New snuser

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  • Nick99
    New Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 12

    New snuser

    I happened upon the forums a week or so ago. A little over a week ago I ordered 3 Pris Masters and 5 cans of los, Offroad wintergreen, offroad longcut wintergreen, offroad licorice, offroad cranberry and probe whiskey. It all arrived today and was waiting for me when I got home from work, tossed three of the cans in the freezer and kept out the cranberry and licorice (and put in the fridge before heading to bed).
    I am a loooong time Skoal wintergreen dipper, moved over to the longcut wintergreen right after it came out because the one thing I didn't like about skoal original because to me it turned to sawdust when it was dead. I have always moved my dip around my mouth to keep from getting that callus that seemed to develop. I lower dip and I bake, all depends on how I feel and how my innner lip feels.
    After work I cracked open the cranberry, pulled out a Pris Master and packed it. Sliding the pris into place went in smoothly for me. I even nodded off a bit while watching the tube and did not even wake up with mud mouth (but then again, I have fallen asleep with Skoal longcut in and it didn't migrate on me either). I didn't feel a rush, but then again have been dipping for a long time. The burn was a little noticable but not unbearable or long lasting to me. I did notice the salty taste at first with a light cranberry taste. The flavor lasted the whole time I had the pris in before dumping it to eat dinner. Enjoyable.
    After dinner I opened the licorice and shot a pris home with the Pris Master. Nice salty licorice taste that has lasted a good couple of hours. I am enjoying the flavor very much and I am looking forward to trying the other flavors I have in the freezer.
    I don't think I am going totally to snus just yet. Right before finding the forum, I tossed 5 and a half rolls of Skoal long cut wintergreen into the chest freeze that I scored for 3 bucks a can. For now I am pretty sure that the Skoal will be my work/daily tobacco and use the los snus in the evenings and weekends when I am home.
    I was a bit bummed that after slipping a pris of los in with the Pris Master, I was not able to pack any of the long cut Skoal into it to bake. Just too much of a chore compared to grabbing a pinch and slipping it into place "hillbilly" as I have done for years.
    Who knows, if the price stays where it is, when I get done with the Skoal, I may switch over totally, but for now, it is the at home go to, and I do enjoy the way a nice cool pris feels when it slides into place. And perhaps I will go all connoisseur and take over the butter holder in the fridge with a dozen or so different flavors to use as my after work/dinner mint. :wink:
  • ponysoprano
    • Jul 2008
    • 562

    Nice intro/testimonial! Welcome. It's funny, I was never a dipper until after I became a dedicated snusman. I'd tried it, but it wasn't until I'd been snussing regularly, that I started buying a can of dip here and there. I hear you re: taking over the butter shelf in the fridge door. Many of us have gone so far as to get a mini fridge for our stash...

    Edit: and I just realized we're neighbors, I'm in Gig Harbor.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Welcome to Snuson Nick


      • BrianC
        • Dec 2008
        • 463

        Welcome!! Trust me, if you really get into snus you will need that butter holder. There are too many flavors and types to only have a few cans open :lol: . I was alloted a whole drawer in the fridge where I have about 15 or so open cans. Perfect size.


        • mercvrivs
          • Sep 2008
          • 484

          Welcome! Good to see some more people here representing Washington.


          • Raddleman

            Welcome to the forum Nick. Wow, that post must've taken ages :shock: . I would recommend the Thunder snuses, especially the Wintergreen if you liked that in dip. They are twice as potent as the other ones you mention, and really hit the spot. I would but more of a broader range on you next order, you'll get more of a feel of the scope out there. Glad you like th Offroad Liquorice, I only tried that today, and loved it.


            • Nick99
              New Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 12

              Thanks for the welcome guys.

              It has been a couple of weeks since my first order came in and I am not disappointed one bit in trying swedish snus.

              I have tried each of my first 5 except the Offroad longcut wintergreen. Each one has it's own distinct reason to like them. I bough all los because I am a dipper of longcut and the idea of a pris of snus between my lip and gum was not unappealing since I am not a spitter.

              Overall, baking is the only way I have used any of the snus. I also bought a Pris Master and it is a good tool to pack and tuck a pris for a beginner. I like the shape of the pris it makes actually, after tucking it into place a quick flick with the tip of my tongue and the pillow shape fits in my upper lip nicely. I have even went to tucking the pris in with the tool on a slight angle so I don't have to twist it as much. I was never one to play with any tobacco that I had in my mouth once it is landed in place and I have not suffered from mud mouth at all.

              Offroad Cranberry:
              Nice salty start that calms down quickly and has a nice tobacco flavor. The cranberry flavor is a nice undertone and can be tasted with a simple swipe of my tongue over the pris. Most of the time this is the first snus I put in after getting home from work before dinner. This will be a can I buy every once in a while when I place an order. (but who knows after I try more)

              Offroad Licorice:
              I fell in love with this stuff first pris. I like licorice in general, this snus is a very good one. I get a good hit of salt and licorice right off the get go. The licorice flavor of this snus is stronger then the cranberry, but it works with this snus very well for me. This had been my after dinner snus for the past couple of weeks. The flavor stays with this tobacco from after dinner until bed time for me. Definately a buy again for me.

              Offroad American Wintergreen:
              Nice tingle in the upper lip the whole time I have a pris in. The flavor to me is not a true wintergreen. But then again I am used to Skoal Longcut Wintergreen. To me, the flavor is more of a spearmint. It reminds me of the spearmint stained glass candy my mom makes at christmas time. I can see myself buying this again, probably after I finish my year supply of Skoal I have in the freezer.

              Probe Whiskey:
              To me, this one is okay. I did not get a real whiskey flavor from it. To me it tasted more like mild Cope, but way more enjoyable because the pris stays in place because of the grind. One thing I didn't like about Cope was the graininess of it, how it tends to migrate in the mouth and the harsh flavor. Not going to throw out the can I have, but not sure I will buy it again.

              A week after my first order of 5 came in, I ordered the 2009 Limited Nodstrommen Loose. It arrived on Thursday, I was like a kid in a candy store. Put half in the chest freezer, and the rest in the freezer in the house. I grabbed a can randomly to get started with the tastings. They will follow in order of how I have tried them so far.

              Nodstromen Mandrin Orange:
              I have tried a few of the fruit flavored Skoal Longcuts, this surpasses any of them by far. The flavor is not intense in the beginning, and stays at a constant level the whole time the pris in in my mouth. I like the nice orange undertone on this one. If they start selling this one, I can see it being my after getting home or a dessert snus.

              Nodstrommen Dark Vanilla:
              I am a huge vanilla fan. When I smoked a pipe, vanilla was always within reach. I was a bit disappointed by the flavor of this one, perhaps I was expecting the vanilla to be like the mandrin orange was. The scent and flavor reminded me of the way pipe tobacco tasted when I smoked a pipe. The flavor is enjoyable and not nasty at all. Not sure I this one would be a regular purchase, perhaps a bonus point grab once in a while.

              Brandy Alexander Nodstrommen:
              Maybe it is because I quit drinking a looooooong time ago, but the liquor flavored snus is not doing it for me. This one just like the whiskey reminded me at a level of Cope. A bit stronger then the Probe Whiskey did. The flavor did not make me want to spit it out and I could let the pris stay in a few hours. Maybe as I get more into the can I will see a difference, but if I don't, this will not be a regular purchase if they start selling it outside of the limited addition pack. I may give the other can to a buddy that dips Cope to tryout snus with.

              The top and chocolate raspberry have not been tried yet. If the top is like the brandy alexander with reminding me of cope, it will probably not be a purchase for me if they sell singles.

              I have taken over half the butter shelf in the fridge for my open cans. *LOL* My wife is not pissed at me yet. I am sure that part of the reason I is because I still leave her room for her butter.

              I had to work today (sunday), so I tossed the cranberry and a Pris Master into my lunchbox next to the freezer pack. It made having to work on the weekend a bit more bearable to be able to slide a cool pris into place while sitting at my desk. I can see if I make the switch totally after my Skoal is done, taking it to work will not be an issue. I carried a can in my shirt pocket last weekend, when the wife and I went out for dinner with friends, to be able to slip in a pris after dinner. I definately like the feeling of a cool pris over one that is room temperature, however, that would not keep me from taking a can with me when out and about.

              Dumping the pris is not a problem for me at all. I have always used my tongue to pull out my Skoal Longcut and dump it on the ground or into the trash. Only real differences is, with the snus, I run my tongue over my gum to get the mud out and spit the last lil bit to get rid of it totally, also an occassional rinse with a beverage.

              I am looking for trying more of the various flavors of los out there to determine what my favorites will be. I am sure that before what I have runs out, I will be putting in a third order. I enjoy being able to have the snus cold at home after work and a day of Skoal Longcut Wintergreen. I have not lost my like/love of skoal longcut, but with the way prices are going because of taxes, I can see a total switch to snus if the price stays down compared to tobacco products from the US.

              Glad I stumbled upon this site, because I have like the snus I have bought and am yet to find one that just makes me want to spit it out and toss the can.



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