Xobeloot's V2 Review Final Thoughts

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Xobeloot's V2 Review Final Thoughts

    #1: Ananas. I had to revisit this one several times, and the more I used it, the more I liked it. The flavor is salty, sweet, sour and fruity. The taste of pineapple is there, but it is subtly mixed with the tobacco. I don't care what the others say. I have to put this one as my favorite.

    #2: Moonshine. I love the taste of this one. It really captures the essence of alcohol. The taste does not put me off in the least. It is deep and flavorful ranging from true moonshine to a sweet cold sake. I'm sad that I'm out of this one.

    #3: Sweet Clove. This flavor is delicious. The clove is smooth and almost creamy. The sweetness makes itself known, but never overpowers the taste in any way, shape or form. I don't think I would be able to use this one all the time, but I find the flavor very soothing as an end-of-day snus.

    #4: Spekulatius. This is also a very soothing flavor. It is another that I will use at night while in "chill mode". The flavor is deep and complex and comes out in layers the longer I have it in. This is a very enjoyable snus.

    #5: Manderine. I love the way that this flavor translated from loose into portion. The flavor is just as natural as the loose version that I love, but has also taken on a bit more robust orange flavor typical of portions to their loose counterpart. This one would be higher up on my list, but I have already become used to this flavor from the Nordstrommen box making it a bit less exciting as the previous four tastes.

    #6: Lemon Dew. I like how this one is a constant flip-flop between sweet and sour at first. Then when it mellows into a nice balance, the lemon flavor is absolutely fantastic. It was a real toss-up for me whether I wanted this or manderine as my #5. Manderine nudged out lemon dew by a small bit just because I can't see myself using the lemon as often as the manderine.

    I am going to stop ranking them at this point because the last three were all quite bad to me. They are all listed as #10 for that reason.

    #10: Banana. This one tasted like rotten plantains. Not the yummy ripe banana I was hoping for. It only took me a couple portions of this one to know that I wouldn't be able to use any more.

    #10. Cream Mango. I could see this one being delicious to somebody who enjoys mango. Personally, I do not. It tastes like a nice sweet mango, but to mee it tasted like a fruit that I do not like. I will not be upset if this one makes it into the final set because I truly believe that many will enjoy it. It just isn't a flavor for me.

    #10: Dark Vanilla. This one was one of my favorites of the Nordstrommen loose box, but is right there with banana for me in this test. The flavor just seems off. Not enough vanilla and took way too long for the tobacco and vanilla to reach a tolerable balance. I think that maybe with a bit more flavoring and a lot less moisture on the portion, this one could have potential. As it is, it was one of my least enjoyable tests.
    _______________________________________________________ ______

    As with any test phase, there are always tweaks and changes to be made before the final production. I Thank Patrick for the opportunity to test these, and look forward to seeing the final production.
  • RobME
    • Jul 2008
    • 387

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/fipQisc68dQ&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed>


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Rofl! perfect!


      • rickcharles606
        • Mar 2009
        • 2307

        I love that all the testers have differing opinions on the test snus, that just means that I'll have to try whichever they release. Just to see what they taste like to me.


        • mercvrivs
          • Sep 2008
          • 484

          Good summary. Can't wait to see what they release. We all have such different opinions!


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