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  • fugitiveinkblot
    • Feb 2009
    • 93


    When I started snusing, I went online to find reviews. It led me to this site. Well, one of the first reviews I read (don't know if it was from here or not) stated that Roda Lacket tasted like "ass." After getting the northerner top 10 sampler, I used all of the portions except the Roda, and it stayed in my fridge for a long while. Guess the review just stuck with me. And now, here I am, almost out of snus, with 4 cans of los, and a can of Roda White portions. When I go to school, portions are the only way to go. I almost cringed when I put it in... and.... wow. This is good. It reminds me of Goteburg's Rape. Sweet, herbal, citrusy. Delicious. Granted, Catch Eucalyptus and LD Black are my favorites, I definitely like flavored snus. This is an 8 out of ten for me. Could be a real regular in my rotation.
  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    Wow, sorry to hear that you've waited so long to try roda. It's one of my favorites to use all day long. You're right it does remind me of Gote Rape too.


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      don't let these swine(including me) effect your opinion of different snuses.

      I don't like the lacket or the qui personally, but that should mean nothing to you


      • Quemador
        • Apr 2009
        • 83

        Roda white portions are bomb. Even the 80s ace graphics on the can.


        • hoss
          • Mar 2009
          • 93

          LOL, yea the can screams 84 is alive and well, but both portion & loose are fine products. I've been enjoying the Claq Qui all almost a Roda Stark


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947

            I love me some Roda Lacket portions.

            Good taste without being overly flavored.

            The snus in their portions is always soft and supple too.

            To me the Claq Qui is very different. Not just nicotine content. The flavor is amped up and much more salty and smokey. I love it in it's own way.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              Claq qui or Gen ES are my first thing in the morning snus...gotta have em.


              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Haha, the same thing happened to me with whiskey probe. Lot's of people hate it, so I left it for last and now it's my fav! I like all the roda's quite alot also.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  One of my very favorites and on my regular rotation of snuses.

                  Also, I use the loose and I have found that if you bake Roda tight, the grind is so fine that not much saliva can penetrate the pris (thus less flavor and thus the rep of being a mild snus). However, if you use a looser baking technique Roda is one of the most flavorful snuses I know.
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • MrAbstracto
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 389

                    Originally posted by Snusdog
                    Also, I use the loose and I have found that if you bake Roda tight, the grind is so fine that not much saliva can penetrate the pris (thus less flavor and thus the rep of being a mild snus). However, if you use a looser baking technique Roda is one of the most flavorful snuses I know.
                    Very true.


                    • ShaulWolf
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 495

                      So very true about tight/loose baking affecting flavor. I tend to form a pris fairly tightly, and the flavor will always turn out milder at first until the end when it starts to loosen up naturally. It turns out like how white portions release flavor more slowly, and the tight baking (hand or tool) tends to make it all last longer for me. Ever time I bake a pris loosely it falls apart within 30 minutes. Maybe it's just a noob thing?

                      I personally love Roda, and it's right on par with Ettan los for me. Given a choice between the two I'd have to flip a coin since they both do it so well for me.


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        I used to love them, but now I don't even like them. The thing that's true for almost all new snusers is that tastes change over time.


                        • fugitiveinkblot
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 93

                          Originally posted by RobsanX
                          I used to love them, but now I don't even like them. The thing that's true for almost all new snusers is that tastes change over time.
                          I think that tastes in a lot of things change, beer, soda, cheese, whisky. I really like the Roda Lacket design. It makes me wish I had a members only jacket. I also like the name, most of these snusses have names that are easily translatable into english. General, Probe, Catch. But Roda Lacket, that is some Svedish class. Oh and I've ordered the los, can't wait to try it.


                          • rickcharles606
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 2307

                            Just got my new order from Northerner and my roda! I was out for almost 3 days, misjudged my order/shipping times. Won't happen again, got a roll this time.


                            • Soft Morning, City!
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 772

                              I had a weird journey on the way to liking Roda loose. When I first tried it, I absolutely loved it. Then I went through almost a year of not using it at all. About a month ago I decided to give it another shot and it was love all over again. Granted, it isn't a snus I order rolls of, but I'm always going to have a few cans around from now on. It's the only one of the sweeter, non-pure tobacco brands that I use with any regularity.


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