im new to the forums and was just wanting some welcomes. you guys all seem like pretty cool people and i just wanted to say hello.
hey people! newcomer.
Everybody's taste is different. I suggest one of the mixed boxes. You get a variety of snus, and can start narrowing down your preferences. Northerner has a top 10 listing if you want to see a good cross section of what people order from them.
Ettan, Phantom Blue and Oden's Original are my current favs.
Welcome to the forums, mate! There's a ton of options to choose from, and everyone's tastes are different. A sampler box may be the best option, but you can also check out the list of people's top 5 choices.
Also, Northerner lists the base flavor of that particular snus in the info for that snus, and that could help you pick out what you may like too.
A quick list of the ones I've tried by flavor are:
Strait tobacco: Ettan, Grov, Lucky Strike, Retro, Prima Fint
Flavored: Catch Eucalyptus, Catch Licorice, M by Mocca Anis, Gotland Grey, Roda Lacket
Citrusy: General, Knox
Flowery: Gustavus, Goteborg
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