Lös experiences thus far

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  • slartie
    • Feb 2009
    • 94

    Lös experiences thus far

    I have been digging into a can of Göteborgs Rapé Lös this week, alternating with göte white portions, lucky strike portions, ettan portions and catch mint vanilla dry portions. I now have about half left of this can of lös, and every pris has been an interesting and learning experience.

    A lot of threads have people raving about the magic of lös and I have begun to see what all the fuss is about. While I'm handbaking impaired, the prismaster has certainly helped me appreciate the wonders of lös. At first I had the plunger turned the other way around which resulted in a larger than, for me, desirable pris. Once I got it turned around and figured out that the pris had to be compressed quite a bit more than I had done at first, the resulting pris was an absolute joy giving me the 40 or so minute nic buzz and close to 1½ hour flavor extravaganza.

    Portions are nice, but I quickly noticed the flavor difference others have been talking about. Lös is a lot more flavorful from the minute I put in the pris and it doesn't wear off until around the 1½ hour mark. No bitterness and most important of all, no mud. A swipe with the finger, and a slush of water and I'm ready for the next pris. Granted it's a little more messy than a portion, but for what I get out of it, I don't mind it one bit. Also, my gums feel better than when I use a portion. Win.

    I will probably keep buying Ettan portions as well as a few others, but at this point it's clear to me, that lös is the way to go. The portions will be used exclusively for when I'm at work.

    Next step would be to invest in an ice tool, and perhaps one of those gorgeous ice tool lös cans. It's a bit pricey but with some replacement O-rings, I can't imagine the ice tool ever dying on me.

    Once this göte rape is done, I'll pop the lid on a can of skruf stark lös!
  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    You have to try Ettan lös. Simply amazing.

    And welcome to the lös club


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      Lös = win! Get Grov too


      • slartie
        • Feb 2009
        • 94

        I have both Grov and Ettan lös sitting in the fridge, eagerly awaiting my attention. There's also a can of General, Kronan and the before mentioned Skruf Stark. However, I already have several open portions, and I better finish those before I crack the lids of the other lös'es. Given how much I love Ettan Portion, I'm psyched about Ettan Lös.

        Edit: The skruf use before date is only a few weeks away, so that is why that will be the next can to pop.


        • ShaulWolf
          • Jan 2009
          • 495

          I've been nursing a tin of Ettan lös for a couple weeks now, and sadly I'm almost done with it. I definitely notice a flavor difference between the portions and lös, and I enjoy the lös a lot more. Too bad it's not something I can do in class or if I'm out and about, but otherwise it's what I'd prefer.

          From what everyone tells me Göteborgs Prima Fint is similar and enjoyable if you like Ettan, and Grov is another good one to try. Once Northerner gets their stock resupplied I'm going to include those and some Roda Lacket lös in my order.


          • slartie
            • Feb 2009
            • 94

            Originally posted by ShaulWolf
            From what everyone tells me Göteborgs Prima Fint is similar and enjoyable if you like Ettan, and Grov is another good one to try. Once Northerner gets their stock resupplied I'm going to include those and some Roda Lacket lös in my order.
            I'll definitely pick up some Prima Fint and Röda Lacket the next time I make a stop at the gas station, and add them to the sampling line.


            • btrip
              • Feb 2009
              • 96

              Originally posted by slartie
              Originally posted by ShaulWolf
              From what everyone tells me Göteborgs Prima Fint is similar and enjoyable if you like Ettan, and Grov is another good one to try. Once Northerner gets their stock resupplied I'm going to include those and some Roda Lacket lös in my order.
              I'll definitely pick up some Prima Fint and Röda Lacket the next time I make a stop at the gas station, and add them to the sampling line.
              Must be nice going down to the local gas station and picking up snus that ISN'T Camel :\


              • slartie
                • Feb 2009
                • 94

                Originally posted by btrip
                Must be nice going down to the local gas station and picking up snus that ISN'T Camel :\
                It's beyond nice. I can only imagine the amount of patience you guys have to dish out, waiting for a snus package to arrive. I could never do that. Hell, I'd start smoking!


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  Originally posted by ShaulWolf
                  I've been nursing a tin of Ettan lös for a couple weeks now, and sadly I'm almost done with it. I definitely notice a flavor difference between the portions and lös, and I enjoy the lös a lot more. Too bad it's not something I can do in class or if I'm out and about, but otherwise it's what I'd prefer.

                  From what everyone tells me Göteborgs Prima Fint is similar and enjoyable if you like Ettan, and Grov is another good one to try. Once Northerner gets their stock resupplied I'm going to include those and some Roda Lacket lös in my order.
                  I feel exactly the same way about Ettan loose (about loose in general). I'd use it all the time if I could, but I mostly reserve it for at home use.

                  Goteborgs Prima Fint is good, but I don't use it very often because it is very finely ground. I prefer a medium to coarse grind. Same goes for Roda Lacket. Both are very good, but I only use them occasionally. However, if you like a fine grind, try both. You won't be disappointed.


                  • BrianC
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 463

                    The gas station...YOU MAKE ME SICK!!!!! J/k, but there is definately a little bit of jealousy here. To keep on topic though, I am really starting to appreciate los as well. My next up to try in los is gotlands yellow, being that that is one of my favorite portions, los definately sounds win. Thing that sucks is that most of my favorite portions aren't available in los. Oh well, it will keep los a treat, which I do really like.


                    • Grim
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 850

                      You must try Gotlands Gul Los, best out there IMO.

                      And Ettan Los is Wonderful, also a fav, but their portions taste like chocolate pudding which is something i do not want from tobacco.

                      Funny how the Los of Ettan is very nice Salty Smoked Tobacco and the portions are crappy chocolate pudding, white and original, I hated them both.


                      • slartie
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 94

                        As an act of solidarity I will henceforth speak of snus cans as a part of an order/package that I have been eagerly awaiting Or I will take the car the long way down to the gas station and make a day trip out of it.


                        • slartie
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 94

                          Originally posted by Grim
                          You must try Gotlands Gul Los, best out there IMO.

                          And Ettan Los is Wonderful, also a fav, but their portions taste like chocolate pudding which is something i do not want from tobacco.

                          Funny how the Los of Ettan is very nice Salty Smoked Tobacco and the portions are crappy chocolate pudding, white and original, I hated them both.
                          From what I have been hearing about Gotlands Yellow, it will definitely make my sampling line.

                          That big of a difference with Ettan? That's interesting. I'll have to make sure I use some Ettan portions before I bake my first Ettan pris. Sounds like two completely different worlds. I didn't experience that with Göte Rapé. Is this an Ettan thing or are other lös vs. portion snus the same way?


                          • Grim
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 850

                            My experience with Los Vs Portion is.......

                            Goteborgs Rape Los Vs Portion.... The portion is saltier and the juniper and fruits come through more than with the Los where the tobacco is blened nicely in the los and the juniper comes through only slightly.

                            General Los vs Portion.... the Los version is more peppery with less citrus only coming through later whereas the portion has a more citrusy flavor with pepper ending the taste out with tobacco taking a back seat in the portion.

                            Ettan Los vs Portion ... Los is great with a leathery smoked tobacco flavor and salt.. whereas the portion is sweet with hardly any salt notes ( to my pallate ) with a choclate taste and very little smokeyness.

                            EDIT: Most Los to Portion varieties almost always the portions seem saltier and any fruitiness comes through more in portions and the tobacco flavor usually takes a back seat.


                            • slartie
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 94

                              Good to know. I'll have to pay a little more attention to the portion flavors and see how they differ. I agree with you on the Göteborgs Rapé now that I think about it.


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