Tom 502 ,I will be pouching during lunch so I need you address ,still want to here from your neighbor you can do the post for him ,Let us all know how I did
He's not my neighbor, but my buddy, and bandmate. he works outside in a car auction, and told me he likes the Discreet, and the zip-packs, and finds them easy to put in his pocket. He's still smoking though. I'll call him tonight and get enough info from him to write up a paragraph of a paraphrased review from him.
I sent my address through the PM the other day, but I'll do so again. Thanks.
I just realized what I did. I bought a couple packs of Discreet from GetSnus before Tom told me he was sending samples, and in my excitement I gave them away! I had one strawberry portion and gave the pack away :-(
I didn't even get a chance to finish the one strawberry portion I used - lunchtime impinged - but I do remember it being the very first snus that actually smelled great in the package.
I hoping the samples are in the mailbox when I go home for lunch, because I can't make another GetSnus order until Friday. I'm looking forward to trying some double-pack combos.
And, Tom, I'm desperately hoping for you to make some full-size Swedish-style. Put me on the list for samples of that!
Sure, but NOT in the Box Pass from Hell. I couldn't do that to the oh so very sweet Discreet snus.
But in both Box Pass I and the fixed Box I did for DD, I sent along some of the test snus I got from V2 and Patrick I still had. Of course I would send some of my snus that no one has had on a Box Pass, I'm just that kind of guy. :lol:
I started writing reviews/critiques when I started snusing, modifying the ratings and flavor critiques over time, accounting for my palate changes and...
I hate peach and tobacco....and don't get me started on apricot. They always end up musty, or perfumy or just rank. Chewing tobacco, snuff, whatever....
I began using snus in October of 2012 and gave up cigarettes in a month. I thought that my taste memory might be lacking as I prepared to order Swedish...