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  • mwood72


    Has anybody tried F&L's Diplomat Snus? I've been trying it for a couple of weeks now as a change from my usual General and really like it. To me it's saltier than General which is great if you like spicy/salty food. I feel the metal cans seem to keep the Snus fresher too.
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    It's nice - quite coarse...rather like Landströms and Gellivare. Definitely a sharper citrus taste than General, I remember liking it.


    • phish
      • Jan 2007
      • 265

      I loved the can it came in and the cut of the snus. The only thing is that I found the taste a little over powering. I've put a can of portions on my next order, I reckon the amount in a portion might be just right


      • mwood72

        Originally posted by phish
        I loved the can it came in and the cut of the snus. The only thing is that I found the taste a little over powering. I've put a can of portions on my next order, I reckon the amount in a portion might be just right
        Phish - I'm using the original portions, think they're yummy


        • phish
          • Jan 2007
          • 265

          I might be just imagining this or I might have a bad tin but does anyone else think diplomat portions are rather salty?

          *EDIT* Oops just saw the post where mwood72 mentioned its saltiness


          • KentuckySnusser
            • May 2007
            • 109

            Just wanted to bump this thread up with all the new snussers out there who may be thinking of ordering this excellent brand. It's definitely worth a try. The portions are great first thing in the morning with some coffee and quite nice in the evening with a dark beer. Yet the loose is even better, not too coarse but still easy to form a tight pris to last a while, especially if you like to use an icetool.

            A natural tobacco flavour is present without being overpowering or including too many additional characteristics, save for a well-balanced hint of tangy fruit; not as noticeable as Gustavus and has a more varied blend than the lemony zest of General . The aroma is subtle, and it just seems to give a nice, smooth kick. After having tried many different cans of loose, none to completion yet, this one is definitely in the running to be my mainstay. I absolutely love it.


            • Dave***t
              • Aug 2006
              • 104

              I found the lemon taste to be a bit overpowering with Diplomat. The F&L product I really like is Granit - I know it's meant to be pure tobacco, but I do detect a slight lemony hint.

              I read somewhere that Granit has taken quite a few regular users from General in Sweden following the tax rise a few months back, and I can see why. Worth a go.


              • ringdoc
                • Sep 2007
                • 35

                I am still kinda new, and tonight I tried my first loose, think I will use it at night after wife goes to bed hahaha my fav so far is diplomat, nice tabacco flavor, I am still smoking so I dont catch the suttle flavors most report, but it has become one of my favs, and granit is not too bad also,


                • RealmofOpeth
                  • May 2007
                  • 407

                  I'm completely the opposite on Diplomat. I don't find any lemon taste whatsoever with this stuff. rather a dull flavor as far as I'm concerned. maybe just got a bad can or something...who knows. Certainly not impressed with it. maybe it's the kind of snus for those who enjoy extremely subtle flavors? I mean by the descriptions people give it, apparently that's not the case.
                  maybe I'll have to give it another chance...


                  • ringdoc
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 35

                    ok, I tried it, between the slow progression of it running down my teeth, and then getting it outta my mouth! and it getting caught up in my dentures, loose is not for me, will stick with portions and will wrap the remaining loos diplomat I have in coffe filters, notebook paper, what ever I have so not to waste it, just not use it loose, more for the rest of you. I am gonna stick with portions!


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Don't give up on the loose, mate! Everyone's first pris is like that - it's like riding a bike, very easy once you get it figured out but you always fall the first time :lol: I absolutely hated loose after my first pris - I thought people were nuts to put up with that sort of messy, unmanageable crap.

                      The key is to bake it well - make a nice, firm plug of snus by pressing it like clay. Diplomat is probably one of the tougher ones to start with as it is quite coarse. Something like Prima Fint or Röda Lacket is easier to keep together. Keep trying, even if it's only once a day or two. Take your dentures out if it helps simplify things and pack the pris nearer to the middle of your top lip if you find it drips down the sides and back too much. Relaxing the top lip is key too - too tense and you mush it all over the place. :?

                      It's really a nicer experience than portions, I think. The taste of the loose is markedly smoother and less salty than portions. Teabags are probably your best bet if you want something to wrap it up in, mind you - that's what the portions are made of. :idea:


                      • Soft Morning, City!
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 772

                        Zero's right. Loose, while lovely in terms of taste, was an absolute pain in the ass at first. But once I got good at baking and learned to keep my lip relaxed, it was wonderful. A well-formed pris can stay in for a long, long time without coming apart if you do it right.

                        In fact, the only time I've ever fallen asleep with snus in my mouth was with a fat pris of Goteborgs Rape. I passed out for three hours and when I woke up, the pris was still intact. My mouth was salty and my gum was kind of wrinkly and dry, but the pris was still okay. It all comes down to keeping the lip relaxed and doing a good job on the bake.


                        • jqlynch
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 132

                          I don't get a specific lemon flavor out of the Diplomat lös. It does have a very crisp, almost cleansing sort of character, but the overall flavor seems more pure tobacco to me, and very smooth. I'm only about 2 pris into the can, but I think I'm giving it a tentative thumbs-up.

                          Re: the lös experience in general, don't give up. Hand-baking is kind of like riding a bicycle; once you learn how, you don't forget and it gets easier every time. Zero made a very useful instructional video that helped me a lot. As previously mentioned, relaxing the lip is key, as well.


                          • ringdoc
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 35

                            lip pressure, never thought of that one, I bet I squeesed that down my teeth like toothpaste outta tube hahahaha, I find in portions I do press often to get a nice flavor boost. well of course I would pic a snus that does not make a pris very well, diplomat, I will figure out something with a teabag, and try anther brand my next order. and I have watched the videos on baking, but it is a learning curve, and I am at the bottom hahahah


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              Yeah man, the lip pressure thing was really hard to get used to at first. I, too, tend to give portions a squeeze every now and again to get more flavor. But once I got past the urge to do this when I had loose in my mouth, the experience was wonderful.


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