New Snuser

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  • snupy
    • Apr 2009
    • 575

    New Snuser

    I feel like an idiot. I had decided to quit smoking because I absolutely REFUSE to pay the new tobacco taxes. (How in the world can we justify a $12 per lb bag of tobacco all of a sudden costing $43? Wave bye-bye to the free market.) Given my resolve to NOT allow my government to extort cash from me unnecessarily, I turned to electronic cigarettes. I am VERY pleased with this change, particularly given the considerably lower cost of producing one's own e-liquid. (MMMMMMM! Kahlua!)

    However, I now feel a bit like an idiot, given my prior ignorance of snus. I had NO CLUE WHATSOEVER snus even existed, until seeing it mentioned on the electronic cigarette forums. I since have purchased 1 tin each of the Camel snus, both the mellow and frost. It IS almost sickeningly sweet, which I do find disturbing. WIthout going into too much detail, I have taken exceptional control over my diet this past year and particularly with respect to junk carbs (and the results have certainly been worth it). As a result, I have no desire whatsoever to imbibe sugar, which is the absolute junkiest of junk carbs, in my tobacco.

    Having lurked a bit on these forums in an attempt to educate myself regarding snus, I placed my first order today. I couldn't seriously consider ordering those try-out mixes, given the Camel snus at 8 mg per portion has had me buzzing my balls off. As a former ultralight smoker, I knew I needed a much lower nicotine content, even as I have been mixing my kahlua e-liquids in anywhere from a 2- 4.8 mg strength.

    So, here is what I ordered:

    Catch Collection Mini Mint Vanilla
    Catch Licorice Mini Portion
    CatchDry White Eucalyptus
    CatchDry White Licorice Portion
    General Mini Portion
    General Mini White Portion
    Göteborgs Rapé Mini White Portion
    Mocca Anis Mini Portion
    Mocca Mint Mini Portion
    Mocca Pomegranate
    Tre Ankare Mini Portion

    All of the above contain either 4 or 5 mg of nicotine per portion, which should be low enough for me. Given I am only using two portions per day, the above cans will provide enough snus for 110 days, all for only $45 and some change, including shipping!

    I fear I may have wasted money on the electronic cigarettes. For some reason, the snus is more satisfying, although perhaps that means I need to mix my e-liquids at higher concentrations. In any event, I am very happy to have discovered snus and CAN NOT FRIGGIN WAIT to taste the REAL thing direct from Sweden. The licorice, eucalyptus and most especially the pomegranate, are the ones that excite me the most, although the exotically named, such as the Göteborgs Rapé and Ankare have most certainly piqued my interest as well.
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Welcome to Snuson Snupy!


    • BrianC
      • Dec 2008
      • 463

      Welcome, and your choices look very wise. If camel gets you buzzing, the 8mg swedish version will likely hit you like a truck. To me the camel feels like it has next to no nicotine in it at all even though it is advertised as 8mg, and I think most others here will agree with me on that.


      • rickcharles606
        • Mar 2009
        • 2307

        Welcome to "real" snus and the forum! Yeah that Camel shit is weak, I give it to my kids for an after dinner snack.

        I'm kiddin, they get Gen ES, heeey nothin but the best for my

        Again, welcome to the forum, your order looks pretty good. I particularly like the Gote Rape, one of my favs. Enjoy it.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          Welcome to Snuson snupy

          Don't you dare beat yourself up. You found snus, be happy!!!

          I started smoking when I was 9 years old. Started buying on a regular basis when I was 15. Found snus at age 41. So how many years did I waste money by smoking?? Snus cut my tobacco budget by 70%. Now save money while indulging n all my favorites. I get the best of everything. Snus I absolutely love, with 50 to 90 in my freezer to choose from every day and I STILL save so much money every month!!. I waste no time regretting how long it took me to find snus and just say thanks every day that I did!!!

          Welcome to the wonderful world of snus, and enjoy what I expect will be an incredible new adventure.

          Tell us what you like, what you don't like, and most importantly, what you are liking after 2 - 3 weeks. We can guide you on suggestions from there.

          I understand about the sugar thing. I lost 60 pounds 6 years ago, mostly but cutting out all the worthless carbs. Sugar has simply been banned from my life. I put back on 40 after my divorce 2 years ago, and am finally back to doing something about it now. Have lost 10 pounds so far, just another 40 to go. :wink:

          And again, welcome. You have come to the right place!!


          • snupy
            • Apr 2009
            • 575

            Originally posted by sagedil
            Don't you dare beat yourself up. You found snus, be happy!!!!
            I know, but snus is less work than e-smoking and I don't have to carry liquids around when snussing, but I already spent the cash on e-smoking supplies. I suppose I really have no right to complain. I still won't spend as much on nicotine this year as last.

            Originally posted by sagedil
            I understand about the sugar thing. I lost 60 pounds 6 years ago, mostly but cutting out all the worthless carbs. Sugar has simply been banned from my life. I put back on 40 after my divorce 2 years ago, and am finally back to doing something about it now. Have lost 10 pounds so far, just another 40 to go. :wink:
            I did Atkins induction for 4 months instead of two weeks, while taking up weight lifting and speed-walking on alternate days last year. I indulge in sugar occasionally, but finally had to add in a massive amount of carbs and am still finding it difficult to gain muscle mass.

            Originally posted by sagedil
            And again, welcome. You have come to the right place!!
            I know. I just hope our fascist, nanny-state, won't someone please think of the children government BACKS THE F*"&K off of snus. If not, I am going to apply for immigration to Sweden, on the basis of discrimination for the medical issue of nicotine addiction. At least then, my snus supply would be guaranteed. I think I should start Swedish lessons IMMEDIATELY. Anyone know of a good immigration lawyer who specializes in Swedish immigration?


            • snupy
              • Apr 2009
              • 575

              Thanks for the welcome everyone. I am REALLY glad to be here and most especially glad to be educated in the real deal.


              • Maxpower05080
                • Mar 2009
                • 185

                camel snus had you buzzing??? oh man..... Also there is no way in hell camel snus has 8mg a portion. 4mg a portion is pushing it for camel...I think it has 2 or more.

                It was defiantly a good idea to go with the mini portions. They are great, so small! Enjoy!



                • snupy
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 575

                  Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                  camel snus had you buzzing??? oh man.....
                  I smoked ultralight for all but 3 of the last 28.5 years. The last year and a half, I was doing roll your own with the lightest ultralight I could find, but using high density filters to make the smokes even lighter.

                  Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                  It was defiantly a good idea to go with the mini portions. They are great, so small! Enjoy!
                  Does that mean the portions will be smaller than the Camel faux snus portions?

                  Originally posted by Maxpower05080


                  • Maxpower05080
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 185

                    yes they will be smaller...length wise. Hey I'm 21 and smoke mainly parliament lights, and some nice strong ryo cigs(Bali, Drum, Samson). I've been smoking for almost a year, which is nothing. But 8mg white portion snus does not have that much more nicotine than a few cigs. It depends how long you keep it in. For me, an 8mg general for 30mins, feels like 2 cigs. With a 4mg, it feels like 2 cigs in about an hour or so.

                    Yes, normal snus contains 8mg of nicotine....but no way is that much absorbed into the bloodstream.


                    • Jason
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 1370

                      Welcome to the forum!

                      One thing you will find out is that the nicotine delivery and curve is much different from smoking. I smoked about two packs a day for almost 17 years, and yet the stronger snus like the sterks still kick my ass. Sometimes it works the other way around for some people.


                      • Maxpower05080
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 185

                        Originally posted by Jason
                        Welcome to the forum!

                        One thing you will find out is that the nicotine delivery and curve is much different from smoking. I smoked about two packs a day for almost 17 years, and yet the stronger snus like the sterks still kick my ass. Sometimes it works the other way around for some people.
                        True...but what I've noticed, is that it depends how long you keep it in. The Sterks and Los, hit much harder and faster but if kept in for 30 mins or so, the delivery should not be over powering. Sterks are too strong for me, so I enjoy a regular portion for 45 mins. Some 8mgs hit harder than others though, so idk I guess its different for everyone.


                        • snupy
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 575

                          Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                          yes they will be smaller...length wise. Hey I'm 21 and smoke mainly parliament lights, and some nice strong ryo cigs(Bali, Drum, Samson).
                          Bali Shag ROCKS (especially the light), as does the Bali Shag Red (Viriginia), although D & R have the BEST Viriginias, in my opinion. There is no way I could choose a favorite between Penhooker Light and Windsail Light. (And don't even get me started about mixing either of those with Turkish!)

                          Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                          But 8mg white portion snus does not have that much more nicotine than a few cigs.
                          But I was ryo the lightest possible ultralight, and even resorted to using secondary filters on top of that, at one point in time.

                          Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                          It depends how long you keep it in.
                          2 hours is my minimum.

                          Originally posted by Maxpower05080
                          Yes, normal snus contains 8mg of nicotine....but no way is that much absorbed into the bloodstream.
                          I do worry if my consumption will go up with the minis, although I doubt it will.


                          • snupy
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 575

                            Originally posted by Jason
                            Welcome to the forum!


                            Originally posted by Jason
                            One thing you will find out is that the nicotine delivery and curve is much different from smoking.
                            You know, that is one thing I REALLY like about the snus. Given I have been using e-smoking for about 5 weeks (while still smoking 2-4 cigs per day), I had already grown accustomed to the 'missing' nicotine rush from cigs, for the most part. The snus keeps the nicotine more level in the bloodstream, or at least, that is how it feels to me.

                            Originally posted by Jason
                            I smoked about two packs a day for almost 17 years, and yet the stronger snus like the sterks still kick my ass.
                            It would do the same to me, I am sure. People do not realize how light I have been smoking, particularly during the last year and a half.


                            • Maxpower05080
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 185

                              Originally posted by snupy
                              Bali Shag ROCKS (especially the light), as does the Bali Shag Red (Viriginia), although D & R have the BEST Viriginias, in my opinion. There is no way I could choose a favorite between Penhooker Light and Windsail Light. (And don't even get me started about mixing either of those with Turkish!)
                              DandR is amazing. I could never get it around here so I usually just used Bali and Drum, but the few times I ordered it...oh man. good stuff! Hey if you like Halfzwares like bali light, you might really like the geneal portions. They have that nice tobacco flavor, similar to a halfzware.


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