...pop in a nice strong portion just as you're falling asleep. It seems to evoke intense, crazy dreams :twisted:
For a different experience...
Craziest dreams i have ever had were from wearing a nicotine patch to sleep.
Went to bed, woke up as normal, made a pot of coffee and showered.
Went upstairs to work, (residential position) and I was sorting mail when my boss walked in. He asked me why I was covered in blood.
BAM! Woke up. Only there was still a fresh pot of coffee in my coffeepot. Went to work, boss walks in, shakes head.
BAM, woke up again. Thankfully no coffee in the coffeepot.
Went through the rest of the day wondering if I was really awake.
Seriously it was as real as you feel right now reading this.
Be careful of nicotine and sleep. It'll freak you out.
wouldn't you be afraid of swallowing it accidentally, or at least the tobacco residue saliva?
I had a wad of loose in and was half asleep...really felt the nicotine then...except I noticed it was starting to congeal around my mouth..kept lying there thinking I'd be ok (wasn't planning on really sleeping) and then I started to swallow some of the saliva and instantly hopped up and went to the bathroom to hack it out. I noticed my body felt kinda numb all over afterwards.
by the way, unrelated, but has anyone tried Landstroms? I find it to be extremely bland. Very little flavor at all. it looked pretty attractive on northerner's description:
"High quality coarse snus with a mild flavour of bergamot. This product contains less nitrosamines (cancer causing agents) then most other snus products." and a picture of a neat rounded rectangular container. What is bergamot? like orange? certainly doesn't taste like that. maybe because i'm a noob.
Originally posted by Cap'n SnusBeard'tobacco residue saliva' is yummy with snus! Certainly doesn't make me reach for the nearest sink, at least.
i meant to say that the saliva i swallowed had bits of snus in it from the wad that was disintegrating...since there was so much saliva....grossed me out. i guess if you're into that or don't mind it, whatever turns your crank I guess but it certainly backfires on me.
I once passed out drunk with a big pris of General under the lip. I woke the next day with the outer rims of mouth completely covered in a brown saliva crud.
The pris itself was still under my lip though. Didn't swallow it. No crazy dreams either, prolly because my brain was disconnected.
Took me a while to clean the stuff off my mouth under the faucet. Stuck like glue.
I put in a portion of catch eucalyptus shortly before going to bed. Dreams weren't too freaky, but they were rather vivid and a little weird. I was in this locker room with hundreds of different types of lockers, it was huge and I was trying to find an emtpy locker to put my stuff in.
Then I saw this chick I've got the hots for that works near me walking around in the locker room.
Then another dream about smoking a bunch of cigarettes. I don't really remember the rest I knew there were other mini dreams though. Woke up and had quite a bit of phlegm in the back of my throat cough up. A lot like if I've been smoking. I think my throat tissues get aggravated if I get any tobacco tinged substance back there.
Originally posted by RealmofOpethwouldn't you be afraid of swallowing it accidentally?
What is bergamot? like orange? certainly doesn't taste like that. maybe because i'm a noob.
Maybe I know what bergamot is (or maybe not).
I recently remembered a story about the spanish explorers trying to cultivate oranges when they conquered some islands in the caribbean (one of them being Curacao, where I lived). The soil wasn't the right type and they ended up with huge plantations of really thick peeled, ultra sour oranges. I was told they're called Laraha.
Instead of discarding the idea of growing the fruit they started using the peels themselves to make a mighty fine liqueur.
Today that stuff is still sold as Blue Curacao liqueur (under the Bols brand name in some places and in many many different colors.)
Also, the same hunderds-years-old factory where it all started still makes a green non consumable skin tonic called Alcolado Glacial. The locals call it "the air conditioner in a bottle" and use gallons of the stuff for just about anything from disinfectant to eau-de-cologne.
I've personally use it as my only after shave since I started shaving.
Back in the days of cassette tapes I used it to clean the heads and capstan rollers with a Q-tip (cotton swab for non-americans). :lol: :lol:
Yeah, ****... here's tons more uses for the stuff: