General and Röda chew?

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  • moisty
    • Jun 2006
    • 38

    General and Röda chew?


    Interesting..... :shock:
  • carotevi
    • Mar 2007
    • 64

    that is very interesting.... can anyone tell me why snus can't be sold in the eu? i have tried to read on the net why not but when i search i can't find why. when i say why i mean i know everyone here thinks the law sucks and all but what logic is behind the law? the law makers trying to save everyone from a life of snus? they cant make enough taxes off it? i am serious about the question..... i have never read anywhere why just snus users wanting the law to change. thanks


    • mwood72

      Re: General and Röda chew?

      Originally posted by moisty


      Interesting..... :shock:
      Interesting....Looks like Swedish Match is looking to move into the tobbaco bits market as well (like Oliver Twist)


      • mwood72

        Originally posted by carotevi
        that is very interesting.... can anyone tell me why snus can't be sold in the eu? i have tried to read on the net why not but when i search i can't find why. when i say why i mean i know everyone here thinks the law sucks and all but what logic is behind the law? the law makers trying to save everyone from a life of snus? they cant make enough taxes off it? i am serious about the question..... i have never read anywhere why just snus users wanting the law to change. thanks
        Take a look at To me the only argument seems to be "tobbaco is evil in all shapes or forms period!" IMO this is just ridiculous considering the amount of lives that could be saved.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Originally posted by carotevi
          .... can anyone tell me why snus can't be sold in the eu? i have tried to read on the net why not but when i search i can't find why. when i say why i mean i know everyone here thinks the law sucks and all but what logic is behind the law?
          Yes, the only comprehensible logic behind this law is, to get rid of all forms of tobacco, sooner or later, and to start with a ban on niche products, not to cause any riots, that would certainly take place, if cigarettes were banned.

          Since there are many exceptions for local products, like german chewing tobacco, british chewable twist tobacco, belgian Makla etc. etc., only swedish snus and therefore, the potentially safest tobacco product of them all, is effectively banned.

          In my view, the snus ban is nothing else, than a victory of the european cigarette manufacturers' lobby (accompanied by local/national interest groups) over the much smaller snus-lobby.

          It's just another example for politics, that presumably started with good intentions, namely to save people from tobacco related diseases, and ended with moronic laws.



          • Craig de Tering
            • Nov 2006
            • 525

            €3.70 for 17 grams? Pfff...
            Worth buying as a curiosity if I happen to find it around here.


            • carotevi
              • Mar 2007
              • 64

              I read more about the law and i have to say it reminds me of some of the laws we have here. As I read more about it one thing kept coming to my mind..... how do you who live where it is not legal get your snus. order it online and hope it don't get snagged coming through customs? what happens if say i was there and started bootlegging snus out my back door? would i get thrown in jail? or just fined? back in the 30's we tried something like that here. they called it prohibition and it did not work out that great. it turned a lot of honest people into criminals and created a thriving black market.


              • Cap'n SnusBeard
                • Jan 2007
                • 59

                Originally posted by carotevi
                I read more about the law and i have to say it reminds me of some of the laws we have here. As I read more about it one thing kept coming to my mind..... how do you who live where it is not legal get your snus. order it online and hope it don't get snagged coming through customs? what happens if say i was there and started bootlegging snus out my back door? would i get thrown in jail? or just fined? back in the 30's we tried something like that here. they called it prohibition and it did not work out that great. it turned a lot of honest people into criminals and created a thriving black market.
                I think that the situation here is that snus (and pretty much all other oral tobacco) is legal to buy, but not to sell - hence why we can import from more enlightened countries.

                Your last comment has given me the greatest idea, though - Snuseasies! Let's pool our resources and set up a snuseasy where we can shiftily snus at will while avoiding the attentions of a fedora-wearing detective and his band of bumbling Irish policemen. It'll be great! Like a nicotine-starved Bugsy Malone.


                • carotevi
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 64

                  Originally posted by Cap'n SnusBeard
                  Your last comment has given me the greatest idea, though - Snuseasies! Let's pool our resources and set up a snuseasy where we can shiftily snus at will while avoiding the attentions of a fedora-wearing detective and his band of bumbling Irish policemen. It'll be great! Like a nicotine-starved Bugsy Malone.

                  hahahaha... that last one caught me off guard. almost fell out of my chair haha. i can imagine gangsters running around with eyes bulged out waving guns around hunting for snus :lol:


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Originally posted by Cap'n SnusBeard
                    I think that the situation here is that snus (and pretty much all other oral tobacco) is legal to buy, but not to sell - hence why we can import from more enlightened countries.
                    It's the same in Germany.

                    I guess, we should be thankful for our national governments. If the original idea behind the E.U. directive had been turned into national laws, then we actually would have a total snus ban, similar to the historic alcohol prohibition in the U.S.

                    Just look at Switzerland, which is no member of the E.U. but joined the snus ban. Swiss residents are only allowed to import 1200g of snus every two months - and this is controlled very thoroughly by swiss customs. Though 1200g of snus every two months are maybe enough, even for a 'heavy' snuser, Switzerland is not too far away from a real prohibition IMHO.

                    To take up the cudgels for the E.U., one has to take into consideration, that the snus ban mainly is the work of a single, former E.U. healthcare-commissioner, who happened to be a jurist(!) and obviously a somewhat psychotic anti-tobacco-activist. The other members of the E.U.-comission maybe just said 'yeah' to his proposals, without thinking. Most people even don't know, what snus is, and the well known cigarette manufacturers' propaganda, that oral tobacco is more harmful, than smoking (unfortuanately even believed by uninformed, if not empty-headed medics) is another comprehensible explanation for the E.U. laws.

                    A good analogy can be seen, regarding the (again) popular concern about world climatic changes. At least in Germany, we have a growing discussion about farting cattle(!) being the biggest threat to our atmosphere. THIS IS NO JOKE! Just think a moment, how moronic this is and who might have brought this up (I assume the electricity supplier industry and/or the automobile industry). But you hear well educated people repeat the claim. I guess, we will long have a law, that forces every cow (and human?) to wear a 'fart-neutralizing-device', before one single, out-dated, inefficient power plant has to be shut.

                    I could add a few LOL-smilies, but this whole kind of brainless politics is just sad and sick.



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