Snus Review - Discreet snus

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  • Badfish74
    • May 2009
    • 1035

    I am scared of Strawberry Snus... I have enough of an addiction already. Where can I get this stuff?
    I just did a google search for discreet snus, and entered my info on their site.

    Tom, the owner, who's a super nice guy, sent me a heap o' samples.

    I think considering their target audience, which I'm guessing is smokers who want a nic fix when they can't smoke, this is a decent product. It has a nice flavor, you still get a hint of tobacco flavor, and it's super convenient. My only gripe is that the portion material is a tad abrasive.

    Bearing in mind that this product is not for the hardcore snuser, it beats the pants off of US Camel any day IMHO.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Yesterday I tried an Emerald Ice Discreet Snus, and it had a stronger flavor, and is probably close to Camel Frost, which I've had but it's been a while. Quality wise it was similar to the Peach, and it had a decent flavor. I do agree it has too much of a portion material taste, and while the flavor was decent, being a mini, it rather died after 30mins. I could see these appealing more to women. Now as they are, I think they would be better if they were a full size portion comparable to Swedish regular portion sizes. I still don't understand the reluctance for an American company to try and replicate the Swedish Style.


      • ddandb
        • Mar 2009
        • 570

        I do like the Peach and Strawberry.

        When I wrote and asked about the nicotine content I was told it was 8.

        I did a search on Discreet Snus to see about buying some. A pouch of 10 is 3.99.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          $3.99? Now that is way too much for a little pouch of these minis. I could see $1.99. Would I personally buy these? Honestly, I don't think so. They are too small, and taste like wet portion bag after 20-30 mins. Will I use what I have, probably, now and then. I think I'll give some to my smoker buddy, who said they sounded good, when I explained them to him. If they were bigger fatter portions, and came 20 portions to a bag for $2.99, that might be decent. But still, I prefer Swedish Snus.


          • BuLLitz
            • Jun 2009
            • 180

            Originally posted by Ainkor
            Even though no one responded, if anyone wants to give any of the flavors a try, let me know via PM. I'll throw em in an envelope on to yas.
            I just received some samples of these in the mail. I received 2 packets of each of their flavors. I was quite surprised by the generosity... Perhaps it is their intent that I share with a friend or something.

            I have a 'friend of a friend' who is not only tired of smoking but tired of trying to quit. I can't think of someone more deserving. :-)


            • tobacco tom
              • May 2009
              • 47

              Hi Everybody I am the owner of ASTC , we are retailing @ 99 cents a zip bag send me aPM and I will get you the web site to get them at


              • ddandb
                • Mar 2009
                • 570

                Originally posted by tobacco tom
                Hi Everybody I am the owner of ASTC , we are retailing @ 99 cents a zip bag send me aPM and I will get you the web site to get them at
                That sounds better then the search I did. I all I ended up with was..



                • Badfish74
                  • May 2009
                  • 1035

                  Hi Everybody I am the owner of ASTC , we are retailing @ 99 cents a zip bag send me aPM and I will get you the web site to get them at
                  That's a steal! I told you guys, he's a super nice dude! 8)


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Fred Stoker has Discreet Snus for $1.10/pk $5.00/5 packs

                    catalog sales only, but you can request a catalouge on the web



                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985

                      I'd just like to see an American company try and replicate real Swedish style snus. It'd be so cool, if they would/could. Now I guess there is a market for US Camel and Discreet, and I guess they are ok/good for what they are, but I never see them listed in the top 5 snus list, cuz I think we here prefer real Swedish snus, so even on a business perspective, to make a product that meets the desire of the customers, why won't an American company try and make a real "Swedish Style" snus, like General, or Ettan, and have Regular Portion, White Portion, and Loose? I like the ziplock back, and no need for refridgidation, but this same packaging could be used for a 20-24 regular size portion, maybe $3 a packet, call it "Asgard Snus" Swede Style. I think we'd all be interested, and if it tasted comparable to General, Ettan, Grov, etc, we'd be lauding it.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by tom502
                        I'd just like to see an American company try and replicate real Swedish style snus. It'd be so cool...
                        They have tried. Marlboro even went so far as to say they "perfected" it.

                        but TRIED being the key word.


                        • tom502
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 8985

                          I will be a small company that ever gets it right. It seems to me, the big companies really don't want to.


                          • tobacco tom
                            • May 2009
                            • 47

                            THE WEB DISCREET SNUS

                            DISCREET SNUS and


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I have a smoker buddy who says he want's to quit. He bought a can of Camel Frost the other day, and told me he liked it. I'll pass on to him my samples of Discreet Snus, I think might like it more than me, who wants a more traditional taste and a bigger portion.


                              • ddandb
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 570

                                Re: THE WEB DISCREET SNUS

                                Originally posted by tobacco tom
                                5 packs of 10 pouches $4.99

                                That looks to be the first American snus that's even cheaper then the Swedish snus.

                                Finally I can get me some more peach and strawberry.

                                and if you like your mint this is sure better then Camel.. Taste and price wise.


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