New to Snus

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  • Wallbanger
    • Apr 2009
    • 43

    New to Snus

    Hey guys i apologise for asking questions that i am sure must have been asked over and over but i could not find a noob to snus thread, maybe somebody could point one out for me.

    I've been a smoker for many years of between 20-30 cigs a day then started e-smoking a few weeks ago and im looking for something else to give me nicotine aswell.

    I just ordered this so i could try a few different snus and see how i get on with it.

    I am wondering though if i have made a mistake going for this box and if i should have started with the mini ones? I am really looking forward to trying snus and i have also ordered some Toque snuff aswell although i feel that i will prefer the snus more.

    So really i just want to know if the regular portions are going to be too much for and i have wasted my money or is it a good place for somebody to start? If i like the portions i plan to try some loose aswell.

    Also if there are other threads on here for new people or there is anything else i should know before i get my snus please let me know.

    I am glad to have found this forum, theres a stack of info for me to work through

    Thnx all Lee.

    P.S The box worked out quite a bit more expensive when all the different taxes were put on top, do all the sites charge those taxes?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to the forums!!

    That looks like a very reasonable tryout box of snus. Regular portions shouldn't be too much for you. Minis are really made with women in mind. They have a lower profile, and aren't as noticeable as regular portions are. There's nothing wrong with a guy using them, but it's not the primary market.

    You're from the UK? You guys have far more taxes than we do in the USA. I think there's a site or 2 that tries to circumvent the taxes, but they don't seem to be used much.


    • RobsanX
      • Aug 2008
      • 2030

      Welcome to the forums!

      I think you made a good choice there. I started last Aug. with a tryout box, and I've been hooked ever since. Regular size is the perfect size for someone trying to quit smoking.

      It looks like you have some regular, white, strong, and even one mini in there which is a great selection to get you started!

      Originally posted by Wallbanger
      P.S The box worked out quite a bit more expensive when all the different taxes were put on top, do all the sites charge those taxes?
      What country do you live in? There are folks here from all around the world that could help answer that question...


      • Wallbanger
        • Apr 2009
        • 43

        Hey Guys,

        thnx for the quick replys, yes there was one box that was minis and i thought this one was all regulars, it's good to know i went for the right box though i was getting a little worried i made a mistake. Im still trying to work out all of the different types.

        Im in the UK, after i picked the boxes it put on at least 2 different taxes maybe 3 including VAT and then it charged in USD so im not sure how good the conversion was. Actually i think i have that part of the invoice..

        Sub-Total: 23.15$
        Delivery: 8.59$
        Tobacco Tax: 10.34$
        EU Tax: 10.52$
        Discount: 0$
        Total: 52.6$

        Actually it was only 2 taxes from the look of it, Euro tax and Tobacco Tax

        It's still a great price when compared to cigarettes though so im not complaining

        Well thnx again my mind is at rest now with the regular portions and i can't wait to get it

        Cheers Lee.


        • hoss
          • Mar 2009
          • 93

          Hi & welcome!

          Like the other guys said you should be fine with regular portions. While there are some sterks and certain brands with more punch than average I don;t think the try out box has many of those. I can't believe there's almost 100% tax though!!! Ouch!


          • Wallbanger
            • Apr 2009
            • 43

            Im pretty sure when we buy normal cigarettes in the UK from newsagents/cornershops etc it's even more than 100%

            From what i hear they are raising the tax sharply on cigarettes over in the USA at the minute too right?



            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Wallbanger
              From what i hear they are raising the tax sharply on cigarettes over in the USA at the minute too right?

              Probably. They're always jacking up tax rates on tobacco :^( I do know that that loose cigarette tobacco just went through the roof. Assholes...

              for grammar


              • Wallbanger
                • Apr 2009
                • 43

                Ahh thats what i was thinking of! I knew they had increased the tax hugely on something to do with smoking recently.

                It just stinks...

                I saw quite a few blogs and videos on the matter.



                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Lee, welcome to Snuson.

                  I think you made the perfect choice!!! Mini's have their use, but are really limited in how much nicotine you get. As a smoker, not really what you are looking for. Regulars will show you just how much better snus s to smoking.

                  Now let me give you my patented, guaranteed to work method of quitting smoking with snus. many, many MANY people have followed my advice and quit smoking with snus.

                  Don't think about t.

                  Smoke if you want, don't if you don't want, but don't spend a minute worrying about it. the snus s sneaky, it will just slowly take over. I have posted many times, I never intended to quit. I just got snus to help carry me at work. But funny thing happened. I smoked less and less, and about a month later, simply quit buying cigarettes. Over that time, the snus just became my go to choice, the nicotine delivery is SO much better than smoking.

                  So don't stress it, do watr you feel lke and in a month or so, I guarantee you won't feel like smoking any more. The snus WILL win. It always does.

                  Now, be prepared for salt. Lots of it. first time snus users, that is pretty much all you will taste. give it time. Within a week, or two at most, your body will be used to the salt and you will no longer taste it. And f you hate a snus at first, set it aside and try again in a week. Snus taste are funny and will change on you, especially when you are new.

                  And Toque snuff too?? you are a man after my own heart. My other obsession, relative newby, I guess a few months now with it. think snuff and snus toge5her are just sublime. I seem have become one of Snuson chief pimps for snuff, especially Toque. Roderick posts here occasionally btw.

                  And welcome. :lol: :lol:


                  • Nicobuzz
                    Banned Users
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 144

                    Hi - I'm new here as well mate and I'm in London.

                    I've tried e-cigarettes and personally I think they're rubbish.
                    I've tried snuff and personally I think it's cr@p - very little buzz and it all migrates back down your nose again - disgusting.

                    Snus on the other hand has been a bit of a revelation for me though. There's a good hit if you want it, there are no nasty symptoms if you immediately change from Cigs to Snus and it tastes great.

                    I've only been snussing a week but I'm a big fan.

                    I disagree with the feeling that minis are mainly for women. I find that my ideal intake for nicotine from a portion is 5-6mg and in my line of work the portion needs to be discreet. If I ever feel the need for a bigger dose of nicotine which is only once a day in the evening I pop two minis in. I also feel that it is important to start with minis until you find your nicotine level and acclimatise as it doesn't do anybody any good when you're O.D'ing.

                    This is merely my opinion but I've tried Granit mini (poor) General mini (ok and a pleasant tobacco taste), Catch Eucalyptus (I know this is popular but I think it's cr@p, too rough on the gums and bugger all coming off it). The best ones for me on the minis are Mocca Mint (very very good - 5 stars) and Oomph 6mg (5 stars for me).

                    I have no desire yet to go up to the 8mg so the other guys would be able to advise better on the regular portions.

                    I was a 20 a day smoker until last week and I've worked out that I spent £170 a month on cigs at £5.75 ($8.45) a packet. I've worked out that I'll spend £50 a month on snus - that's a £120 ($176) a month saving for some very very good stuff.

                    I've only smoked one cigarette a day now, and I can see even that going altogether - that's simply amazing.


                    • Wallbanger
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 43

                      Thnx for all the advice guys, i feel a lot happier now and i am really looking forward to getting my hands on all this I will go along with it and see how it go's and if i think that i should have got minis to start with i can always freeze from what i have heard the stronger ones for later in time when i am use to Snus. I am thinking though i will be ok with the regulars, lets just see how it go's.

                      As for the ecigs being rubbish i too thought that but after a little experimenting i found an ecig that works head and shoulders above the rest and with the 36mg TW nicotine juice it really does give a good kick, the Snus though if i get on with it will be easier for me to use, i am a lorry driver at the minute and with ecigs there is more things you have to do like dripping juice on the atom, filling carts etc. I like the sound of Snus and Snuff as i can quite easily pop one in my mouth or sniff the snuff as i am driving along without having to stop and there is no messing about.

                      I am pretty sure i will still vape at home in the evenings but im hoping to just Snus and Snuff at work, of course there is a chance i will love this stuff and stop vapeing on an ecig ill just see how it go's

                      Thnx for the advice on not trying to quit, you have a very good point there and this is what i will do.

                      One last thing as for the salty taste, i love salt and things in brine so im thinking i may like this from the start

                      Thnx again for all the posts.

                      Cheers Lee.


                      • Nicobuzz
                        Banned Users
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 144

                        Don't let me influence you too much on the minis Lee - your Vitamin N needs might be more than mine.

                        I've just put in yet another order for 10 mocca minis and - don't laugh - 10 of those Happy Easters from Northerner/swedish-snus as they were on a substantial discount probably to counter the dodgy packaging. To counter that I bought a silver portion tin so I'll stick the Happy Easters in that.

                        I reckon that lot will last me at least 40 days.


                        • deebocools
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 661

                          3 established schools of thought:

                          1- start with minis until your body gets used to snus, and if you still feel like smoking alot, move up to regulars

                          2- use regular strength snus and still smoke if you want(the sage method). snus will eventually take over

                          3-throw the cigs in the garbage and keep regular and strong or extra strong snus on hand for your varying nicotine needs. alternately, use nasal snuff for the more immediate nic-hit like a cig.

                          so any of those may work for you- I'm certain one of them would work for anyone


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by Nicobuzz
                            Hi - I'm new here as well mate and I'm in London.

                            I've tried snuff and personally I think it's cr@p - very little buzz and it all migrates back down your nose again - disgusting.

                            My guess is that you are not doing it right then.

                            And no, snuff would never replace my nicotine from snus. But as an added "bump", I find it absolutely divine. It gives me this full body high from the nicotine for a few moments. And when I am feeling less than focused, it immediately snaps me back


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              Originally posted by deebocools
                              3-throw the cigs in the garbage and keep regular and strong or extra strong snus on hand for your varying nicotine needs. alternately, use nasal snuff for the more immediate nic-hit like a cig.
                              Welcome to the site, and don't sweat quitting smoking. I did it, and if I can do it, anyone can. I smoked 2 or more packs per day, and quit the day my first snus order came in, using the above method. Didn't use the snuff though...not my cup of tea.

                              Anyway, have fun and try different types of snus. If you want to stop smoking, you will with snus, but like I said earlier...don't sweat it.


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