Snus Review - Discreet snus

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  • sheilalynn
    • May 2009
    • 1103


    Originally posted by tobacco tom
    The ROOT BEER IS DONE and taste GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I got a teasing 3-word voicemail about it last week after hearing about it for a few weeks..."Rootbeer gooooooooood....bye!" Smartass, hehe :P


    • sheilalynn
      • May 2009
      • 1103

      Originally posted by Veganpunk
      I want in on some Root Beer!!! I also think Cherry would be a good idea. There's not any real good cheery snus out there.
      Whatever you do, don't try a can of the Klondike Cherry Blast snus...YUCK! Tastes like cherry cough syrup *gag*. Rather have a raspberry than a cherry snus myself though :wink:


      • paulwall9
        • Nov 2008
        • 743

        Rootbeer actually, sounds very tasty i am glad you are making such a variety of flavors Tom great work!


        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696

          Please think about making a clove flavor.
          Discreet seems like the perfect company to be the first to introduce this one.
          I think smokers or ex-smokers would really relate to this flavor.


          • RRK
            • Sep 2009
            • 926

            I just got my first taste of Discreet snus from getsnus, which I ordered about three days after I filled out the form on Tom's website. I can't say I'm getting much tobacco flavor but the strawberry flavor is very pleasant. I'm not getting any artificial sweetener aftertaste as some have said. I do think maybe the peach could be more to my taste if it is a little more subtle then the strawberry. I am interested in trying all the other non-mint flavors an since Tom is developing so many new flavors perhaps a flavor sampler containing all of the discreet and pro varieties should be made for sale.


            • paulwall9
              • Nov 2008
              • 743

              May I suggest, a cinnamon flavor but one that taste like Big Red, or Red hots a spicy cinnamon!


              • tobacco tom
                • May 2009
                • 47


                Cinnamon is in the hopper will let you know how we do


                • TheOneandOnly
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 616

                  One word Tom... WATERMELON! :shock:


                  • MojoQuestor
                    • Sep 2009
                    • 2344

                    Did my first bit of Discreet pushing last night at the gig. Noticed both of our friend/roadies smoke. One took a peppermint, but wasn't too excited. The other turned it down, but his wife (I think) took me up on a strawberry. Five minutes later I was watching her out of the corner of my eye and wondering if she'd spat it out yet. But no, she asked me where I got it. So I gave her the rest of the pack and told her about the web site, etc.

                    I would never offer snus to someone who wasn't obviously a well-established smoker (or dipper), but if it helps even one person, isn't it worth it?

                    The reason it's Discreet is because, while I like it, it's probably not something I'm going to do a whole lot of myself. But I can put the samples I got to good use, and spread the word as well. Heck, I might even buy more just so I can pass it out to da laydeez. Edit, adding: and it might be something accessible for snubies, and those who have tried US Camel.

                    And, I might change my tune about my own use once I sample grape, or pear, or root beer. . . .


                    • sagedil
                      • Nov 2007
                      • 7077

                      You will. Root Beer, first Discreet I could use all day.


                      • tobacco tom
                        • May 2009
                        • 47


                        I like that idea!!!


                        • BardicDruid
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 72

                          Oh, Cool

                          Just got my sample pack from Discreet, after having to suffer through a half a tin of Camel Snus, this is heaven.

                          I tried Generals Wintergreen and really liked it, but due to my job going to India money's gotten a little tight. So I thought if the Discreet can come close to the Generals I'll switch.

                          Well I like the discreet better than the General's and the pouch in the shirt pocket is a lot better than the can. So as soon as the next check comes in I'll be getting a 25 box of the Emerald Ice and Cool Mint.

                          Now there's talk of Root Beer, OH YEAH!!!!!!!


                          • ProudMarineDad
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 573

                            Re: Oh, Cool

                            Originally posted by BardicDruid
                            and the pouch in the shirt pocket is a lot better than the can. So as soon as the next check comes in I'll be getting a 25 box of the Emerald Ice and Cool Mint.

                            Now there's talk of Root Beer, OH YEAH!!!!!!!
                            Just be careful and don't pull the pouch out in a high falluting department store while asking one of snobby sales ladies where something is located. I did that last week thinking I was pulling a sales paper out to ask where something one was my wife and I were buying for my mom's birthday. Is it just me or does the pouch not look like a condom pack? The look of horror on that woman's face was priceless.

                            P.S. Sorry Tom


                            • desirexe
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 1170

                              I just got my samples today and have to agree with the majority here, the rootbeer is AWESOME, definitely a new favorite. The grape was also really good. However, if you are seeking a fake, candy grape flavor, you won't find it here...there's just too much tobacco flavor going on, which is a plus to me. The flavor that surprised me the most was the Juicy Orange. I wasn't expecting much but WOW, incredible tobacco and orange flavor! Add some vanilla to that and you would have a delicious creamsicle! I think Discreet has the right formula as far as flavor and tobacco which results in a sweet but not overly sweet snus. <--IMO, Camel does NOT have this formula down and by masking the natural flavor of tobacco, they have such a sweet snus that it makes me nauseous now! I guess my tastes have truly evolved because I started with Camel! Anyway, a huge thanks to Tom for the samples and I am now waiting for them to be for sale! Discreet really makes going to work a much easier task!


                              • desirexe
                                • Feb 2008
                                • 1170

                                Hey ProudMarineDad, perhaps the sales lady was shocked! If that pouch housed a condom, it would be one HUGE know what they say about big condoms...... :lol:


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