like whiskey
                        b) It stings more
                        c) It still doesn't taste much like whiskey!

                        I think the next step is going to be putting it into a food processor with whiskey and mixing it really well then straining it through a coffee filter. If that doesn't impart the taste of whiskey I don't know what will.


                        • MrAbstracto
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 389

                          i added about 1/2-3/4 a shot of Johnny Walker Black Label to a can of Probe that got dried out.


                          • sychodelix
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 280

                            Note that the brand of whiskey would make a BIG difference. I'd use some Jameson's Irish Whiskey or high quality single malt scotch if I were you. Cheap whiskey isn't going to give you a desirable result.


                            • bakerbarber
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 1947

                              good point sycho.


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