V2 test review: Question to the reviewers

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  • Maximus
    • Jan 2009
    • 222

    V2 test review: Question to the reviewers

    I hadn't seen this discussed yet or maybe I missed it in some of the reviews. What are your opinions on the portion materials used for these flavors you are all trying? We have heard many in the past complain about the "burlap" quality of the material, are you noticing differences in the material used for these portions?
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    I don't. And I think that answers your question. I haven't really thought about it cause it seems just like most other snus I use. And I think that is the point.

    It has been months since I had an Offroad, so just far back in my memory banks. these strike me as "typical", whatever that means.


    • Maximus
      • Jan 2009
      • 222

      Typical to the types of portions you are used to? If so that sounds like an improvement over the Offroad portion materials. I'm interested to hear from the other reviewers as well that maybe have had other Offroad flavors more recently. Thanks Sagedil.


      • ponysoprano
        • Jul 2008
        • 562

        I like the Offroad portion pouches, and the test flavors that I've sampled so far seem similar, as sagedil mentioned, but the ones I've had so far don't seem to be as "wetted" as your typical Offroad portions, there are spots on the pouch seams that are rather dry. This may in fact be just because the stuff is prototype at this point. I have enjoyed some of Offroad's more experimental flavors like Brandy Alexander, and I would like to see V2 white portions at some point in the future.


        • TBD
          • Jul 2008
          • 817

          The portion material is the same as usual. For me that's not a problem as I don't have any issues with V2's portions materials, actually I like the feel.


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            I like the Thunder portion but I can never, for a minute, feel like I don't have a wad of paper in my mouth. Feel weird to me.


            • RobME
              • Jul 2008
              • 387

              I was surprised when Patrick solicited my own participation in reviewing these new test flavors. Happily I accepted. I received the samples two days ago, and I've been taking notes. I think I'll have a fair amount to say.

              I haven't been around here all that much lately. Life intrudes. In general I really don't like to post here (or anywhere else for that matter), unless I have something to say that's meaningful or significant in some way. I've decided not to become a post whore. A lot of the BS is just that (sorry), these days I just don't have the time for it.

              In the past, while I haven't loved some of the V2 offerings. I genuinely liked the strong cranberry and the coffee vanilla (while kind of funky) is something I could easily understand PP loving, I liked it a lot too. So I've made some very good supportive, and honest posts about V2 and maybe that, in some way was the reason Patrick gave me a shot with this.

              To answer the question here; The portion bag material is... fine. It's not overly rough at all. It might not be as soft and smooth as, let's say the Triumph bags (which to me are great), or Onyx, which though I haven't had in a while - I seem to recall them being smooth & better than most.

              These bags aren't burlap, and they're are well-filled for the most part with these new flavors. I don't think anyone would be off put by them.


              • Maximus
                • Jan 2009
                • 222

                I want to clarify that I don't personally think the portions are burlap. I just know others that have not been as happy with V2 portions have used that as one of the reasons they don't like V2. Personally I love all the V2 products, except Coffee/Vanilla and Apple.

                I wanted to like the Coffee/Vanilla especially because of PP's reviews of it. For some reason it just didn't do it for me. I may try it again down the road but probably from a vendor overseas where it will be fresher. I know there is not supposed to be that noticeable a difference the closer to the best by date but it just tasted funky to me.

                I'm looking forward to trying the ones that make the cut. I just hadn't seen anything about the portion material being commented on and wanted to check.


                • v2
                  • Oct 2007
                  • 220

                  Re: V2 test review: Question to the reviewers

                  Originally posted by Maximus
                  I hadn't seen this discussed yet or maybe I missed it in some of the reviews. What are your opinions on the portion materials used for these flavors you are all trying? We have heard many in the past complain about the "burlap" quality of the material, are you noticing differences in the material used for these portions?
                  In sommer 2008 we change "paper-material" to the same supplier as Swedish Match and the rest....
                  So all portion produced after august 2008 is made with the same material


                  • mercvrivs
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 484

                    I like the portion materials. I have some OR Cranberry and Thunder portions (all purchased after August), and the material is very soft (as far as portions go) in my opinion.


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