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  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522


    Finally tried out a tin of Offroad loose. I'm not sure I'm as sold on it as Craig, but it's not bad :lol:

    First thing I noticed is that it's very strongly flavoured - an odd mix of sweet bergamot and spicy evergreen. Like an overpowered and sweetened version of Göteborgs Rapé. Decently strong stuff - on par with General in terms of nicotine, I'd say. Might keep it as an occasional order to mix things up, I think.

    ...yeah, definitely lots of bergamot! If you like earl grey tea, this is the stuff.

    Hrm, okay, after about 30 minutes the aroma was still getting stronger - this stuff is massively flavoured! :shock: Craig, I take it back...this stuff is a bit too wickedly potent. You must have a dead nose, mate :lol:
  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    Hm. For the sake of justice I'm gonna try it again - now that the can I bought the other day is a bit more 'matured' so to speak.

    Smell: Dang, it still smells like urinal cakes to me. Not quite as edgy as when I first opened it but indeed too much for me to appreciate it.

    Texture: Rather good. Goes well with the Icetool and can end up pretty solid.

    Taste/aroma: I see what you mean, Zero (and Craig), about the reference to Göteborgs Rapé (one of my favorites) but I really had to search for it. I'm still waaay to disturbed by my own urinal reference. It's really a strange taste IMO, and I think one of the problems is the crazy sweetness ... it really enhances the flavor in a way that almost drives me nuts. Just like when you put too much sugar in a cup of tea. It's just too much (and this probably indicates that I wouldn't find happiness in the US snuff market).

    Nic: Had it in for about an hour, little to none burning sensation but good nic-kick.

    Bottom line: Still don't like it, no sir.


    • Zero
      • May 2006
      • 1522

      Aye, it's too much flavouring and too much sweetness. It might be good mixed up with something else, mind... something a bit more plain. If US dip is anything like this then it's no wonder the ex-dippers can't taste anything :lol:


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Oh well, nothing can be everything to everyone.
        Zero, let me know how the portions stack up to the lös then.

        One of the pretty weird little things I enjoyed is that when my ashtray has some spent prillas, the whole room smells fresh.
        I'm gettin' me a roll as soon as my freezer starts emptying out. Offroad original FTW!!1!eins


        • Zero
          • May 2006
          • 1522

          I've got an offroad strong portion in at the moment - much nicer. I think the portion bag diffuses some of the strength of flavour and the portions themselves remind me of LD a bit - they're really flat so they're nice and inconspicuous. The lös does smell nice and it might make a good room freshener, perhaps atop a fragrant oil burner or something, lol :lol: It's really not that bad, to be honest, I do like the flavour but it just hit me as being really overpowering. Maybe if I let it air out a bit it will calm down some. I'm not a big sweet fan either...sugar keeps itself out of my tea and coffee for good reason and it seems equally out of place in my snus. Maybe I'll try it after a dessert next 8)


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Originally posted by Craig de Tering
            Offroad original FTW!!1!eins 8)
            this bit, mind you, made me piss myself laughing ...don't get between a man and his Offroad!


            • carotevi
              • Mar 2007
              • 64

              is offroad about the same as that old baco (spelling may be wrong)? better? worse? I never cared for that baco brand so never tried offroad yet.


              • Craig de Tering
                • Nov 2006
                • 525

                @ Zero:
                Glad to be of service hehehe...

                @ Carotevi:
                I've only had Bacco licorice before they changed their brand name. Taste wise there's no or almost no difference with Offroad licorice. The biggest difference is that Offroad loose is much easier to form. Bacco was pretty coarsely ground, kinda like sand grain sized.


                • Cap'n SnusBeard
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 59

                  I threw in a couple of cans of Offroad Original and Wintergreen (both loose) with my last order, and have just finished the first tin of Original - all in all, I can say I'm largely indifferent to it. It's the kind of thing I can imagine being really good as an occasional thing every now and again, but gets a bit overwhelming as an every-day snus. In some situations (like after just getting back from work) I really appreciated the strong, unique flavour, but I generally prefer something subtler for more constant use. May or may not buy again.

                  I also tried a bit of the Wintergreen stuff - it really does taste of Euthymol toothpaste! This'll be another one that's just dipped into for the occasional novelty, I'm sure.

                  One thing I will say, though - the Offroad tins are brilliant! The kind of nice, useful, metal tin that nothing seems to come in these days - brings to mind images of granddads and cluttered little shops staffed by balding men with lavishly waxed facial hair... but that probably says more about me than it does about the snus!


                  • phish
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 265

                    I still think the offroad flavour is secsi, in fact I have added a licorice and cranberry to my next order. The only thing that annoys me is that the snus is quiet moist. Maybe it is to do with shipping or the age of the batch but the stuff I have got is really wet and it takes a while to get the liquid out so it works well in the icetool.

