Hello SnusOn.com Members!
Thanks for all the great info on this board - not to mention the belly laughs at some posts (sh!t my pants
While I now realize that Camel Snus is not that highly regarded, I have to thank their ad campaign for bringing me to this site (and others) in the first place. I was intrigued at this tobacco product called "snus" and as usual had to do my research on it.... A few hours later I placed an order on Northerner for a few tins: Claq Qui Portion, Ettan Portion, General Onyx White Portion, and Goteborgs Rape White Poriton.
My primary reason for trying snus is as an aid to quit smoking - I've tried the patches and gums without success and could never switch to dip/chew full time due to my office job - snus seems to be the "silver bullet" I've been searching for!
So now my question: I have been a pack a day smoker for 13 years (I calculate that to be just shy of 2 years in life expectancy reduction). Not sure if it matter, but for the past 10 years I've been smoking Marlboro Menthol Lights.
What would be the best way to incorporate snus into my daily tobacco consumption? What's worked for you? Quit cigs cold turkey? Introduce snus gradually? Start with mini's? Start strong?
Also, I placed my order on Northerner over the wknd and it still shows "pending" - Is this normal? I'm anxious to begin saving money and life w/o cigs!!!!
Thanks for all the great info on this board - not to mention the belly laughs at some posts (sh!t my pants

While I now realize that Camel Snus is not that highly regarded, I have to thank their ad campaign for bringing me to this site (and others) in the first place. I was intrigued at this tobacco product called "snus" and as usual had to do my research on it.... A few hours later I placed an order on Northerner for a few tins: Claq Qui Portion, Ettan Portion, General Onyx White Portion, and Goteborgs Rape White Poriton.
My primary reason for trying snus is as an aid to quit smoking - I've tried the patches and gums without success and could never switch to dip/chew full time due to my office job - snus seems to be the "silver bullet" I've been searching for!
So now my question: I have been a pack a day smoker for 13 years (I calculate that to be just shy of 2 years in life expectancy reduction). Not sure if it matter, but for the past 10 years I've been smoking Marlboro Menthol Lights.
What would be the best way to incorporate snus into my daily tobacco consumption? What's worked for you? Quit cigs cold turkey? Introduce snus gradually? Start with mini's? Start strong?
Also, I placed my order on Northerner over the wknd and it still shows "pending" - Is this normal? I'm anxious to begin saving money and life w/o cigs!!!!