V2 test review - Moonshine

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    I've enjoyed many kinds of liquor or many occasions, and I never thought bourbon, let alone "that shine" would be a good candidate for snus-flavor.

    That said, I think it's a good move as it raises the bar to other flavor ideas with alcohol. obviously other kinds of liquor could be used, but I think the most likely to work(because of the complex flavor of tobacco) would be to make different 2-3 part cocktail snuses. rum and coke is my suggestion, but lots of things could work.

    much like coffee flavor, alcohol can be a refreshing flavor, particularly when you can get it without getting it's effects. It's a pavlovian things, and for the odd person that tries to use more tobacco to cut back/quit drinking like me(notice how many people smoke in rehab), it might help on another level.


    • RobME
      • Jul 2008
      • 387

      Bump for the view - two floors up. I want some more FB on this...


      • TBD
        • Jul 2008
        • 817

        Meant to post earlier...

        After a few more days of playing with this one, and I've only got 4 portions left....

        I actually like it. It is a little strange at first, but it grew better the longer I used it. I still think it smells like cheap booze, but it doesn't taste that way.I would defiantly like to see more of this one made. Yes, I would buy it.

        I'm not as eloquent as the rest of these guys, nor are my taste buds as discerning , but I like it.

        I have tried all of the samples now and I don't hate any of them. 2 of them I dislike, and couple need slight tweaking, but all of them have been quality stuff. Going to go through the whole stash in the next few days to see if any of them changed. I have found several snus that taste different after sitting for a week after breaking the seal.


        • jackolantern
          • Dec 2008
          • 198

          Ok, here is how V2 should play this one. I was in complete disbelief that this one existed (as can now be seen in my replies in the other threads were it was mentioned). Most other people will be in disbelief as well.

          So I think that V2 should make a few (maybe less then even the other limited editions). They will sell to curious people. And those curious people will try one, and probably only one. Then they will get everyone they know to try one, and probably only one. Then the rest will be thrown away. But they will sell every single can from a small-ish running of them. And every curious person will save the can (not the contents) just to say that they had it, and they have proof.


          • RobME
            • Jul 2008
            • 387

            ...more comments on Moonshine.

            I'm enjoying this.

            a lot.

            It's cold from the refrigerator and and a renewed sniff of the cans contents remind me of stale white wine, but not off-putting. The taste is still of salt and pepper and mostly soy sauce but now I get where Xobe was more right than I first thought... It IS kind of Sake like too.

            and very savory.

            Definitely in my top two (or three) for now.

            more to come...



            • jackolantern
              • Dec 2008
              • 198

              Originally posted by RobME
              ...more comments on Moonshine.

              I'm enjoying this.

              a lot.

              It's cold from the refrigerator and and a renewed sniff of the cans contents remind me of stale white wine, but not off-putting. The taste is still of salt and pepper and mostly soy sauce but now I get where Xobe was more right than I first thought... It IS kind of Sake like too.

              and very savory.

              Definitely in my top two (or three) for now.

              more to come...

              Really? I have not had one (of course) but everyone has posted as though it was punishing. It makes me want one that much more.

              V2: Sounds like you need to release this one.


              • mercvrivs
                • Sep 2008
                • 484

                Moonshine Review

                The portions appear medium to light in color with speckles. They are well-filled, like all of the portions in this sample. The portions smell like alcohol, almost like a cleaning chemical, but with a certain sweetness that is appetizing.

                There is a definite taste of alcohol to these portions, but a background sweetness much like you'd find in wine or even some hard alcoholic beverages. In my opinion, this snus captures the alcohol flavor much better than Probe Whiskey. The taste of this snus reminds me of the aftertaste of white wine. I've never had moonshine but it tastes like a slightly sweet hard alcohol, but not the harshness that can come with such beverages.

                I was surprised by this snus. It is, like many of V2's products, very unique. Like most of the offerings in this test sample, it captures the flavor that it promises, yet remains balanced. If you enjoy alcoholic beverages for their taste, you'll probably enjoy this snus. I personally do not enjoy this flavor, but that is because I purposely do not drink alcohol. However, I applaud V2 for their ability to produce a snus that captures the flavor of alcohol better than any other.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  OK, while everyone else seems to be posting their final reviews, I am just beginning phase 2. It is just not possible for me to trust my initial impressions. Too many snuses that my thoughts changed with more use.

                  So many people disagreed with my sentiments that this was not a great snus. Not everyone, but most it seems kind of liked it or liked it very much. So I came into tonight really prepared to see what all the fuss was about. Is this a snus I might enjoy using??

                  Everyone has covered how true to the concept this snus is. In many ways, one of the best V2 has ever done at accurately capturing the taste. But still, after a week, I don't really enjoy this snus.

                  And it's not that it's bad, it's that it doesn't taste good. Like my beloved elyxr!!! If this snus had the same caffeine and taurine, I would use it every day and come to anticipate the bitter flavor in the same way I do Elyxr. But it doesn't, so really just don't see why I would use an unpleasant tasting snus


                  • mercvrivs
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 484

                    I can relate sage. I don't like this snus. However, it seems like a flavor that a lot of people want. But just between you, me, and the rest of the world: Sweet Clove's better.


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      Way, way better!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


                      • TBD
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 817

                        If Moonshine and Clove both make it to production, I'll send you two my Clove and I'll take all your Moonshine. There problem solved. :lol:


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