any ideas fellow snusers?
which is the mildest lös snus out there?
Definitely Prima Fint. Honestly, I couldn't really taste much of anything until I'd been snusing for about a year. I usually have a can in the fridge. It isn't one of my daily brands, but I really like it on occasion. It's a very mellow, subtle, uncomplicated snus. It tastes like tobacco, salt and has a really, really subtle sweetness of a type I can't identify. It isn't a fruity sweetness, at least not to my taste buds. It's just kind of... sweet... in an extremely mild way.
Has anybody been able to put their finger on the sweetness element to this snus?
The Prima Flint, Ettan, and Roda Lacket will all do ya nicely in the mild loose catagory. Ettan and Roda are my two favs. If you're looking for mild and easy to bake, go Roda. My last can self packed during shipping. It looked like a little hockey puck with 1/2 inch clearance to the edge of the can!
If you bake Roda, the cut is so fine that you will barley taste it. However, if you use a technique that does not pack it so tightly (like taking a pinch and putting it in), Roda is actually very flavorful. It has become one of my favorites and I tend towards the stronger brands.
From mild to mildest, in this order:
PrimaWhen it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
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