I get through maybe 3-4 pouches a day at work, then loose in the morning to wake up and loose in the evenings, maybe 3-4 prillas. Not a whole lot - some people get through a tin a day :shock:
A tin a day does seem a little much. I am an ex-smoker, I always have a tin of each loose and portion open at any given time. Together, they will last me around a week. So I guess about a can every 3.5 days give or take, though it is more likely 4 days for the loose and 3 for the portions.
A tin of 24 white portions will last me nearly 3 days. The fresher the Snus and the longer it can retain it's flavour, the longer it lasts me.
Used to be a pack/day smoker, now I'm paying only half of what I would normally have spent on cigarettes in a three day period... but I'm getting so much more :P
i use 1/2 to 1 can of loose a day, less if im using portions too. i used to smoke up to 1 oz of tobacco a day so i was a heavy smoker.now my snus costs me a third of the tobacco costs, and i enjoy it more.i havent smoked in 8 weeks and dont intend on taking it up again - i prefer snus.
A tin a day does seem a little much. I am an ex-smoker, I always have a tin of each loose and portion open at any given time. Together, they will last me around a week. So I guess about a can every 3.5 days give or take, though it is more likely 4 days for the loose and 3 for the portions.
Are you me? Thats about exactly how much I tend to use - although I'm going crazy with the loose N & J these days. It tastes so good that I've broken my own record and used a tin in less than two days! Poor little Icetool is flaming hot!
I am an ex-smoker and seem to have the same habit as you guys. About a tin of loose and a tin of portions a week. Its works out at 6-8 'snuses' a day which is a lot less them I used to smoke
Ex 20 year pack a day smoker. I've settled into using about 2 tins of loose and 2-3 tins of portions a week. Aside from eating I have a snus in virtually every minute I'm awake. I'm over 2 months out from smoking now and won't be going back. I never thought I'd be able to quit but I've done it with snus where I couldn't with American style dip, it just tore my gums up too bad where I have no trouble with snus.
Another ex-smoker here, I used to use about a 50g pouch of tobacco a week. Now it's about 2-3 cans of snus a week, whether portions or loose (because loose = big prillas ).
Yet more proof that the EU ban on snus costs lives :evil:
I just switched from 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Today was the first full day I went without cigarettes and only snus.
I had about 10 white regular portions of Metropol Peppermint today, give or take a few. I didn't smoke at all or break down and bum one off someone, but now I have a slight headache. I think that more than likely I'll be waiting until the headache fades and pop another one in a bit before bed.
I didn't have one in every moment, but it seemed like there was about an hour and a half between every pouch (again, give or take a half-hour or so).
I imagine that I'll regulate this somewhat and take up some more moderate usage patterns in the near future.
Congrats on quitting smoking. If you're new to snus, you might think of trying out a more conventional snus such as General portions and loose. That was how I got started with snus. Snus allowed me to quit smoking two months ago, breaking a 25-year habit .
Sometimes I find that it's the added aromas that cause a slight headache.
Although it could also be because snus is more potent than cigarettes and your body has to adjust. Maybe that headache you think you feel is a bit more like a slight compression in your head. I thought that's what nicotine does: constrict blood vessels.
Try reading this --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine#Pharmacology
It's much too bio-speak for me.
I just started, but over about the past week I've probably been going through anywhere from 5-10 portions per day, sometimes less, rarely more.
I still smoke a little bit of tobacco because of the fact that spliffs are a passion of mine. A tad bit of quality rolling tobacco on any given day just makes me happier of taste buds and of soul.
Now that fall and winter are beginning here in Portland, I'll likely take to smoking my pipe on occasion as well.
However, snus has made it very easy for me to almost entirely resist the smoking of cigarettes. I have a feeling that I'll have quit them entirely soon enough.
I've been very low on cash lately and have been buying cheap loose cigarette tobacco to roll, as well as some cheap 99 cent cans of dip. A couple weeks...