Oden's Classic

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Oden's Classic

    I got a can of Oden’s Kanel and Classic a week or so ago (both loose and both regular strength). I don’t have much to add to what has already been said about the Kanel except I liked it but not enough to make it a regular in my rotation.

    What I have not seen is a review of the Classic. So here goes:

    First, let me say I really like this stuff (and I didn’t think I was going to)

    The cut is on the course end of the spectrum. I would put it in the family of Knox, Gotlands, and Grov

    Strength wise, the flavor is a good sturdy medium. It is not overpowering but neither is it missing in action. It’s just a good smooth snus.

    As far as the flavor itself, I would compare it to a Granit. However, instead of the citrus, it seems to have a very subtle hint of mint. In fact, I would say the presence of the mint is very much like the presence of the cinnamon in the Kanel. In other words, it is there, but you almost have to look for it to notice it (which by the way I really appreciate. I have long since been done with chewing gum/toothpaste flavored tobacco).

    My only complaint, and it is not a big one in Oden’s case, is that like the V2 products I have tried Oden’s has that plastic wax like coating thing going on with the tobacco. Such, that it reminds me of the cheaper brands of American dip (like Timber Wolf). I almost believe that there is some body out there who gathers up all the discarded plastic plants in the world, shreds them, dumps tobacco flavoring on it, and slaps it in a can. However, with Oden’s the plastic effect was much less noticeable.

    In the final analysis, I included a roll of it in my latest order. Give it a try. I think it is worth a test can, if for no other reason than the uniqueness of the mint flavor in the world of loose.
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    Re: Oden's Classic

    Originally posted by Snusdog

    My only complaint, and it is not a big one in Oden’s case, is that like the V2 products I have tried Oden’s has that plastic wax like coating thing going on with the tobacco. Such, that it reminds me of the cheaper brands of American dip (like Timber Wolf). I almost believe that there is some body out there who gathers up all the discarded plastic plants in the world, shreds them, dumps tobacco flavoring on it, and slaps it in a can. However, with Oden’s the plastic effect was much less noticeable.
    This is the v2 taste that keeps me on the fence. I like alot of v2 flavors, especially the limited set, but the waxy chemical thing is a problem. I have the Oden's in my freezer and look forward to trying it.


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      the only plastic plants are plastic factories. it doesn't grow

      ok but thanks for the review, subtle mint does interest me as well.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Update: the second go around (second can) I am detecting a distinct Eucalyptus flavor.
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          Sounds a lot like Thunder regular. Strange.


          • Yamaha760
            • Mar 2009
            • 37

            Maybe it's just me....but it's lacking salt. I like the salt drip. It isn't bad but I don't plan to purchase any more.


            • luckysealy
              • Dec 2008
              • 281

              i hardly detect the salt in any of my snus any more. so lack of salt might nor be a problem for me.


              • madgar
                • Feb 2009
                • 33

                I haven't tried the lös, but I did have the portions. I would describe the taste as similar to what you experienced although it seemed to become bitter rather quickly in portion form. The portions themselves were terrible. When I first opened it there were loose bits of tobacco everywhere. I soon discovered it was because several portions had split open. There were no signs of damage to the outside packaging and it was the only one in that order to have that issue. I guess the portion material used is just super cheap. I guess all in all it was good enough for me to use what was left after breaking, but I probably would not order it ever again.


                • mercvrivs
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 484

                  I've got a bunch of the extra sterk in both Original and Kanel. I'm waiting on some regular strength versions of the same. I still can't decide how I feel about this snus. I'm still trying to get a handle on the flavor of both. The Original is slightly reminiscent of Thunder, but I like Thunder better. The Kanel holds a lot of promise, but I need to keep working on it to get the nuances of the flavor; hence, I'm waiting for the regular strength so that I can use it for more than one pris without developing a tolerance. Thanks again for the review though; I'll post mine when I've come to a conclusion .


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