V2 test review - Banana

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  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    After spending some time with this one trying to decide what I thought, here goes...

    Smells like bad banana candy. Tastes like overripe bananas, that dark brown stage where they become perfect for banana nut bread, with some salt. As usual for these testers the flavor lasts quite a while.
    For me this is a middle ground snus. I don't like it, I don't hate it. It just is. I wish I could describe it better. It's a grey area, not black or white. It's non offensive, very neutral.

    If it was available I would buy it, but I wouldn't twist arms to get it available.


    • btrip
      • Feb 2009
      • 96

      This is sort of odd...

      I had to throw my Probe Whiskey los out due to a failed experiment, but I just popped in a Probe Whiskey portion and it still doesn't taste anything like whiskey... but what is that taste....

      Is it... could it be... BANANA!?!?

      To me, Probe Whiskey tastes like BANANAS.



      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        I'm now tasting my first portion of the banana and I have to agree with what has been said.

        It does taste like banana, but it tastes like a combination of overly ripe/squishy banana as was mentioned in a previous post. Other than that, it kind of reminds me of plantains. THe taste bringsd me back to my many trips to Grand Cayman and eating my fair share of fried plantains.

        Thus far, This is the one flavor that I just do not like. I'll revisit again just for the sake of an unbiased review, but I do not for see my opinion changing.


        • RobME
          • Jul 2008
          • 387

          Hey! Y'all have any idea how healthy Bananas are? Bananas are a superfood! Look it up! They got almost everything in 'em. Bananas are great!!! I don't eat 'em much. Just not for me. Maybe once in a great while. I don't think they're bad. I think they're good but I don't really dig 'em.

          But I've bought more bananas in my time than probably anyone here. My Parrot loved 'em. I bought 'em a few times a week. She wouldn't eat 'em everyday - but most days they were always there for her. I shared with her (almost) everything that I ate, and then some. Sure there was bird food, but also greens and vegetables, fruits, apples, oranges, grapes, pears, chicken & other protein, pasta & even pizza (in moderation), etc... I'd give her almost anything she loved. Of course there are some things you just shouldn't feed a parrot. Those were off my list. I gave her a fair amount of soybeans too. She seemed to enjoy 'em - and that's what killed her. I never found out till later, after she was gone just how dangerous to consume soybeans are, and no one had ever told me, I just didn't know. But I'm sure that over time that's what did it. Twenty five years with this Parrot, and I couldn't save her, and with one of the best avian vets in the country. Wasn't even half a life. Fu%king soybeans! - I don't think soybeans are fit for human or animal consumption (and I can furnish documented evidence to anyone who's interested, in why they shouldn't eat them). Fu%Kin' soybeans !!!- If they ever make a soybean Snus, I'm boycotting the damn company that does it.

          Oh - OK this is about Bananas, Ok. I think Sage, and everyone else nailed it! Tobacco & Bananas just aren't a match. I don't think this product is a fake taste, just... probably an honest attempt at a natural taste that DOESN'T WORK for me either. I like the Ananas better than this (see my Ananas comments).



          • RobME
            • Jul 2008
            • 387

            Originally posted by Xobeloot
            To answer the question that was asked as to what these testers are:

            V2 does an Offroad limited edition set once per year. This will be the 2009 set.
            Be a real shame if some of these flavors don't make first string and get in the real game. What a waste to have them only as a once a year set.


            • mercvrivs
              • Sep 2008
              • 484

              Banana Review


              The portions look tasty and moist, and it smells mildly of banana. Everything sounds great so far!

              This snus tastes slightly like plantains, but to me it tastes like slightly old fruit or vegetables. It's earthy, not very sweet, and I don't taste much of a banana flavor.

              I was very impressed with all of the other samples I tried. However, this one definitely is my least favorite so far.


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