ice tools are expensive

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  • digitalerik
    • Aug 2008
    • 126

    ice tools are expensive

    So I just received my 3ml black aluminum ice tool, and basically it felt like i ordered a rea porchse and when it was delivered, it was an actual match box car. These things should be 10 bucks at most. Anyways, hopefully it makes packing a pris pretty smooth once I get used to it.
  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    I'm still paying for mine, so I don't wanna hear it...LMAO


    • rickcharles606
      • Mar 2009
      • 2307

      Oh and dude, it will make using los sooooo much easier and better. You're gonna love using it, and you'll soon say, "it was worth the money"

      enjoy it.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        I like forming my loose snus into a ball. I may splurge for an Icetool someday...


        • Condor
          • Sep 2008
          • 752

          theyre a bit steep, but think of all the ass you will score with it. Icetool is an icebreaker.


          • Maxpower05080
            • Mar 2009
            • 185

            I'm getting a prismaster with my next order, to try los for the first time. But if I like los, I think I will defiantly get an Icetool...I've never seen one in person, but they look great in pictures. The price is a bit excessive though, I agree.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              It's like any niche product, you have to get the money where you can. There aren't that many people that have a need for such a thing, so those of us that do, pay the price.

              I'm totally happy with mine, and I think it was well worth what I paid. I've already recovered the cost in saved snus(My IceTool pris is much smaller than what I hand baked), and it works a hell of a lot better than the Prismaster.


              • rickcharles606
                • Mar 2009
                • 2307

                next pris I form will be the "sphere shaped", haven't tried that one yet. Can't really bake that well to begin with, hence the Icetool. If I had to handbake all the time, I'd use less los than I do. The Icetool has me using los about 40% of the time now.


                • amorican
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 106

                  Does the Icetool really help you use less los effectively? I do have a bad habit of hand-baking an extremely large pris.


                  • SSgtTrav
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 136

                    Speaking from a machinists point of view, I think the Icetool is very reasonably priced. The cost of billet aluminum alone can justify the price. I know they order the metal in bulk and use CNC machines to make the tools but you have to pay for machine operators, metal, and packaging material. Go to any local machine shop with that Icetool and ask them how much they would charge you to make a custom one. I can guarantee it would be almost twice as much.


                    • tybalt
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 16

                      Re: ice tools are expensive

                      Originally posted by digitalerik
                      So I just received my 3ml black aluminum ice tool, and basically it felt like i ordered a rea porchse and when it was delivered, it was an actual match box car. These things should be 10 bucks at most. Anyways, hopefully it makes packing a pris pretty smooth once I get used to it.
                      For those thinking of getting an icetool, you might consider the offer that has where you get a free icetool when you buy 30 cans of general los.

                      This presupposes, of course, that you like general (I do), but if you are going to buy those rolls eventually anyway, its a pretty painless way to get an icetool.

                      For what its worth, I love my icetool, it makes using los really easy, and is a neat thing to have around. I probably wouldn't use los near as much if I had to handbake or use a prismaster.


                      • rickcharles606
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 2307

                        Originally posted by amorican
                        Does the Icetool really help you use less los effectively? I do have a bad habit of hand-baking an extremely large pris.
                        Yep, in my limited experience with an Icetool, it has helped me make a more "consistent" pris...everytime.


                        • amorican
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 106

                          Re: ice tools are expensive

                          Originally posted by tybalt
                          For those thinking of getting an icetool, you might consider the offer that has where you get a free icetool when you buy 30 cans of general los.
                          I like General, and have been considering this deal rather seriously, but 30 cans is so much. I'm a little torn as to what to do. It really is a fantastic deal. If I could unload some of the General for a cheap deal to someone, or for trade, I'd totally hop on this deal... Anyone interested in some heavily discounted General?


                          • tybalt
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 16

                            Re: ice tools are expensive

                            Originally posted by amorican
                            Originally posted by tybalt
                            For those thinking of getting an icetool, you might consider the offer that has where you get a free icetool when you buy 30 cans of general los.
                            I like General, and have been considering this deal rather seriously, but 30 cans is so much. I'm a little torn as to what to do. It really is a fantastic deal. If I could unload some of the General for a cheap deal to someone, or for trade, I'd totally hop on this deal... Anyone interested in some heavily discounted General?
                            I just put most of mine in the freezer. I figure I'll use it eventually...


                            • ddandb
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 570

                              At first I thought the Icetool was overpriced.

                              Once I got it and started using it I thought it was worth the price.

                              Now that I'm getting into snuff and got a metal snuff bullet, an equally well made, niche item, for $10, I'm starting to think it's overpriced again.


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