General Extra Sterk lös

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    General Extra Sterk lös

    My General ES lös just arrived. Can't wait to get home and try it. Will post a review tomorrow.

    The anticipation.......
  • ddandb
    • Mar 2009
    • 570

    Re: General Extra Sterk lös

    Originally posted by KarlvB
    My General ES lös just arrived. Can't wait to get home and try it. Will post a review tomorrow.

    The anticipation.......
    Here's hoping mine shows up today.

    (Like I really need another can of open Snus)


    • KarlvB
      • Feb 2008
      • 681

      Re: General Extra Sterk lös

      Originally posted by ddandb
      (Like I really need another can of open Snus)
      I used to be the same.

      Finally, after more than a year I've managed to cut down the number of open cans to one portion and one lös. Sometimes I have two of each open, and then its a very predictable mix:

      Gotlands Anis or Gul lös
      Skruf Stark or Ettan lös
      Skruf OP
      Gotland Gul portions

      Guess I've finally found my favourites.....

      Luckily my can of Grov lös only has a little left in it so I need to crack open some more lös.


      • GenuineSpirit
        • Jun 2008
        • 225

        Re: General Extra Sterk lös

        Originally posted by KarlvB
        My General ES lös just arrived. Can't wait to get home and try it. Will post a review tomorrow.

        The anticipation.......
        Ok Karl ------ Waiting for this review :wink:


        • KarlvB
          • Feb 2008
          • 681

          Ok. so here are my initial impressions

          First thing that I noticed was the smell. The ES has quite a strong ammonia smell to it. Being a long time Skruf Stark lös user I have to say that I've never noticed the ammonia smell as much with the Skruf. It tends to be more common with the SM products. Don't know why this is.

          I have a suspicion that SM might be bumping up the nicotine by freebasing the tobacco, but I may be completely wrong. Overall though it wasn't unpleasant and reminded me a bit of the smell you would get from a can of N&J Original.

          Now the taste. At first I though "Tastes pretty much like General, maybe a bit more pronounced", but after having the pris in for a while the taste becomes sweeter and is actually reminiscent of N&J. This is a good thing in my books, but I am not sure yet if I am imagining it and basing it on the similarity in smell.

          Nic hit is relatively strong. I've been using 1 1/2 clicks on the Icetool which makes for a comfortable slow release and not a steamroller experience - and is about the same effect I'd get from a 2 click pris of Skruf Stark lös.

          I'd have to live with it for a while before I'd be able to say if it would be a regular buy. Based on the nic level I'd say not as I prefer regular strength snus and Skruf Stark lös fulfills all my stark needs.

          Should I continue get that N&J-like taste I might change my mind and order a can or two every order.

          Overall it is a good solid snus and if you like General of N&J Original you'd be sure to enjoy it.

          Note: These are initial impressions based on less than a day's use. Might be subject to change


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            I'd be interested in hearing your final impressions KarlvB. I'm not interested in a high nic snus, but I wouldn't mind having N&J lös again. I only had 1 tin, but went from being ambivalent about it, to enjoying it by the end of the tin. Of course by that time, it was discontinued :^S

            N&J lös reminded me more of a lös Onyx than a lös General. More lemon, and a distinct licorice note in the back. Quite tasty, and would have been much better as a standard strength imo.


            • GenuineSpirit
              • Jun 2008
              • 225

              Thank you Karl,

              As you, I enjoy Skruf Stark los and Ettan los. I also have a taste for licorice as in Nick and Johnny reg, Claq Qui, General ES, and LD Black.

              From your review, I am thinking General ES los will be perfect to round out my los flavor profiles.

              Thanks again,



              • Maxpower05080
                • Mar 2009
                • 185

                Yeah i'm not into the high nicotine snus either. I bet I would love it, but don't want to raise my tolerance to where I don't get that smooth buzz I get now. I'd love to try onyx someday, but am restraining myself to just stick with my original portions a few times a day. I'll stay away from this ES los for now, but I'm sure I'll come around in the future. Nice review!


                • Thorsky
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 66

                  Even for those wanting to keep their nic tolerance in check (me included) this ES los can be useful. Instead of using a normal size pris, go for a nice diskreet little one and you can have the same nic as a bigger pris of regular. I love the flavor of this stuff and will prbably keep a can on hand most of the time.


                  • GenuineSpirit
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 225

                    Originally posted by Thorsky
                    Even for those wanting to keep their nic tolerance in check (me included) this ES los can be useful. Instead of using a normal size pris, go for a nice diskreet little one and you can have the same nic as a bigger pris of regular. I love the flavor of this stuff and will prbably keep a can on hand most of the time.
                    I think you hit it on the head, controlling the size is one of the nice things about los.


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      Got mine today Have a nice sized pris in for about 40minutes so far. I like to use some extra sterks at nite with a few beers. So far I have been using a lot of skruf stark los which i like very much. I also have been enjoying odens kanel extra sterk los. Thunder los flavor did not work out for me. This general es los tastes great, smells great, and delivers the nic. I'm glad it came out because now I have another extra sterk los to put in the rotation. This way I will not burn out on the skruf and odens. I like variety! Thankyou SM

                      Update: This pris has been in for over 1.5 hours now and it's still yummie I usaully only keep a pris in for around an hour except for Kardus which easily goes 2 hours.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        I agree Snuffy, the taste of Thunder Los is pretty bunk. I have an after-work pris of the stuff in now, with a cold Peroni Nasto Azzuro, so I'm certainly not complaining, but I look forward to placing a Gen ES los order. Can't do it for a while though, unfortunately, cuz my fiance would just not understand ordering more snus with the the current state of my freezer and bank account!


                        • Starcadia
                          • May 2008
                          • 646

                          Got my roll of General Ekstra Sterk Loose today. I'm on my second pris. It's good, although not surprising. I mean, I forget what regular General tastes like, but I've had Ettan recently, and it tastes similar to it. Similar consistency, too. I don't know if it's similar to N&J loose from back in the day because I never tried it. I did, however, compare the smell of GESL to the N&J portions and it was similar.

                          The first prila I had was on an empty stomach, and was a full Prismaster size. I could feel that discomfort of too much nicotine creeping up on me. This was pronounced with Thunder loose which, combined with what I thought was a poor flavor, made that a bad experience I decided not to return to. GESL, however, has that more mellow tobacco flavor with pepper and citrus that most people know, just with more nicotine. So if that's something that sounds good to you, I recommend it. For me I don't think it's interesting enough to replace Skruf Stark as my main loose, but I definitely see myself using it intermittently and when I need a big kick.


                          • Condor
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 752

                            Maybe im just being a sissy today, but my first pris of GESL is VERY peppery.
                            Its hitting me right in the back of the throat, and making me cough. I have been using 2-3 notches on the 4mL icetool. IM not really getting hammered with nicotine, but the pepper flavor is very pronounced.


                            • amorican
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 106

                              I'm excited for this stuff. General Extra Sterk portions are one of my favorite snuses, so I can't wait to place my next order and get some los. It will be nice to use smaller prillas too.


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