Like many I have heard I learned about snus with the introduction of the camel brands in the American market. With this product I quite smoking but soon realized there had to be more out there. I noticed a can of tourney snus in a gas station one day and wasn't sure if it was the same concept. Several google searches and hours later I found this forum. I have since ordered a sampler geared toward new users and am enjoying it as I browse the forums. I have just a few questions that I could not find answers to. General consensus is that northerner and buysnus are the top two sites to purchase snus from. If there are any others I would like to check them out. Also it is somewhat overwhelming how many brands there are. Are there any to avoid that are just straight up nasty cheep crap? Final thought, are there any real differences to loose and portioned other than with loose you can choose what size pris you want to enjoy? I greatly appreciate you guys helping out all of us who are new to the world of snus.
Yet another new user
Welcome buddy. Swedish snus is fantastic. It's quite different from camel, so be prepared (salty and higher ph ammonia-ish smell). One of the best things to do is try a "try out box", which consists usually of 10 different snus brands. If you never tried the swedish snus, you can get a free tin of general white (one of the best snus imo) at, which is a US supplier. This way orders don't need to ship all the way from sweden. I use this site all the time. It doesn't have all the brands, but is good for me.
There are a lot of good guys that are much better qualified to answer you questions. I'm new to snus too...about a month or so now. Its great though, because I rarely have a cigarette anymore, and drastically cut back on nicotine intake. But I've really grown to enjoy snus, so wil contine.
Welcome to the forum.
Buysnus, The Northerner, and Getsnus are the big 3, it seems everybody else is connected to those three in some way.
Yes, it's easy to get overwhelmed. There are no bad snus, just ones you won't like. Even Offroad portions have fans. They are the one a lot of people dislike. Try 'em all but make up your own mind, we're all different.
Lös is a bit different than portions in that there seems to be less salt taste and the flavors come through come through a little slower, but if you like the portion version of something, you will probably like the lös. Again Offroad seems to be an exception. Several people love the lös and hate the portions.
buysnus and northener have the widest selection.
getsnus while not having a complete selection has the advantage of being here in the states.
getsnus just added some four can samplers.
I started out with getsnus and then went to northener for a wider selection.