V2 test review - Manderine

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    V2 test review - Manderine

    Smell - Smells like oranges (manderine's I guess :lol: ) Very pure smell, nothing chemical, nice really.

    Looks - light brown and very moist.

    Flavor - I was a bit ambivalent about this one. I guess I expected the overwhelming sweetness of the banana and have been pleasantly surprised. You are instantly met with a significant taste of orange, but not to sweet, and not really too salty either. The taste is almost acidic, which is exactly appropriate for mandarin.

    Very pleasant. I don't think I like it quite as much as the clove, but would be happy getting this. especially as a limited edition. It is a very nice change and probably my favorite fruit flavored snus ever.

    Again, nothing like Offroad, no strange aftertastes.
  • BrianC
    • Dec 2008
    • 463

    Is it pretty similar to the nordstrommen?


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Originally posted by BrianC
      Is it pretty similar to the nordstrommen?
      That's what I'd like to know. If it is, then I'm very interested...


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I think we might have to wait until Xobeloot or one of the others that also does los to chime in. But I would expect that the answer is yes. At least as much as a portion ever compares with los.


        • Raddleman

          Nice review sage, comprehensive as ever :wink: . Sounds like it could be a nice snus.

          I'd be interesting in finding out whether these limited eds will be as cheap per can as regular Offroads, although I would imagine not. (Be good just to say I tried the LEs though, so no biggy really.)


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674

            Originally posted by Raddleman
            Nice review sage, comprehensive as ever :wink: . Sounds like it could be a nice snus.

            I'd be interesting in finding out whether these limited eds will be as cheap per can as regular Offroads, although I would imagine not. (Be good just to say I tried the LEs though, so no biggy really.)
            The guy from V2 said they have invested in new machines and will be releasing new products this year. I speculate these flavors are for a different, more exclusive brand.


            • Raddleman

              Originally posted by snusjus
              Originally posted by Raddleman
              Nice review sage, comprehensive as ever :wink: . Sounds like it could be a nice snus.

              I'd be interesting in finding out whether these limited eds will be as cheap per can as regular Offroads, although I would imagine not. (Be good just to say I tried the LEs though, so no biggy really.)
              The guy from V2 said they have invested in new machines and will be releasing new products this year. I speculate these flavors are for a different, more exclusive brand.
              Oh wow, that sounds awesome . I can't wait. Did they say whether it will be flavoured snuses, or more classic snuses? No worries if they didn't say. Hope they market clove as a non-LE 8)


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I haven't received my testers yet. As soon as I do I'll dive into the mandarin and do a portion vs los comparison. From reading what Sage said, it sounds to me like it tastes near identical to the los.

                My guess is that it may give off a bit more orange flavor than the los, but that is typical with any portion in comparison to los.

                Anyways, I'll validate or disprove that speculation when my samples get here.


                • TBD
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 817

                  Finally got my package today. After a few hours with mandarin I can offer my thoughts.
                  Initial thoughts: It smells just like oranges. Very moist, one of the dampest portions I've had.
                  Flavor is pretty much mandarins with a slight bitterness hiding in the back. A bit like the Gotlands bitterness, not a bad thing, just there. Nice tobacco notes. Flavor lasts pretty well, I had one portion in for just over an hour, still getting hints of mandarin, tobacco flavor is primary after about 30 minutes. Kind of sweet, but no more than Phantom Blue. Pretty good execution of a citrus snus.

                  Would I buy it? Yes, but more as a desert/end of day snus. I don't think this is an all day user.

                  My testing procedure is to use a different flavor each day, and judge them initially and then work one's I've already tried into my daily rotation. I can't stick with any one brand all day so I use 2-4 flavors to get through. So I think I'll try mandarin again tomorrow afternoon.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Yay, more testers finally. Sounds like your impressions are the same as mine. Nice, I liked it, would be a very nice "occasional" snus. btw, 3 flavors in, ALL the snus has been that moist.


                    • jhf429
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 19

                      This sounds really, really tasty to me. Oddly enough, the banana snus sounds good as well (I despise bananas but love artificial banana flavour) How does one become a tester of these snuses? Also are they all coming going to be released or just the most popular ones?


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        Not all of them will be released, why the public testing process. And the testers, all that I know of, have all been active here on Snuson for a long time. So stick around, be active, and perhaps your time will come next. :lol:


                        • TBD
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 817

                          Originally posted by sagedil
                          Yay, more testers finally. Sounds like your impressions are the same as mine. Nice, I liked it, would be a very nice "occasional" snus. btw, 3 flavors in, ALL the snus has been that moist.
                          I opened and sniffed all the flavors, and noticed they all were moist looking, but handling the mandarin was still a bit surprising.

                          I'll hit the clove later on. After cleansing my palette with a Icetool full of LD.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Just a last followup for now. I did another Mandarin when I got home from work. Wow, it really is pleasant. There is nothing overdone with this snus. The clove is sweet, and the banana was too sweet. But this is not that sweet. Not really bitter, as I said yesterday, more of an acidic taste, and just the right bit. This last one I have had in for an hour and a half, and still a slight taste of mandarin in my mouth.

                            If this were a limited edition, I would definitely pick up a bunch to freeze so I could have it on hand when the mood strikes. It is like nothing else out there. So 2 for 3 so far Patrick. :wink:

                            I am NOT expecting good things for my next. Me and the wise one have been laughing privately about it, but who knows. Soon......


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Mix the clove and orange for a holiday spice snus. It would be like a pomander :^)


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