Has Anyone Noticed Generals...........?

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9758

    Has Anyone Noticed Generals...........?

    I was at the tobacco shop today and noticed General supplied them with a new fridge. This fridge works like a real refridgerator not like the usb or any of the other conduction cooling fridges they have used. I asked the guy if hes selling more snus now and he said absolutely, its starting to catch on. Great

    He also had some free samples. These were all Generals and five different flavors in one small box for free. [the usual 5 flavors] These were not kept in the fridge. So I took one box and it says right on the packages
    "Special Foil Pack"
    "Needs No Refridgeration"

    Well, that seemed odd to me. I just opened up a sample and these are fresh as hell. The foil seems to be lined with a vinyl or flexible plastic of some sort on the inside. Maybe........just maybe.... They will figure out how to keep snus in tin fresh without refridgeration.

    anyone else ever seen these?
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.

  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I got one in the mail.

    Haven't opened any of the packets yet.


    • rickcharles606
      • Mar 2009
      • 2307

      yeah when I first tried snus it was out of one of those sample packs, pretty cool too. I like them cold though, feels nicer


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440

        Rocker didn't need to be refrigerated, although they weren't the greatest they were moist.


        • snusjus
          • Jun 2008
          • 2674

          www.generalsnus.com is giving out the samples as well. If you check out the site, you will see that its pretty updated compared to the older one. I've heard that Swedish Match is going to do a major "launch" of General Snus in America. I would love to pick up a can at my local gas station! However, I assume General Snus will only be available at specialty tobacco shops.

          On to the foil packaging. The foil insulates the tobacco and keeps it fresher for a longer period of time. Marlboro snus is now sold in foil packaging similar to this fashion. However, I still love the round snus cans. Perhaps snus companies could line the insides of the cans to keep the snus fresh for even longer?


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            I'm concerned that an American launch, will mean heavy taxation of snus. That would blow, because I love this shit more than a I love a few of my kids! Okay that's an overstatement....just one of my kids, LOL


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Which one?


              • oouder
                • Mar 2009
                • 34

                I walked into my local cigar shop a few days ago after I looked on general's website and saw they were one of the few retailers taking part of the launch. They had the fridge (anyone know how to get one of those?) and it seemed to work very well.

                Went again today as I am in the process of converting a dipper and needed some supplies. I bought two cans of snus and he tossed 3 of the sampler packs to me and smiled knowing i'd put them to good use for him. I have allready given two of them away and have the third promised. I asked how the sales were and he said they were very good. The only complaint I do have is that they were double the price. 5.99 plus tax set me back $13 and change for two cans.

                Nice to be able to pick it up in the city. I am willing to pay a bit extra from time to time if I forget the can at the house and don't want to smoke and can still pick it up near the office.

                I really want one of those fridges!


                • rickcharles606
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 2307

                  Originally posted by Roo
                  Which one?
                  The oldest, why...you wanna work out some kinda kid for snus trade..LMAO?


                  • oouder
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 34



                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by oouder
                      I walked into my local cigar shop a few days ago after I looked on general's website and saw they were one of the few retailers taking part of the launch. They had the fridge (anyone know how to get one of those?) and it seemed to work very well.

                      Went again today as I am in the process of converting a dipper and needed some supplies. I bought two cans of snus and he tossed 3 of the sampler packs to me and smiled knowing i'd put them to good use for him. I have allready given two of them away and have the third promised. I asked how the sales were and he said they were very good. The only complaint I do have is that they were double the price. 5.99 plus tax set me back $13 and change for two cans.

                      Nice to be able to pick it up in the city. I am willing to pay a bit extra from time to time if I forget the can at the house and don't want to smoke and can still pick it up near the office.

                      I really want one of those fridges!
                      Seeeee, I don't want to pay that much. I'm a cheap bastard, we've got five kids (unless I can trade one off to Roo) and I prefer buying online and NOT spending 6 bucks a tin. That's just me though..


                      • oouder
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 34

                        Originally posted by rickcharles606
                        Originally posted by oouder
                        I walked into my local cigar shop a few days ago after I looked on general's website and saw they were one of the few retailers taking part of the launch. They had the fridge (anyone know how to get one of those?) and it seemed to work very well.

                        Went again today as I am in the process of converting a dipper and needed some supplies. I bought two cans of snus and he tossed 3 of the sampler packs to me and smiled knowing i'd put them to good use for him. I have allready given two of them away and have the third promised. I asked how the sales were and he said they were very good. The only complaint I do have is that they were double the price. 5.99 plus tax set me back $13 and change for two cans.

                        Nice to be able to pick it up in the city. I am willing to pay a bit extra from time to time if I forget the can at the house and don't want to smoke and can still pick it up near the office.

                        I really want one of those fridges!
                        Seeeee, I don't want to pay that much. I'm a cheap bastard, we've got five kids (unless I can trade one off to Roo) and I prefer buying online and NOT spending 6 bucks a tin. That's just me though..
                        It's too much I agree. No kids for me yet! A LARGE percentage of my purchases are from Northerner but in a pinch I won't hesitate lol!


                        • Starcadia
                          • May 2008
                          • 646

                          I bought some General at a tobacconist in D.C. about 10 months ago who had a very nice General fridge keeping everything cool. Are you all sure these things are new where you are?


                          • oouder
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 34

                            Originally posted by Starcadia
                            I bought some General at a tobacconist in D.C. about 10 months ago who had a very nice General fridge keeping everything cool. Are you all sure these things are new where you are?
                            I think he had mentioned they have had it for a bit. I was under the impression that it had been around for 6 months or so. Could have just as easily been longer. I know I have been by that shop at least a few times in the past 2 months but did not notice it until actually looking for it.


                            • Spijker
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 18

                              I've always bought from a shop in Antwerp(Belgium). Normaly you can't sell the stuff here but if you know where to ask
                              But it was quite expensive 6.8$ and only general (often expired).
                              Glad i started ordering form northerner.

