V2 Test Review - Ananas

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  • RobME
    • Jul 2008
    • 387

    V2 Test Review - Ananas

    Ananas - Huh? What the hell is this stuff? (Here we go again)...

    No don't tell me, I'll look it up...

    Wikipedia - Ananas

    The genus Ananas belongs to the Bromeliad family (Bromeliaceae). It is best known for the species Ananas comosus, the pineapple....

    OK - Pineapple... I can take it from here...

    It's a darker colored portion bag then the Spekulatius. Smells like...wait, gotta go check...

    Smells like creamy pineapple. No really, I think it does. A little bit at least (now that I KNOW it's supposed to be Pineapple). Starts off a little bit sour, and waay too wet. To me it tastes a little bit sour and a little bit smokey - no salt, and not sweet, and really - not Pineapple either.

    And I like Pineapple so, I want to like this... but I don't really.

    This is my second portion in two days. I didn't really like it the first time I tried it, and now that I know what it's supposed to be - I can say with a bit more certainty that I still don't really like it, but... I wouldn't call it bad and YOU might like it.

    So far I've tried six of the nine flavor samples that Patrick sent. This is near the bottom for me. I'll keep on with it though... These impressions might change.

  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Re: V2 Test Review - Ananas

    Originally posted by RobME
    To me it tastes a little bit sour and a little bit smokey - no salt, and not sweet
    Sounds just like ananas. From my estimation, it could fit together very well with tobacco, maybe as well as the traditional bergamot-flavorings. Actually, this is the only of V2's new flavors that I would try, but I'd keep my expectations low.



    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Chainsnuser, I think you will be missing out on so much if you don't try more. These are SO different from anything else I have ever tried that V2 makes. I promise, they are to Offroad what what a Indy car is to the Model T.

      (And sorry Patrick to pick on Offroad. But I know you know what we are talking about. :wink: )


      • spirit72
        • Apr 2008
        • 1013

        V2 seems to be doing some new and interesting stuff lately, and it's good to see. I've changed my opinion of Offroad quite a bit since I tried it lös, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with next, for sure.


        • RobME
          • Jul 2008
          • 387

          Originally posted by sagedil
          Chainsnuser, I think you will be missing out on so much if you don't try more. These are SO different from anything else I have ever tried that V2 makes. I promise, they are to Offroad what what a Indy car is to the Model T.

          (And sorry Patrick to pick on Offroad. But I know you know what we are talking about. :wink: )
          Yeah! What he said.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            So let me weigh in here. Now two portions in, and I think this one is a loser.

            Very bitter. Umm hello?? reason I love pineapple is for the sweet bitterness. This just tastes like a bitter pineapple. And I am not even sure pineapple is the correct taste. It veered towards coconut, and a bit like that banana snus I disliked,

            So basically Patrick, I am failing every snus that comes off as fake, or just not right. So many have been pitch perfect, but a few really are missing the mark. This is one of them

            So, my rankings so far, if anyone cares....

            1. Clove *
            2. Mango Cream *
            3. Mandarin *
            4. Moonshine *
            5. Banana
            6. Ananas
            7. Lemon Dew

            * Want you to bring to market

            Subject to change of course


            • RobME
              • Jul 2008
              • 387

              Originally posted by sagedil
              So, my rankings so far, if anyone cares....

              1. Clove *
              2. Mango Cream *
              3. Mandarin *
              4. Moonshine *
              5. Banana
              6. Ananas
              7. Lemon Dew

              * Want you to bring to market

              Subject to change of course
              Hey I care, and No, No, No... on that Lemon Dew. Give that another shot. Once the initial funky, bitter, soapy taste dissipates, what remains for a very very long stretch, is a beautiful, natural gentle (and to me - excellent) mellow lemon flavor. So Sage, please reconsider this one.

              We'll all, of course have our own perceptual differences and preferences, It's only natural. So, if you absolutely hate it - that's cool too. Just thought I'd throw in my $0.02 on this one.

              I'll be posting my own rankings later in a day or so. It'll be interesting to see how we all (as a group) assess these flavors.



              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                Oh, I fully intend to do a 2nd run through, and a 3rd. we only have about 13 portions of each flavor <Don't ask me why??> But enough to do a thorough go back and forth test. why I keep saying subject to change. I have been using snus way, way long time now, i KNOW how tastes shift.

                Nevertheless, although I expect some shifting in both the top and bottom half, I don't expect the recommendations of what to keep or not to change....much. Ihave either really liked a snus, or I haven't. Would be a bit surprised to see me shift that far. But we shall see, we shall most definitely see.

                I always expect snus to surprise. :wink:


                • chainsnuser
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2007
                  • 1388

                  Thanks, Sagedil and RobME!

                  No worry, I'm adventurous enough to try some of the flavors once they hit the market. I even think that V2 is on a very good way with Thunder and Oden (I assume it's made by V2), both are real masterpieces, and I'm still a fan of the good old Offroad Cranberry, but all these flavor-experiments of the last years were just too horrible to not be a little cautious.



                  • Xobeloot
                    • Jan 2008
                    • 2542



                    The first thing I thought of when I looked at my csample cans and saw the banana and then the ananas can was Bananananananana BATMAN!

                    Ok, im an idiot... On to the review.

                    Color and portion: Medium to dark brown, fairly moist, but not dripping.

                    Taste: The taste is very unique. I do occasionally get the pineapple (ananas) flavor which is nice and sour, but something about the mix of the tobacco and the flavoring seems to detract from what my notion of pineapple is. Tastes kind of like a pineapple lollipop with a salty note.

                    Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy the flavor that I am getting, but it is not as good as the lemon dew or moonshine in my opinion.

                    I will follow up after I have tasted the rest and moved onto round 2


                    • RobME
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 387

                      Yup, this is an update of my feelings for Ananas...

                      Na Na Na _ Na

                      Na Na Na _ Na

                      Hey Hey _ ey


                      <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LNRLhTZn9b0&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>

                      <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/BE0mIe2Svvg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>

                      <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/P0Q7r7x7uM8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>

                      Later for this... (but YOU might like it)



                      • jackolantern
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 198

                        Re: V2 Test Review - Ananas

                        Originally posted by RobME
                        This is my second portion in two days. I didn't really like it the first time I tried it, and now that I know what it's supposed to be - I can say with a bit more certainty that I still don't really like it, but... I wouldn't call it bad and YOU might like it.
                        Why does that sound accusatory?

                        I'm a dirty, dirty pineapple lover.


                        • RobME
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 387

                          Re: V2 Test Review - Ananas

                          Originally posted by jackolantern
                          Originally posted by RobME
                          This is my second portion in two days. I didn't really like it the first time I tried it, and now that I know what it's supposed to be - I can say with a bit more certainty that I still don't really like it, but... I wouldn't call it bad and YOU might like it.
                          Why does that sound accusatory?

                          I'm a dirty, dirty pineapple lover.
                          Hey? Don't jackolantern's only work when they light things up?

                          It only sounded accusatory after YOU highlighted it. The phrase wasn't emboldened in my own comments. I was merely stating my own personal preference and qualifying the fact that it may have merit for others. Even possibly yourself. 8)

                          Now wipe that smirk off your face.
                          - (just kidding) no I'm serious... 8)


                          • mercvrivs
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 484

                            Ananas Review

                            The portions are moist and full, lighter in color. The snus smells like pineapple body cream, or possibly a mixed fruit body cream.


                            This snus tastes like mellow pineapple and coconut with a distinct saltiness that balances the sweetness. It's very pleasant in my opinion. It is much more laid back than the mango, which strikes you immediately with its strong and pure flavor. It's even more laid back and subtle than the mandarin, which is a well-balanced orange flavor. It seems to grow sweeter as the portion moistens with saliva, and it becomes a very nice mixture of sweetness and saltiness, with pineapple and coconut in the background. It is, overall, a tropical tasting snus.

                            I like this snus much better than the mango, because I am not a big fan of mango, and because I prefer the balanced mixture of flavors in the ananas. I'm going to have to compare it again to mandarin. It is very difficult to compare them because they are such different flavors!


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