First V2 test review - Sweet Clove

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  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    To continue being back on track. I broke into the Sweet Clove today.

    To be fair, I don't like cloves. I don't like anything with cloves in them, cigarettes, gum, candy...etc. The clove taste is one reason I didn't like the julesnus/es.

    Having said that , this is really good. Long lasting flavor, the clove flavor stays throughout usage. I had a portion in for over an hour and it still tasted of cloves. Light sweetness, no salt. If one likes cloves this is a good one. Very well done.
    I've had 4 portions so far, so maybe I like cloves after all. I wouldn't buy a roll but maybe a couple of cans now and then, it would make a good replacement for my late night snus, or at least a change.

    It would make a good addition to V2's line up. Seems a lot of people like cloves.


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      I've noticed that my snus flavor preferences really don't coincide with food or drink flavors.

      I don't like black licorice but I love LD black, I like fruit candy but hate all the fruity snus I've tried... on and on.

      I think sometimes the way snus is tasted/felt creates a different reaction then it's flavor source, so applying your tastes for food/drink or even other snus to more snus isn't so easy


      • rickcharles606
        • Mar 2009
        • 2307

        I really want to try the Sweet clove, hope this one get's released soon.


        • NonEntity
          • Jan 2009
          • 138

          I am trying to remember what clove even tastes like. I think I may have had blackjack gum as a kid but I can't remember anything about the taste. These reviews are interesting, though, and I am happy to see a portion pack. The Mandarin and Vanilla los sounded very interesting, hopefully those will be represented in the new portion set.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Find some Blackjack gum again and you will know exactly how this tastes!!


            • mercvrivs
              • Sep 2008
              • 484

              Clove Review by Mercvrivs


              Cloves: The unmistakable sweet and slightly spicy scent that signals comfort, cool breezes on summer nights, and the mysteries of infinite possibility. This is the flavor I was most excited to try, because I love cloves and have been hoping that someone would produce a clove snus. There's nothing quite like the smell and taste of a quality clove product.

              Upon opening the can, I noticed the sweet and pleasant odor for which I was so eagerly hoping (reminded me a bit of the smell from Djarum cigarettes, except better). The portions are well-stuffed and juicy. One thing I love about the portions in this test batch is how moist they are. The extra moistness yields greater flavor than most portions. I think that this moisture level, or even a little bit less moist, works very well.

              The initial taste was not as sweet as I expected, and fortunately so. I was expecting it to be too sweet, but the current product achieves an exemplary level of balance and distinction, with a slight saltiness that distinguishes it as quality snus. It is, quite simply, delicious, an excellent blend between the essence of cloves and an underlying vanilla sweetness. Imagine a snus that tastes like what clove cigarettes promise, but which they never fully achieve. This snus is the fulfillment of that unrequited promise. The flavor boasts longevity, and the juice from the portions is easy on the throat and palate; far from overwhelming, it leaves a soothing aftertaste. I've only had one clove portion that started to run badly, at which point I had to spit it out.

              When I use a portion, I typically use it for up to 30 minutes. With the clove, I broke my record and kept one in for almost 1.5 hours, and the main reason I spit it out at that point was to eat. That definitely illustrates the longevity and superb flavor of this snus.

              As most of you know, I use primarily loose snus. I've tried a ton of different brands of portions, but the only portion I've ordered in rolls is General Ekstra Sterk (and that was for meetings/sleep). I can honestly say that if this clove snus was produced regularly, I would routinely order it just to enjoy the flavor. In terms of flavor, it is my favorite portion snus ever, and ranks high on my overall list of tastiest snuses.


              • v2
                • Oct 2007
                • 220

                Originally posted by Condor
                Patrick needs to start listening to me, because I have lots of great idea for snus. Chicken Wing flavored snus
                You will defiantly be listed the day we will make a Chicken Wing flavored snus :lol: :lol:


                • mercvrivs
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 484

                  I'm enjoying yet another Clove portion. I cleaned up my reviews some, and I must say, I'm still loving the Cloves the most. I will sure miss them when I've used them all. I've been looking forward to this portion all day, which is something I cannot usually say. Refined, delectable, distinguished, relaxed: that's what this snus is.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    so far, Clove is holding on to my number one as well. I will son start my 2nd round, so we shall see but doubt anything will knock it off.


                    • RobME
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 387

                      This is the last remaining flavor for me. I haven't commented on this one yet. It seems there's not much for me to say. Sagedil nailed it with his first post here. Mercvrivs put-up an especially well written review, which I liked reading very much, and I can especially relate to TBD's comments; Honest & to the mark. Brief but all well-said. What can I add?...

                      Clove. I've got a friend of mine who occasionally smokes clove cigarettes (I know his wife doesn't like the smell of them). I absolutely hate the smell of them. Really it's true. Once I was hanging out with my sister and she lit-up a clove cigarette when I wasn't looking... as soon as I smelled that sh%t, I pulled it out of her hand and extinguished it. I hate the smell of clove cigarettes. This sweet clove snus was on the bottom of my list as far as expectations go.

                      Outside of clove cigarettes, the closest contact I've ever had with clove is with ham. Cloves (as far as I've seen) are usually stuck in ham steaks prior to cooking. Apparently ham is well-served by being seasoned with cloves. Well I'll tell ya, I like the ham just fine without the damn cloves. Ham's good stuff. I grew-up eating ham and all kinds of pork, bacon, sausage, spare ribs... I discovered pulled pork late in life but man! that sh%t is good! It's a pity those pigs are really smart animals. I've read they're smarter than dogs! ...but I don't know. Never owned one... never will. It's a real shame they gotta taste so good, being as smart as they are. They're not appreciated for their brains, just how good they taste. They are a tragic animal. Well I'm eating less & less meat (of any and all kinds) these days. Don't know if I'll ever become a true vegetarian, but I am heading in that direction. Pigs have got nothing to fear from me. Here's another bit of trivia; Did you know that pig's are referred to in some circles as the horizontal man. Apparently some of their organs can be used as replacements for some human organ transplants. I say, no thanks!, but they're bred for that purpose as well.

                      (back to sweet clove snus)

                      Open the can and you'll smell a sweet fragrance of cinnamon/vanilla with what I guess is a hint of clove. It's a nice smell. The portions are wet - not nearly so as the vanilla, and you know what? I'm getting used to the initial wetness of these portions. It's a good thing!

                      The taste for me?

                      I've kept notes all along. Ever since I started, I've kept notes with every sampling and added to them as necessary. As to this Sweet Clove snus; my first and only note about it was one word long.


                      Rankings later...



                      • jackolantern
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 198

                        Out of curiosity, what is the brand on these new snus, or are they just sent in some kind of blank of tentative cans? Are they Offroad? Some other V2 brand, or something new? I really want to try the Sweet Clove, but it would help if I know what to look for when they come out.


                        • mercvrivs
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 484

                          They are currently in plain tins because these are test samples. From what others have said, I believe this is going to be the 2009 Offroad Limited Edition.


                          • jackolantern
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 198



                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              Well... I saved sweet clove for last as I had a strange feeling that it was going to best the rest. I was not let down.

                              There is not much I can say that has not already been said. The taste is fragrant and sweet, but mellow and relaxing all at the same time. The taste is so incredibly smooth that I could truly see myself using this quite a bit.

                              As of right this second, this one is in my top three. Maybe not #1, but definitely up there.

                              I'll be cycling back to Moonshine in a bit and doing another full round before I post my final thoughts.


                              • sagedil
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 7077

                                Glad to see you have at least some normal tastes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

