I created my own separate thread for this, and I think the other guys should post in their own. This isn't a competition. We don't even have to agree. Although I expect some similarity of mutual consensus it doesn't matter if our individual opinions are wildly divergent.
That said; I don't even believe it's fair to rank these in a numbered order of best to worst. They're different as types of foods can be different. Sometimes I want a meal and sometimes I want dessert. Which is better? It depends on what I'm craving. Sometimes it's sweet and sometimes it's salty. Neither is better, they're each appropriate at their own given time.
Ah... but which flavors are worthy and which ones suck? :wink: You probably already know from reading what's already been opined. And even then, some have posted a desire to try (some flavors), where a given "reviewer" has expressed a dislike for it, and vis-versa. So what's the point?
I think V2 already knows what they like and we're serving as a focus group for them. I think we (as snus enthusiasts) enable them to hone in on which new flavors the market might embrace. After all, this is SnusOn. We're like the Snus Elite.
No, not me (or the other panelists - we just got lucky being chosen as known portion users). Everyone at SnusOn is the Snus elite. Why else would we be here. Yes, there are 'other' reasons to participate in this forum (or other forums), but it's the Snus that brought us here.
I can't (won't) rank them top to bottom. To me these practically fall into categories; almost like food groups.
The Fruit Group:
Manderine - which btw is great w/coffee.
Lemon - get past the first minute & this is terrific.
Cream Mango - v. natural tasting, but finishes a little bitter.
The Cake & Cookies Group:
Sweet Clove - the surprise winner for me, (but it's really a tie).
Spekulatius - I like this very much.
Dark Vanilla - if it were sweeter this could've been my #1.
The Meat, Fish & Spirits Group:
Moonshine - the lone entry (counterpoint to Sweet Clove).
The Junk Food Group:
Banana - properly a fruit, but not in my tobacco.
Ananas - wanted to like it, but just doesn't work for me.
Some Final Thoughts: entirely my own...
All of these trial flavors shared in the commonality of having a natural taste. That was surprising, 'cause V2 (Offroad) has a few pretty gnarly tasting full time offerings. Maybe we have something new (from them) to look forward to.
To be fair, even my least favorite among them (Banana & Ananas), didn't taste of artifice. I think the banana was natural, but it's inherent flavor not a good combination with tobacco. Ananas was similar to the Dark Vanilla, in the sense of having the prime flavor masked. There wasn't enough of it to be properly tasted. The pineapple/ananas doesn't deserve to be in the Junk category at all. I just put in there because I didn't feel it to rank equally with the others. Truth is... it's not bad really. It's a bit sour, and smokey, but where's the pineapple? If I weren't expecting pineapple I might actually like it.
Sagedil gave a perfect analogy for the flaws of the Dark Vanilla when he spoke of Bakers Chocolate. It doesn't taste of anything until you add sugar... and Bam! there's the chocolate. It's the same with vanilla extract, it having the primary vanilla essence but not the flavor we've come to expect until you add some sugar. I was disappointed with the Dark Vanilla. It possibly verges on excellence, but not yet. Not as it is.
All of the others were really very good. Even better than very good. I'd buy cans of any of them regularly before most other snus that I've had, and I've had at least fifty different types. Mostly all of these deserve to be available full time. I hope V2 considers more than just a limited offering.
Special mention to / for, the Sweet Clove. I won't gush here. I think we all already have. It's at the top of this hit parade. But... and I might be the only voice, the lone voice to say this, and I don't care what anyone else thinks... The Moonshine is GREAT!!! but it's like steak to the sweet clove dessert. I'd do either all day long, as long as I could alternate flavors; first one then the other.
I made a big deal of the Lemon Dew, and I'd put that third (after the first minute of funkiness), it settles down to a nice, natural, laid-back refreshing flavor. The Manderine & Cream Mango are every bit as good as the Lemon. (a three way tie for third?). I like them all. Spekulatius is better than any Christmas snus I've ever had and it deserves to be offered more than once a year. That'll probably never happen, but if I were running V2... (no, that will never happen either).
Right now I'm enjoying a Dark Vanilla portion. Enjoying? Yeah, now that I don't expect it to be sweet or vanilla tasting, I'm enjoying it for what it is... salty, smokey vanilla extract. It's not bad, (but not nearly as good as the others).
So... that's my personal summation. Rankings? I'll leave it to the others to duke it out, or present their own ultimate opinions however they see fit. Nobody's right here, nobody's wrong. We can only be true to ourselves. Everyone (I think) has been honest and I think we've in part, done this for all.
I haven't participated much here lately (life intrudes), and I have my own issues. I don't even like to post that much, unless I can say something meaningful or occasionally irreverent. I hope some of you have enjoyed reading my posts. If my writing (style) bored you or annoyed you... like PP says, "Bite Me", no... come to think of it bite Xobeloot instead. He'd probably enjoy it.
That's all for now folks...
That said; I don't even believe it's fair to rank these in a numbered order of best to worst. They're different as types of foods can be different. Sometimes I want a meal and sometimes I want dessert. Which is better? It depends on what I'm craving. Sometimes it's sweet and sometimes it's salty. Neither is better, they're each appropriate at their own given time.
Ah... but which flavors are worthy and which ones suck? :wink: You probably already know from reading what's already been opined. And even then, some have posted a desire to try (some flavors), where a given "reviewer" has expressed a dislike for it, and vis-versa. So what's the point?
I think V2 already knows what they like and we're serving as a focus group for them. I think we (as snus enthusiasts) enable them to hone in on which new flavors the market might embrace. After all, this is SnusOn. We're like the Snus Elite.

I can't (won't) rank them top to bottom. To me these practically fall into categories; almost like food groups.
The Fruit Group:
Manderine - which btw is great w/coffee.
Lemon - get past the first minute & this is terrific.
Cream Mango - v. natural tasting, but finishes a little bitter.
The Cake & Cookies Group:
Sweet Clove - the surprise winner for me, (but it's really a tie).
Spekulatius - I like this very much.
Dark Vanilla - if it were sweeter this could've been my #1.
The Meat, Fish & Spirits Group:
Moonshine - the lone entry (counterpoint to Sweet Clove).
The Junk Food Group:
Banana - properly a fruit, but not in my tobacco.
Ananas - wanted to like it, but just doesn't work for me.
Some Final Thoughts: entirely my own...
All of these trial flavors shared in the commonality of having a natural taste. That was surprising, 'cause V2 (Offroad) has a few pretty gnarly tasting full time offerings. Maybe we have something new (from them) to look forward to.
To be fair, even my least favorite among them (Banana & Ananas), didn't taste of artifice. I think the banana was natural, but it's inherent flavor not a good combination with tobacco. Ananas was similar to the Dark Vanilla, in the sense of having the prime flavor masked. There wasn't enough of it to be properly tasted. The pineapple/ananas doesn't deserve to be in the Junk category at all. I just put in there because I didn't feel it to rank equally with the others. Truth is... it's not bad really. It's a bit sour, and smokey, but where's the pineapple? If I weren't expecting pineapple I might actually like it.
Sagedil gave a perfect analogy for the flaws of the Dark Vanilla when he spoke of Bakers Chocolate. It doesn't taste of anything until you add sugar... and Bam! there's the chocolate. It's the same with vanilla extract, it having the primary vanilla essence but not the flavor we've come to expect until you add some sugar. I was disappointed with the Dark Vanilla. It possibly verges on excellence, but not yet. Not as it is.
All of the others were really very good. Even better than very good. I'd buy cans of any of them regularly before most other snus that I've had, and I've had at least fifty different types. Mostly all of these deserve to be available full time. I hope V2 considers more than just a limited offering.
Special mention to / for, the Sweet Clove. I won't gush here. I think we all already have. It's at the top of this hit parade. But... and I might be the only voice, the lone voice to say this, and I don't care what anyone else thinks... The Moonshine is GREAT!!! but it's like steak to the sweet clove dessert. I'd do either all day long, as long as I could alternate flavors; first one then the other.
I made a big deal of the Lemon Dew, and I'd put that third (after the first minute of funkiness), it settles down to a nice, natural, laid-back refreshing flavor. The Manderine & Cream Mango are every bit as good as the Lemon. (a three way tie for third?). I like them all. Spekulatius is better than any Christmas snus I've ever had and it deserves to be offered more than once a year. That'll probably never happen, but if I were running V2... (no, that will never happen either).
Right now I'm enjoying a Dark Vanilla portion. Enjoying? Yeah, now that I don't expect it to be sweet or vanilla tasting, I'm enjoying it for what it is... salty, smokey vanilla extract. It's not bad, (but not nearly as good as the others).
So... that's my personal summation. Rankings? I'll leave it to the others to duke it out, or present their own ultimate opinions however they see fit. Nobody's right here, nobody's wrong. We can only be true to ourselves. Everyone (I think) has been honest and I think we've in part, done this for all.
I haven't participated much here lately (life intrudes), and I have my own issues. I don't even like to post that much, unless I can say something meaningful or occasionally irreverent. I hope some of you have enjoyed reading my posts. If my writing (style) bored you or annoyed you... like PP says, "Bite Me", no... come to think of it bite Xobeloot instead. He'd probably enjoy it.
That's all for now folks...