Woke up at 9:30pm, started the night with a big pris of Thunder XS. I'm about to do a pris of Grov (free can) on the way to work, and then it's Phantom Classic as my mainstay for the rest of the night. I'll mix it up with a pris of Dark Vanilla and maybe some OR Cranberry. Coffee, Diet Cola, and H2O will complement the snus nicely. Delicious!
What's On Your Snus Menu Today?
A nice portion of Rape #2 and then.......
More Rape #2. I might mix it up a bit today and throw in a Lucky Strike white portion or an Ettan white portion. Who knows, the day is young still!
On a pretty cool side note, my wife hasn't smoked in over a week and is a confirmed snus enthusiast also! She is currently diggin on Mocca Pomegranate.
I have a new order coming this week with more of my precious #2, some Mooca for my wife and since I have not tried it yet, a tin of los.
I do feel odd about it though. I ordered Goteborgs los since I love both portions.
I will post impressions later this week as soon as I give it a whirl.
Right now I have a portion of the General Mini Mint in (goes great with my hot chocolate!). I'll probably be using these for most the day, mainly to stay discreet while I'm in class. I bought a roll of these.
When I woke up I threw in a nice fat pris of the Gotlands Julesnus Los for a kickstart and I'll be using that when I get home as well.
These are the only two snuses I have at the moment but I have an order on it's way from buysnus with the following:
Goteborgs Rape No.2 portions
Roda Lacket Portions
Roda Lacket Los
Phantom Blue Los
and a Prismaster
Can't wait to try the Phantom!
Start off the day with Skruf Stark, then I will move on to either General White, and Level. I tend to have a can of strong, white, and original open at all times, and with the portion mixes that I get from buysnus, I just usually power through brands like Level and Kronan before I move on to the better stuff.