Snus Review - Discreet snus

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  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Thank you Tom for the free sample! I am trying the strawberry right now. Unfortunately I am very sensitive to artificial sweetener, so I don't think I can get into this.

    My wife is trying them too. She uses the four Wise/Oomph! brands exclusively, so she might convert to Discreet after she tries a few...


    • rowdymon
      • Aug 2009
      • 34

      I took advantage of this offer and boy howdy am I glad I did...

      Thus far I've tried the Emerald Ice and Peach flavors and truly enjoyed both of them. I'm going to take the package to my local convenience store and see if they would be willing to carry it. Since he's not getting my Copenhagen business anymore he might very well be willing to pick these up if I'll buy from him...and I will if he's got them


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Yay, another happy Discreeter. :lol:

        And mlkramer...patience my friend, your turn is coming soon, reason I asked for you addy. :wink:


        • derango1
          • Jul 2009
          • 46

          Ok. I've tried all the samples I was shipped now. Here's my opinion.

          Peach: Love it. Perfect for summer. Tastes ok with beer and most mixers but is awesome with any ice tea flavored anything. I ordered a couple of packs.

          Cool Mint: Love it. I enjoyed using it at work and my girlfriend digs the minty flavor. Just ordered 5 packets of this for work.

          Mini-Emerald Ice: Not bad. Spearmint is not my thing though.

          Strawberry: Strawberry? You don't say? It's like dessert. Pretty good stuff.

          Regular: Nope. Didn't care for it. Would prefer a Swedish style for the regular.

          Nicotine level: Acceptable across the board. I'd also like to see it upped on the mini's to 8 mg. I think if they were the large portions, the level would be just fine though.

          Amount of portions per bag is fine with me. The prices are on par, cheaper really, than general mini-mint and other competitors at 99 cents a pack.

          I think you've got a winner Tom.


          • gitchel
            • Mar 2009
            • 59

            It was great to find the Discreet samples in the mailbox. I've managed to try them all now.

            I was particularly interested in double-packing combos. It looks like the Peach - Ice and Strawberry - Mint are going to be favorites :-)

            So far, there are only two things I'm still getting used to. First, the Discreet portions are very predictable as to how long they last: 20 minutes. At first, I thought this would be a stopper, but then I remembered all the times I had to toss out a portion of General just when it was getting good. And I knew it was going to happen, since lunch or dinner was coming up soon. Now I know what to use when I know I only need 10 - 20 minutes of snus. Especially since they are flavorful enough to keep me from feeling hungry as I wait for the clock to tick away that last half hour before I get to eat.

            Also good to get me past any vending-machine urges.

            The only other thing I'm a bit hesitant about is the sweetener used in all the Discreet flavors. Though I can learn to ignore the usual aftertaste, it's actually important to me to know exactly which sweetener it is. Different artificial sweeteners can have different effects on my body. Some of them are just not pretty. I could tell you a story about a Walgreens that had a policy against letting customers use the restroom....!

            So, I wonder if Tom can give that much of his secret recipe away? And I wonder if he'd be willing to experiment with stuff like Agave or Stevia. It may seem strange that I'm willing to use tobacco, but careful about what chemicals I ingest, but it may make a difference for an old diabetic with a sometime-cranky lower digestive track and a blood-brain barrier like a sieve ;-)

            Otherwise, I have to applaud Discreet. Tasty, handy, effective and cheap. Can't beat that with a stick.

            Has anyone else tried the Peach-Mint combo?

            (Oh! .... P.S. I really do want to try an American-made Swedish type portion from Dicreet. Especially full-size portions. Put me down for that Tom! :-)


            • TheOneandOnly
              • Jun 2009
              • 616

              I have to say, the Apple is just awesome! Tastes like Apple Pie!

              The Pear is pretty good too, very similar to Apple but a less subtle taste.


              • Veganpunk
                • Jun 2009
                • 5381

                Yea, I love the apple. The Pear is good, but I like the peach better. Funny thing is I prefer real pears to real peaches.


                • sundog
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 311

                  Originally posted by gitchel
                  So far, there are only two things I'm still getting used to. First, the Discreet portions are very predictable as to how long they last: 20 minutes.
                  Has anyone else tried the Peach-Mint combo?
                  I find they last a bit longer that 20 minutes, more like 30 to 40 minutes. But that could be because sometimes I forget I have snus in my mouth. Must be concentrating on my job too much.

                  Yeah, I've tried the Peach-Mint combo. It's great and gives me twice the nicotine!
                  (I thought I was the only one weird enough to combine flavors. :lol: )


                  • sheilalynn
                    • May 2009
                    • 1103

                    Originally posted by sagedil
                    Tom, we all know that what is in test phase is just that, I doubt any of us expect it to be perfect yet.

                    Now what you have coming from Getsnus...PERFECT!!! :wink:
                    He does have the best batch of testers you could ask for in here, that's for sure :wink:


                    • zmanzero
                      • May 2009
                      • 766

                      Re: swidish

                      Originally posted by tobacco tom
                      Tom, ,Just got done a BIG difference in pouching it will probly be a different material for this type PLEASE disreguard the pouches . It is on the way
                      hey, tobacco tom. man, quit working your fingers to the bone for us, we love having you making this stuff and checking in, but you'll be pestered and prodded and probed and... hell, nevermind! this is big news, this first batch of the "swedish" snus you're developing. you da man!

                      i'm gonna throw in some 2 cents here -

                      the packaging, with 10 in each pack, is perfect. it fits in with the "Discreet" theme. 10 is enough to go through a movie and hitting a bar afterward. maybe shrink the pack to the size of a condom package. maybe a little bigger.

                      thanks for doing what you do. way cool.


                      • bakerbarber
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 1947

                        So I know the whole squad seems to have their pom poms out, but how many times a day are you guys using this stuff?

                        I'm convinced the fruit flavors I tried are spot on, but c'mon that full flavor makes me shudder.

                        I can appreciate the enthusiasm. Don't get me wrong. I can never see myself using this stuff more than two or three times a week.

                        So I guess that's where the genius is huh? A ten pack of dry mini portions should hold up well and isn't too much of a hit financially for a back up pack of snus.



                        • sagedil
                          • Nov 2007
                          • 7077

                          I am using between 4 and 5 a day. About every 4 hours. Just by then, I find the sweet fruit flavors make a nice break from all the regular Swedish snus.


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            COol cool.

                            I get it.

                            I personally really like salty savory style snus. Sometimes when I get overloaded on vitamin N I pop some sunflower seeds to satisfy my oral fixation.

                            I do see the role Discreet could play in peoples rotation.

                            I hope it succeeds and is around long term.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              I like salty savory style snus too. I just find the discreet is extremely effective in resetting my palate. I find without the Discreet, it gets a bit old, I enjoy it a bit less as the day wears on. Now with Discreet, I find I am loving my Swedish snus even more. My Retro is the prefect bridge snus too. For example, a heavily flavored snus isn't that good if I still have the taste of strawberry in my mouth. But Retro is perfect after strawberry as it is mild enough not to clash, and yet sets me up to dive back into whatever savory snus I am using that day.

                              So yeah, Discreet has weaseled it's way in record time into my whole overall snus routine. Big reason I am so vocal for it these days.


                              • chas
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 27

                                Got free samples last week. Good golly, Tom was generous with them, so I have been too. Smokers who normally balk at my snus offers have actually tried the Discreet, and accepted whole packs afterwards. The strong sweet fragrances seem to do the trick.

                                For me, peach is the gem of the bunch. It's just scrumptious. For minis, they are nice and strong. They seem to deliver pretty quick too, so they give me a nice little kick.

                                Posters here occasionally request compartmentalized portion tins, to carry a few snus varieties at once. Seems that empty Discreet packages could be reused that purpose. A few small foil ziplocs make a more convenient carry than cans. Might wanna rinse them to prevent flavor contamination.

                                That got me thinking, hmm, maybe some flavor bleeding wouldn't be so bad. A peachy Grov or a strawberry Retro sounded pretty good. Letting a Discreet peach and a Grov portion mingle for a while in the foil pack, turned the Grov into a nice little treat, without totally overpowering it. Same for the strawberry Retro. Another alternative to double barreling different Discreet flavors.


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