im a newbie and haven't gotten my much anticipated shipment from swedish-snus yet...
but :?camel:? "mellow" flavor snus and room tempature lipton green tea with citrus is AMAZING!!!
hopeing to switch to room tempature lipton green tea with citrus and claq qui when it gets here.
Retro and beer. Don't know why but that is why I use it so much. A friend of my used retro and thought that it tasted hoppy. Maybe that is why I use it with the watered-down US pilsner.
I'll rephrase this question: worst drink-snus combination?
I love Thunder Frosted, but it just doesn't fit with any drink except water. So my conclusion is that flavored snus is very good on its own or with water, while coffee, beer etc. require neutral snus. For example, LS, grov, and Thunder original are all great with all sorts of drinks.
you can match flavored snuses with drinks- you just have to be careful. but don't take it from me, I'm known to chew gum with a snus in. The other day I had a lollipop and a snus in, and took a drink of my soda. I have a problem.
id say Grov and General are great with black coffee, and skruf stark los is amazing with beer, it brings out flavors in the beer you wouldnt usually taste. it like cleanses your pallet so well with its flavor that every sip of beer, has a good taste.
Some of you complain that there isn't enough snus talk going on lately so here is my attempt to bring back a little chatter. My unusual combo is coffee...