discontinued snuses?

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    discontinued snuses?

    I, like many here, have only gotten into snus within the last year. sometimes I hear ghosts on this board, I even here of people keeping ghosts in their freezers.

    What snuses have existed and been discontinued?

    what did you think of them? some winners you keep stored away, or some god-awful recipes?

    about what was the time frame?

    If I didn't want to suffer I just wouldn't ask, but I'm always interested in discontinued things, even when they suck. It's the crystal pepsi effect
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    LD Blue- Great juniper flavor, not gin like Göteborgs. A fav of mine

    Landströms- Natural flavor, peaty, and some sand in the mix O.o. Competed with Gotland Gul as my all time favorite snus.

    Gellivare- Made by the same company that made Landströms. Finer grind, still sandy, but with some chocolate notes, and not so peaty.

    Level lös- Much better than the portions. It's still not terrific, but was ok for the price, and it could be used to make some great custom blends.

    Diplomat- General like in style, but earthier, coarser, and a great metal tin.

    LD Black mini- Just like the big ones, only smaller :^D no loss to me

    Metropol Pepparmint- The best peppermint snus available. Makes Elixyr taste like the crap it is.

    Metropol Licorice- Like Catch in flavor profile. Much dryer than LD. It was ok, but I like the LD licorice better. Like the Pepparmint, it had a great tin.

    Nick & Johnny lös- Tasted like a Onyx lös to me. I wasn't crazy about it on the first try, but by the bottom of the tin, I really liked it., so it got discontinued... :^/

    LD Guld- The portions kind of sucked, but the lös was very good imo. Like Grov, but with a stronger flavor.


    Vertigo- 2 different flavors, but the names elude me. This was a chick snus with an hourglass shaped tin. These were minis, and fruity flavored. Pretty good for what they were, but I'm not a fan of fruit, or mini portions.

    *Catch Cassis Menthol- Another mini, nasty fruit and menthol, no loss*
    Apparently they still make this. It should be dead :^P

    Catch Coffee/Vanilla- A mini with a better flavor than V2, but still not so good. Kind of synthetic...


    Roots- Several varieties. I had the Wintergreen portion, Berry portion, and Lime/Licorice lös. The portions were unusable. The Lime/Licorice was ok at first, but I quickly tired of it. It felt like sawdust under the lip, and had the weird ability to feel like nothing no matter the pris size.


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      thanks for the info, I think I'm most curious about the LD line. I think the "Color" idea has almost unlimited possibilities for flavors, but I suppose they didn't sell well enough?

      also, wierd how metal cans haven't been more common. I remember seeing "roots" still in the northerner portion sample pack, I doubted they actually had any though.

      anyone have any LD blue in their freezer?


      • Grim
        • Jun 2008
        • 850

        To be honest.

        The Gellivare Line was the best IMO other than Gotlands.

        Thats is one company I miss soooo bady.

        Landstroms was the shit!!!

        Too bad you new guys never got to try it.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I think I have 5 tins of Blue in the freezer. I haven't had any in awhile; I should pull one out.

          If it isn't General, it doesn't sell in Sweden. There's is/were a lot of good companies selling first rate products, but people won't give them a try. General's overrated imo. It's probably my least favorite snus of that flavor profile. I always thought Rocker looked interesting. They had a bunch of flavors, but sadly that was before my time.


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Honestly X I agree with you on General.

            Its just nothing special at all.

            I really hate all these brands of snus that are fruit flavored or have peppery notes and so on.

            I just like good ol fashioned tobacco. WTF????

            Maybe thats why Gotlands Gul is my mainstay.

            Nice subtle Tobacco-y goodness.

            Not Citrus with a hint of Tobacco like SMs varieties. ( Minus Ettan - Thats Good Los as well, Portions are CRAP though!! )


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Grim

              ( Minus Ettan - Thats Good Los as well, Portions are CRAP though!! )
              A lot of people say that. I have a good memory of Ettan portions, but they came in my very first trial box of snus, I haven't had them since. I'm going to replace Landströms with Ettan and Grov lös. I recently got a tin of each, and wanted to see which I liked better, but I couldn't make up my mind :^D In any case, neither one is a great substitute :^(


              • deebocools
                • Nov 2008
                • 661

                not to take anyones candy away, but maybe we ought to make an effort to support non-general products as much as possible, at the expense of losing some of the decent general.

                I don't think much of their products either, usually I have the experience of thinking I'm gonna have a love affair and then getting obviously sick of it by the end of 1-3 tins. There's so much snus out there, we can do quite well without them I think


                • Soft Morning, City!
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 772

                  I've never been a big fan of General. Personally, I prefer Granit if I want something with that flavor profile. General loose is pretty unoffensive, but I don't really like the portions at all.

                  I love a lot of the other SM brands though. I don't think I could ever completely get away from SM. As long as they keep making Ettan loose, they'll have my business.


                  • Raddleman

                    Originally posted by lxskllr
                    Metropol Pepparmint- The best peppermint snus available. Makes Elixyr taste like the crap it is.
                    Dammit! I love peppermint. I don't mind the elixyr, but am looking for a better non-WG mint snus (I like catch too). I was born too late :cry:


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      The Elixyr started off with promise, but it has a nasty back flavor I can't get over. I used 2 portions, and threw the rest out. I used to try to use up snus I didn't like so I wouldn't waste money. The money though, has already been wasted whether I use it or not, and life's too short to use snus I don't enjoy.


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947

                        Originally posted by Raddleman
                        Originally posted by lxskllr
                        Metropol Pepparmint- The best peppermint snus available. Makes Elixyr taste like the crap it is.
                        Dammit! I love peppermint. I don't mind the elixyr, but am looking for a better non-WG mint snus (I like catch too). I was born too late :cry:

                        Isn't v2 coming out with a spearmint?

                        I am not a mint fan in my tobacco. I buy a can of General wintergreen every now and then. It is a burn like I can't describe, and the flavor is pretty mild mint.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I'm a little interested in the spearmint, but I don't like that flavor nearly as much as peppermint. I imagine I'll try it, assuming it comes in regular nic level, and lös.


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            Yeah I will probably buy one can.

                            I would get the portions myself just since by the time I whip out my Icetool I'm at home and beer is involved.

                            Mint + Beer :?


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by bakerbarber
                              Mint + Beer :?
                              Yea, I'm with you on that. I love me some mint snus, but it's gross with beer :^D


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