Where to order? Recommendations please.

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  • Maxpower05080
    • Mar 2009
    • 185

    Where to order? Recommendations please.

    I've been using general white portion for a day now and enjoy it quite a bit. Awful smell but nice taste. I would like to try a few new types (3 or so) and need a recommendation as what to order and where. I don't want to get the sample pack with 8 or 10 tins...too much to have for now. But 2 or 3 good ones that someone new should try. Is the catch dry flavored ones any good? I was thinking one of those and maybe skruf white. Also I live in New York so what would be a good site to ship here? I ordered my first from getsnus and was pleased, but they don't have the largest selection.
  • joshua
    • Dec 2008
    • 214

    If you order again from getsnus, get 5 cans so you at least get a free one.

    Roda Lackett, Ettan or Skruf are all awesome.


    • hoss
      • Mar 2009
      • 93

      I've not tried the catch dry, but like the eucalyptis for a change of pace every once in a while. If you're liking the general and want to stay with portions you may want to try skruff, roda lacket, or one of my fav's lucky strike. If you're thinking of venturing into loose ettan is a happy place to be


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        To answer your question, the two standards that carry just about everything are northerner.com and buysnus .com. Historically, I have tended to use Buysnus more, but recently, Northerner's prices are significantly better.


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          When I'm making a larger order I use Northerner, they have better prices and a cool bonus program. They ususally deliver like clockwork 7-10 days and the shipping is inexpensive.

          When I'm about to run out of something that I really want, or see something that I don't want to wait that long to try...I use GetSnus. Some people here have had problems with getting snus that is near the "best by" date or even passed it, but I have not had that same problem. Getsnus is a bit more expensive also than Northerner.

          As for Buysnus...I've never used them, but will probably try them a time or two because some of the forum members like them. I trust their judgement and experience as they haven't led anyone astray thus far, not that I can tell. Thanks for that, BTW!


          • NonEntity
            • Jan 2009
            • 138

            I have ordered from Getsnus, Buysnus, and Northerner with all three delivering what I paid for. If you are only wanting a small order, you will probably find Getsnus the cheapest after you figure in shipping. For a recommendation on snus: Phantom Blue portion or Claq Qui are both "must try" snus.


            • deebocools
              • Nov 2008
              • 661

              I use getsnus if I'm trying to get a smaller order faster. For bigger orders, when I hopefully don't care how long it takes(within reason) I use northerner


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