New To Snus (Almost)...Questions for us quiting cigs

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  • anderson0196
    New Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 4

    New To Snus (Almost)...Questions for us quiting cigs

    Hello Members!

    Thanks for all the great info on this board - not to mention the belly laughs at some posts (sh!t my pants )......

    While I now realize that Camel Snus is not that highly regarded, I have to thank their ad campaign for bringing me to this site (and others) in the first place. I was intrigued at this tobacco product called "snus" and as usual had to do my research on it.... A few hours later I placed an order on Northerner for a few tins: Claq Qui Portion, Ettan Portion, General Onyx White Portion, and Goteborgs Rape White Poriton.

    My primary reason for trying snus is as an aid to quit smoking - I've tried the patches and gums without success and could never switch to dip/chew full time due to my office job - snus seems to be the "silver bullet" I've been searching for!

    So now my question: I have been a pack a day smoker for 13 years (I calculate that to be just shy of 2 years in life expectancy reduction). Not sure if it matter, but for the past 10 years I've been smoking Marlboro Menthol Lights.

    What would be the best way to incorporate snus into my daily tobacco consumption? What's worked for you? Quit cigs cold turkey? Introduce snus gradually? Start with mini's? Start strong?

    Also, I placed my order on Northerner over the wknd and it still shows "pending" - Is this normal? I'm anxious to begin saving money and life w/o cigs!!!!
  • TBD
    • Jul 2008
    • 817

    Welcome to the board.

    Quitting smoking with snus runs the whole spectrum. Most of us it seems started snussing for various reasons and just decided one day to quit smoking. For some that took a couple of portions, some took weeks or months to quit. You will get to the point that cigs just don't do it for you anymore and you will lay them down.
    For an ex-smoker I suggest a few strong types and a lot of regular. I like a 1-5 ratio, at first. Over time as you learn what you like and need that may change. Strongs for those times when the cravings are extra strong, regular for normal times.


    • MrAbstracto
      • Dec 2008
      • 389

      When i started using snus I had no intention of quiting the cigs, it just sort of happened.
      My advice: just start snussing and have a smoke whenever you want one. If you're anything like me (and a lot of others here) you'll find that you just wont want a cig nearly as often and eventually you'll quit and wont even realize youve done so.


      • JBean
        • Jan 2009
        • 445

        I hate to beat a dead horse..

        but the same has happened to me. When I first started snusing, I was still buying cigarettes and smoking them regularly. Then, (i think it was around December) I just didn't have much urge to smoke. I haven't bought a pack since then, though I've bummed from a friend here and there.

        Definitely just do what comes naturally to you. Forcing yourself to not smoke when you really want to might just make it worse, but when you do get that urge, try popping in some snus first and see if it helps your cravings.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          In addition to what MrAbstracto said, keep your cigarettes in a less convenient place. A lot of the reason I smoked was for something to do. If they were next to the computer, I'd chain smoke the damned things just because they were there. Keep your cigs in the car, or in a little used room in the house. That'll keep you from grabbing one out of reflex. If you decide to make the trip for the cigarette, don't worry about it, enjoy your smoke. They aren't the instant death people make them out to be :^)


          • captncaveman
            • Jul 2008
            • 924

            Stay away from the fire water for awhile too, when i first started snusing to quit smoking drinking would get me every time. Like the others have said smoke when you really need one, soon enough you should leave them alone.

            The excitement of ordering new snus also aids in quitting smoking (well for me). Also the money that you would save. I would spend close to $400 on cigs a month now my monthly snus expense is close to $40 hahahaha.


            • mbyrd624
              • Oct 2008
              • 17

              Cost is a big attraction. What I would spend in two days of smoking, I now spend for a month of snus. And as a former 2 1/2 - 3 pack a day smoker, I will vouch for its effectiveness as a nicotine replacement vehicle.


              • Roo
                • Jun 2008
                • 3446

                Welcome to the forum! I think the advice others have given here is great. Not telling yourself you will never smoke a cigarette again is unnecessary and pretty daunting as well. Having said that, I can speak for those of us who did use snus exclusively with the intent to completely stop smoking. It's amazing how effective snus is at killing your cravings for cigs. After a while of being completely smoke free, I have had the occasional cig, but snus is my number 1 source of nicotine and I don't think about smokes any more at all unless I'm with someone who is smoking and I decide I want to smoke too.

                Do it however you like. As everyone has already said, the more you enjoy your new snus, the less you will even think about smoking cigs and things will take their natural course. If you "slip up" and fall off the wagon, as I have done, it's very simple and appealing to get right back into snus and throw the cigs away once again.


                • Old Frothingslosh
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 175

                  Welcome to the forums and the snus world.

                  I think everyone is different in their approach and success with quitting cigarettes. I first ordered a roll of General Ekstra Sterk and had my last cigarette the day my order arrived. Later I learned that ordering a roll of an untried snus is not the way to do it. It's probably best to get a sampler pack so you can try different flavors to see what you like. However, in my case, GES worked like magic. A few days later I ordered a variety, but one can of each, not a whole roll.

                  I like many different flavors, but the GES is still my favorite and I use it probably six to one of anything else.

                  I smoked for three times as many years as you have and I've been smokefree for eleven weeks. I still have one pack of Marlboro, unopened, but for some reason I'm not tempted too much to open it. Every other time I tried to quit smoking I would be rooting through the trash to find an old butt, probably within less than a day.

                  Good luck in your efforts--snus will help.


                  • anderson0196
                    New Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 4

                    Thanks for all the great feedback so far - Much appreciated

                    Any thoughts on the "order status" from Northerner?


                    • GenuineSpirit
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 225

                      Welcome to the board, you are in for a ride.

                      I myself quit because I was sick of hacking and coughing. I just said thats it. And if you have your mind set you want to quit, you will.

                      As far as snus regimen, I used a strong in the morning to get me going and cut urges, then regular strength till I had an overwhelming urge came on, then a strong again to cut the urge. You will find what works for you. I had just purchased a carton of cigarettes shortly before quitting and kept them around for a few weeks till I was certain I was done for good.

                      I have to echo MrAbstracto, just start and before you know it you will be reaching for snus and will not even have the urge to smoke anymore. At least that was my experience.

                      Have a good journey and welcome to the world of snus.


                      • GenuineSpirit
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 225

                        Originally posted by anderson0196
                        Thanks for all the great feedback so far - Much appreciated

                        Any thoughts on the "order status" from Northerner?
                        You may have ordered one or two brands that were not in stock, some say 1-3 days till the can get them.


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          Congrats on making the decision to quit smoking and welcome to the board. Like you, I wanted to quit smoking and had tried everything to no avail. I saw the Camel ads on their snus garbage and wanted to know what it was, but no one locally could tell me. So to the net I went and wow..there was an entire world of snus out there.

                          I read the science behind it, reduced harm, nicotine uptake, etc. I couldn't believe some of the testimonials that ex-smokers were writing about quitting. Not to mention all the incredible flavors and types of snus out there. So I decided to quit and placed my first order, but only after reading multiple review threads to get an idea of what I might like.

                          I waited and waited for my snus...I was horribly impatient (and still am)for my first snus order. When my order arrived UPS mid day I still had half a pack of Camel Wide Lights in my pocket, but I popped a Gen white portion in my lip and waited. Tasted good, then I felt the nicotine hit my blood stream, and I said to myself, "I no longer need the smokes to get nicotine."

                          I haven't had a smoke since then, that was about two weeks ago. I haven't had a craving yet that the Claq qui couldn't handle, and I still have the 1/2 pack of Camels on my dresser. The excitement of snus is still fresh for me, and after two weeks and three pretty good orders I've narrowed down my likes and dislikes. You will too. I honestly believe that anyone that wants to quit smoking and tries snus will quit smoking.

                          Good luck and let me know if you ever have any questions. The people on this forum and others like it are so helpful and willing to answer questions, so ask them. I suggest you read the hell out of the forum too, because most of my questions were answered before I ever had to ask them.

                          Again, welcome to the forum and the rest of your life dude!


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            Originally posted by JBean
                            I hate to beat a dead horse..

                            but the same has happened to me. When I first started snusing, I was still buying cigarettes and smoking them regularly. Then, (i think it was around December) I just didn't have much urge to smoke. I haven't bought a pack since then, though I've bummed from a friend here and there.

                            Definitely just do what comes naturally to you. Forcing yourself to not smoke when you really want to might just make it worse, but when you do get that urge, try popping in some snus first and see if it helps your cravings.
                            I agree.

                            Let it happen and it will.


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              I smoked almost 2 packs a day every day. So I figured that I got about 40mgs/day of nicotine. So that's where I started playing with my nicotine intake with snus. Knowing that reg portions have around 8-9mgs of vitamin N and some Sterks/starks have higher amounts of nicotine (up to 17mgs) I used a combination of high and low nicotine content snus to stave off the cravings. It still works, even though I find myself chain snusing a bit more this week. What.....I'm stressed this week, lol

                              The best advice I can give is to buy several different types and flavors and strengths of snus to get started, and play with them. Be careful if you smoke and city!

                              Gote Rape is one of my favs, but the Onyx is my go to and chain snus. I love the citrus undertones. Claq qui is a good high octane snus for the morning as is General Ekstra Sterk, it rocks.


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