Sorry Snus

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  • ville123
    • Jan 2009
    • 93

    Sorry Snus

    Ive quit snus because it makes my teeth brownish. I mean if theres a snus that doesnt do that and whitens your teeth instead then id love to hear about it. I recently stumbled upon an article about camel orbs and sticks (disolving tobacco) and was saddened that it is only in Indiana and Ohio. I found something similar called Ariva. I tried it and loved it. Its even safer than snus (less than 0.1 tsna). Best of all, my teeth stay white and its actually more discreet than snus mini portions (didnt think that was possible) cause its the size of a breath mint.

    And btw, i LOVE snus. I want to go back to it but the teeth issue is putting me off.
  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    Wise (oomph now) snus has a whitener in it and they are pretty good! I use them as my "meeting" or "teaching class" snus.

    They come in Citrus / Menthol, Lemon / Licorice and Wine & Dine (flavorless).

    Here is the link from

    I think they are a much better product than Camel (we don't know what is in them) and Stonewall which I have found to be too chalky. Along with the chalkiness, I worry about a small tablet being pressed against one spot for too long. When I tried it they left a little dimple inside my cheek that felt odd.

    On a side note, with regular brushing I have not noticed any browning. Not saying your not, but I brush 3x per day, gently as to not cause gum recession.

    Hope this helps!



    • Quemador
      • Apr 2009
      • 83

      Daily use of Listerine whitening mouthwash and whitening toothpastes combined with annual/bi-annual visits to the dentist = No more brown tooth issue.


      • elespectrol
        • Mar 2009
        • 45

        I had greenish yellow teeth before I started snusing and I've been using crest whiteing strips ($20 at wally world) They make a world of difference now half through the box of strips I've got the whitest teeth I've had in years!!! If I snus for a couple of days and dont brush I notice a little orange and a lotta brown on my teeth, but some whitening toothpaste takes it right off. I recomend putting the portion further to side in your mouth instead of dead center if your teeth have to stay white during the day (ie date or meetings) to help the nicotine not stain your front teeth


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I use mostly whites and have never had them stain my teeth. Of course, I always have mine pushed back. But I don't think whites would stain your teeth much, if at all.


          • ville123
            • Jan 2009
            • 93

            I usually have extremely white teeth. I brush twice a day. The thing was, during the middle of the day, i had to use these toothbrush things on my finger during mid-day class breaks to keep my teeth from looking bad. I think ill try that Oomph snus. And i kept my portions pushed back.


            • mwood72

              I find brushing regularly with a whitening toothpaste and a scale and polish at the dentist every 6 months keeps on top of things for me.


              • Soft Morning, City!
                • Sep 2007
                • 772

                Originally posted by mwood72
                I find brushing regularly with a whitening toothpaste and a scale and polish at the dentist every 6 months keeps on top of things for me.
                Same here. I use both loose and portions and I have yet to have any problems with teeth discoloration. Regular brushing and dentist visits=no issue.


                • Yamaha760
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 37

                  I haven't had any problem with brown teeth either. I have seen them discolored from snus but from my experience it was due to drinking soft drinks while snusing. I'm guessing the syrup in the soft drink gives the snus juice something to stick to.


                  • Kanlee
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 47

                    I have little problem with slight discoloration,but I just take them out at night to soak. :lol:


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      push your snus back and you'll produce more saliva making for brown toofz.


                      • fugitiveinkblot
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 93

                        I usually rinse my mouth out after a los, and often times after a portion. I haven't seen much, if any, discoloration.


                        • ddandb
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 570

                          I have an electric toothbrush for morning and evening.
                          Good brushing in the morning, so-so brushing at work after lunch, and a good brushing at night.
                          No yellowing or brown teeth.


                          • Messiah
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 87

                            Smoking seemed to darken mine more than snus. I have heard of those other forms of nicotine, but only once saw them for sale in the middle of nowhere PA near the NY border.


                            • jackolantern
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 198

                              Oh man, I tried Stonewall (the oral-tobacco equivalent to Ariva) and while I am happy they work for you, I could not stand them. I am still staring at a pack that is missing exactly one sitting on my PC desk. For me, they dissolved way to slowly, thus making me feel like I needed another as soon as I was done with it in order to curb my nicotine craving.

                              As far as tooth coloring goes, I think that advertising has made us all way too sensitive about it. Unless someone has glowing white teeth like you can only get from spending big money at the dentist (which looks kind of creepy to me) or sesame-chicken-brown teeth, when was the last time you actually noticed someone's teeth? It is a fact that people think others notice more about them then they really do. In fact, the vast majority of people will not even notice if you wear the exact same clothes two days in a row, even though most people think that everyone is staring at them, and wondering why they did not change.

                              I guess what I am saying is to not let what you believe are other people's perceptions stand in the way of what you want to do. I would highly doubt anyone is actually noticing and thinking "Man, his teeth look a bit darker then they did this morning" if your teeth are a bit darker in the middle of the day. I don't think what snus can do in one day between brushing would even be noticeable unless someone was specifically looking for it, which no mentally healthy person would be.


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