Originally posted by anderson0196
New To Snus (Almost)...Questions for us quiting cigs
I know I am late to the party, but can't stress enough. Just don't worry about it. Like many, I had no intention of quitting. Was just trying not to leve my sales floor so much at work. First few weeks, I did both equally. but slowly, and almost without me noticing, I just started to prefer the snus more and more. one day, I just stopped buying cigarettes. the money thing helped,, especially back then.
In two years of using snus, i still will have the occasional cigarette. Sometimes, especially with other smokers, I still love the physicality of smoking. But as I have said many times, now I smoke when I want to, NOT when I need to. And the best part, that one cigarette doesn't lead me to more, I just happily enjoy my snus.
I took an opposite approach. I was desperate and did not want to smoke anymore, but I still loved it and simultaneously hated it.
I threw myself fully into snusing, transfering all of my desire for smoking into snus. I quit cigarettes the minute I had my first pris (Skruf stark loose). I've had one cigarette since and I hated it. I was one of the people who enjoyed the first cigarette I ever tried, so this says a lot to me.
Try whatever method you think will work best for you. One thing that helps is to drink a lot of water; it will help flush out your system.
Welcome to snuson anderson, looks like you've had some really good replies. GenuineSpirit is right, you are in for a ride, that you'll really enjoy. One extra bit of advice (most of it has been covered) is when you first try traditional Swedish Snus, you will probably find it very salty. Don't let this put you off, you will get used to it. I don't notice it now. Good luck snusing!
One last thing from me. Don't let the smell of a snus turn you off either, some of the worst smelling snuses have the best flavor. Can't explain it, but they do. Example, Phantom Blue smells just like Windex window cleaner, but it tastes pretty damned good!!
Try a lot of different flavors, you'll find several that you like. If you don't like them, you can trade them to people on here, that's what I did.
For me it was smoking one day and then all snusing the next but it may be different for you or anyone else. I would suggest cutting out as many cigarettes as you can per day, replace that cigarette with a portion (or pris) and gradually taper off the cigs until you are only snusing. I find myself using about 8 - 12 portions a day and it completely satisfies my nicotine cravings ( I smoked a pack of Marlboro reds a day for almost nine years) Your first order should be a great sampling and was very similar to my first. Claq Qui is my absolute favorite and Onyx is very good as well. Good luck and welcome to the great wide world of snus!
Re: New To Snus (Almost)...Questions for us quiting cigs
Originally posted by anderson0196While I now realize that Camel Snus is not that highly regarded, I have to thank their ad campaign for bringing me to this site (and others) in the first place.
I came to snus from dipping, so I can't help with your smoking question. I did want to say "welcome" and good luck. I find I still miss the "dip experience" after three months of snus but I can't stand the taste of dip after having used snus. If anything can break the smoking habit I would say snus can.
Thanks for all the advice/guidance/etc - It is much appreciated.
As some have expressed in this thread, I too wanted to throw myself into the world of snus right away....Alas, I've been waiting on my order from Northern still so I decided to pick up a tin (right term?) of General white portions locally (the only thing available other than General los or Camel).
I probably had 3 yesterday and 5 so far today (4 cigs so far today, so that's wayyyyy down).
A few observations:
- I'm not a fan so far of how General tastes. Not that it's bad, but the citrusy tones wouldn't be my first choice. I guess I should be glad that there are some many other "flavors" to choose from!
- The buzz/feeling is very different from cigs. The only cig I ever really "felt" was the first of the day. After that it was really just maintenance. Snus is more of a body buzz - At least so far - And I feel it with each portion.
- I really must have a drink while snusing otherwise the throat burn gets to me (this just discovered on my drinkless drive home)
Cautiously optimistic after 24 hours.
If it sticks I am VERY excited about an upcoming trip to Europe in May, but not for all the obvious reason....This trip I won't be on the verge of insanity when the plane touches down since I'll have no problem getting my nic fix at 30,000 feet!
Originally posted by anderson0196- I'm not a fan so far of how General tastes. Not that it's bad, but the citrusy tones wouldn't be my first choice. I guess I should be glad that there are some many other "flavors" to choose from!
- The buzz/feeling is very different from cigs. The only cig I ever really "felt" was the first of the day. After that it was really just maintenance. Snus is more of a body buzz - At least so far - And I feel it with each portion.
- I really must have a drink while snusing otherwise the throat burn gets to me (this just discovered on my drinkless drive home)
Cautiously optimistic after 24 hours.
Needing to have a drink is normal, I did and now that I'm accustomed to the way it feels in the back of my throat, I'm good to go. You may want to keep the portion in the front of your lip when you first put it in, so that it doesn't juice up as quickly, then once it softens up and that initial "burn" is over you can move it back and enjoy it. That's what I did and sometimes still do. Keep trying new flavors, there are a ton out there!
Re: New To Snus (Almost)...Questions for us quiting cigs
Originally posted by anderson0196What's worked for you? Quit cigs cold turkey? Introduce snus gradually? Start with mini's? Start strong?
Smoking is not bad per se, so the worst think you could do is to start with some fancy low-nicotine-dry-miniportions. It's true what's said about snus - some brands are so strong that the nicotine will almost make you ill as a newbie, but that's exactly what worked for me to get off the cigarettes immediately. The first portion of Skruf Stark already convinced me that I no longer need the cigs to get my kicks.
Good luck!
Your understanding of flavors will keep switching up on you. Partly, cause you are still smoking, and partly, cause that is just how snus is. So keep going back and trying snus you didn't necessarily like at first.
And DON'T stress about how much you do and don't smoke. just relax about it, do what you feel like at the moment. i promise, the snus WILL take over soon enough.
I LOVE flying now. It reminds me in such a visceral way just how lucky I am now to have snus. I sit in the back of the pane now, as I am no longer in a mad rush to get off and go find a place I can smoke. My blood pressure has dropped dramatically now when I fly
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